Tuesday, November 17, 2009


i hope i am wrong , i hope my overly suspicious nature is working overtime for naught, i hope it's not a political game , a well calculated game to play with peoples lives to further the cause, but i doubt i am wrong.

Obama / Holder to charge Sheik Muhammad in NY Civilian court as opposed to military tribunal.

It first struck me as strange when i recd an text alert from 1010 wins while in Annapolis that Atty Gnrl Holder publicly stated the Govt would seek the death penalty for sheik muhammad.....why now ? why make that statement so soon ..that's odd for a nobel peace prize winner....unless of course he knows there is no way he can possibly win.....so what's his angle? was the govt trying to wrestle the focus of the story away from the fact that they are NOT being tried in Military Tribunals or trying to submerge the fact that they WERE being held in NYC?...those very important facts are not lost on me.

well first of all , you can't say he's a typical liberal or soft on crime....no sir, obama went for the jugular..literally.....if he wins the trial and muhammad is executed, further proof that he got the job done.

secondly , even if they win the trial , there is no chance of getting the death penalty, or at the very least the execution will delayed in the courts until long after this administration is on the book tour.

the trial ? every liberal lawyer in the nation will line up to subpoena a multitude of characters from the evil Bush administration ...especially Cheney...to humiliate them as torturers and have all the evidence thrown out for waterboarding and anything else they may admit under oath.....the trial will be an extended , and globally reported indictment of the previous administration.....good stuff for team obama.......and if the case is lost or dismissed it's not holder or barry's fault, it's that dam prior administration.....muhammad goes free or serves 20 years in a fed prison, obama apologizes to the world for the bushies, and tells the American public that he tried to bring a criminal to justice but was hampered by the despicable acts of Cheney & Co....peace prize intact...all is well in barry's world.

The pretrial hearings on admissable evidence will have the world wondering just whom is on trial....holder already said he will go after the CIA & FBI , but now he won't have to....just like obama....somebody else will do the dirty work for them.

at he very least , it is a media circus , played out on the streets of manhattan, for all the world to see, maybe even another attack.....more fuel to the "IT's BUSHs Fault" fire that obama is burning......a win-win for his team......i hope none of my readers are killed when the shoe drops....I wonder how many new recruits al-queda will win with this circus trial on the evening news all over the world.

possible outcomes.....

conviction & execution = WE did it...MY administration gained justice for the 9/11 families. The saddest truth is even if we win the trial , we loose...the international attention and platform afforded these confessed murderers receive will do unspeakable harm for generations to come....cameras in the court room holder promises....cameras in the court room..
aquittal = dam bush....but it won't happen again because my guys give miranda rights to EVERYONE.....another peace prize?

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