Wednesday, January 29, 2025

you got to

 Deep-six your wristwatch

you got to try and understand

the time it takes to capture , is just a movement of it's hand (Weir-Barlow)

John Perry Barlow called the above lyric part of the worst song he ever wrote, but he wanted to go on vacation and Bob Weir needed one more song for his studio album Ace.

Well i feel the same way about Deep Seek, the Chinese version of Chatbot;......bigger, better, faster, stronger, cheaper version of AI.....and complete Bullshit.

What happened the other other day was a complete overreaction to nonsense......the stockholders of Nividia, Palantir, Vistra etc etc had made sooo much dam money over the past 18 months, that they were itching for a reason to take some profits......and so when the Chinese firm made their outlandish claims, the willful idiots pounced......and so i was ready on Tuesday morning to go bargian hunting .....and i did........i bought more shares in all 3 .....and they all responded well......Thanks Bob.

any Republican that votes against Bobby Kennedy's nomination because of his prior stance/comments on abortion should resign immediately........this is the first person in my lifetime with any cloudt to call to call out Big Pharma, Big Agriculture and the FDA.........we are a fat, unhealthy country and something has to change.....we are way too reliant on prescription drugs and miracle is time tried a different approach......i don't care if he's batshit crazy, he is the right man for this job....

I ain't crazy, nor am I lazy I just want to find out what's right and what's wrong I ain't burnin, whole world keeps on turnin' I still tryin' to find out what's right and what's wrong I ain't crazy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I ain’t crazy nor am I lazy skejellefetti