Saturday, January 04, 2025

well the good old days

 may not return,

and the rocks may melt, 

and the sea may burn    (Tom Petty)

we are in a dark place here in America......a time of uncertainty and a lack of trust...and rightfully so.

Our elected officials and mammoth government are nothing more then a cesspool of condescending elitists...most feel it and believe it....others were taught to be this way....but their contempt for the rest of the nation is undeniable ......and something has to give.

The manifesto written by the Las Vegas bomber is out there and should be read, it is cause for alarm and concern......was he suffering from PTSD and having marital problems OR is that the easiest way to explain away his ramblings ? i don't know , but i must admit that when some 30 year black female on the local news says it's gut tells me it's probably's time we extricate ourselves off the Govt Dime of information and dig for our own truths.

interesting how the LGTQ-LMNOP shooter in Nashville wrote a long manifesto that has never been released......i guess they couldn't twist it to fit their hoped for narrative.

These miserable Diversity hires in New Orleans (Mayor-Police Chief-FBI lead) should sound the loudest alarm bells in the history of this nation.....their dismissive arrogance should send shockwaves through every community.....these people receive a healthy stipend from our taxpayers dollars and are tasked with keeping their city safe and to speak the truth when asked....if they can't or won't....they need to be replaced.........Hopefully the lawsuits that follow will be enough to bring New Orleans to it;s knees and FORCE change.

some say life, will beat you down

break your heart, steal your crown

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