Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Can't you feel that sun a shinin ?

 Groundhog runnin’ by the country stream

This must be the day that all of my dreams come true
So happy just to be alive
Underneath the sky of blue
On this new morning, new morning
On this new morning with you  (Dylan)

Monday was certainly a new morning for the United States of America and you could feel it in the air...there was a scent of freshness in the bitter cold temps, optimism everywhere, there was a jovial lightheartedness amongst the Patriots that gathered in PC's to watch the inauguration. It's a long hard road ahead but the wheels of the Cadillac are back on the track , and we are heading in the right direction.

To the states that are digging in their heels over the deportation issue, you are taking a misguided stance and sending the wrong message to both the citizens of this country and the illegals aliens that call this country a temporary home. We are a nation of Laws and we have to follow those laws......if you feel a law is outdated , too harsh or soft or simply something we no longer value.....there is a path towards changing that.....and if the Congress changes the law it becomes our responsibility to respect and abide by that change. You do not get to wake up on Monday and say that you are not going to follow existing do not get to declare yourself a sanctuary city and harbor illegals from ICE.......Alabama does not get to declare that they will no longer accept the 13th Amendment and the Emancipation Proclamation and reinstate Slavery.........Utah does not get to deny women the right to vote .....and Conservative states were not allowed to ban abortions during the time of Roe v Wade. I am a big supporter of states rights.....i feel that certain laws can and should be decided by the citizens of that state.........speed limits, sports betting and even recreational marijuana should be left to the individual states.......but if someone in New Jersey smoke a joint and bets a few sheckles on the Jets to win the Super Bowl .......perhaps he should be sent to Bellevue for an exam , but another citizen in Arizona does not suffer the consequences of the gang green faithful........BUT.....immigration is a matter of National Security.....if we want to increase legal immigration and create easier pathways to citizenship, if we collectively decide to increase the number of seasonal be it.....but the days of the rouge states gesturing and posturing to protect criminals and appease their liberal base are over. I expect the POTUS to first go after the criminals and gangs and send them packing.....but he should also withhold ALL Federal $ to states that refuse to follow the law of the land.

This is going to be a fun 4 years........last night President Trump placed all federal DEI staff on immediate leave of absence with layoffs to follow........giddy up.....2+3=BEEEER......sing it Bob

So happy just to be alive
Underneath the sky of blue
On this new morning, new morning
On this new morning with you
New morning . . .

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