Friday, December 27, 2019

“Lookout your window baby,

there’s a scene you’d like to catch
The band is playing “Dixie,” a man got his hand outstretched
Could be the Führer
Could be the local priest
You know sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace“ (Dylan)

Et tu New Jersey devils ?  In a downright nauseating scene, that lefty lib skier; blonde haired & blue eyed  Lindsey vonn ( who is still pretty hot) proposed to her boyfriend.....nj devil defenseman P.K. Suban  ( a 6 ft 220lb “literal” Canadian....yes puns intended) and she gave him an engagement ring and he has agreed to wear it.....society is doomed for a plethora of reasons...multiple choice, pick your favorite.....asked about the wedding Lindsey said 
 I don't feel safe in this world no more
I don't want to die in a nuclear war
I want to sail away to a distant shore .......and .........................( kinks fans please fill in the missing lyric)

My advice for Lindsey and hockey’s version of Patrick Ewing ?

Well, the howling wolf will howl tonight, the king snake will crawl
Trees that’ve stood for a thousand years suddenly will fall
Wanna get married? Do it now
Tomorrow all activity will cease
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Shilelagh law

Nobody caught the moment better than this.....if you have never heard or YouTube it....Christmas in New York by Shilelagh Law

There's snow in the air Winter is here
The wind is blowin'
Nights are so clear
There's presents to wrap and cards to send.
It's Christmas in New York again
There's somebody singing a holiday song
You pick up the tune and start singin' along
You learned the words some time way back when.
It's Christmas in New York again
Fancy store windows and millions of lights
Downtown in December, what a fabulous sight
You spin round and round try to take it all in.
It's Christmas in New York again
As you gather around the table with everyone
You feel that something has been left undone
The tree is all trimmed,
your shopping is through
but, there's one last thing you still have to do.
It's Christmas Eve,
11 p.m.
You walk down to the church and you quietly go in
Kneel down in the last pew,
right on the aisle and say
God I know that its been a while
Can you do me a favor on this Christmas Eve
Can you send out some blessings to people for me
You know these last few months have been kind of tough
And we can all use a little love
So bless New York's finest, our angels in blue
Giving us hope and helping us through
And bless New York's bravest,
the FDNY,
giving their sweat and their tears and their lives
And bless all the medics and our troops overseas
Bless the guys in the hard hats removing debris
Bless the everyday people who answer the call
Bless those who gave some and those who gave all
And bless all the souls who left us this year
You may be gone but you'll always be here
Singing and dancing with family and friends
It's Christmas in New York again
And there's snow in the air
Winter is here
The wind is blowin'
The nights are so clear
There's presents to wrap and cards to send
It's Christmas in New York again

Thursday, December 19, 2019

One great ride

From start to end , I’d like to take that ride again. (Hunter)

That of course was Robert Hunter pinning for the Festival on Wheels train trek across Canada with the Dead, the Band , Janis Joplin and friends......but it came to mind this morning while I watched with bemusement the MTA boars hearings as they were disrupted by protesters......apparently enforcing fare collection is a way to criminalize black and brown people....who knew......and although communities like Morningside heights are DEMANDING cops patrol the park where the BARD student was murdered by a knife wielding 13 year old, those same communities are furious that Andrew “evil eyes” cuomo plans to add 500 cops to patrol the one mid twenties white hipster shouted “ free fares, no cops “ suggestion to the millennials that share his irrational sentiment is to take your case to the TWA Union and see if their members are willing to work for free and give up their salaries so obamanation can ride for free.

Let’s see if my MTA friends are really reading this blog

Might as well, might as well.....never had such a good time in my life before!

Monday, December 16, 2019

I’ll tell you where the four winds sleep

Like four lean hounds, the lighthouse keep”

In the spirit of full disclosure I must admit that I was NOT onboard with the draft day trade for Eli.... I fully admit that as a Wolfpack fan I wanted David Rivers.... I thought the hype around Eli was unwarranted and more the product of his last name.....but he sure won me over quickly and not just by winning Super Bowls.... I became a supporter and ardent defender of Eli after the classless attacks on his leadership by two career “me first miscreants” tiki barber and Jeremy shockey.....I waited for the scathing rebuttal from Eli that never came.....and then I realized we had someone special, someone with thick skin and mature and confident enough to let his play be his rebuttal....even without those 2 magic seasons he would be in my Hall of Fame....a team player, standup citizen, a father and family man, a breath of fresh air in the midst of the decline of the league into a den of thuggery.......but how about those two seasons.....the nfc title game in Lambeau is still my favorite game of my life.......the miracle passes and catches by Tyree and Mannigham .....the battle in the slosh of Candlestick Park.........Eli won most of us over.....he was a QB you could be proud to have lead your organization......he took personal responsibility for the firing of Coach Coughlin and that is a quality I don’t think we may ever see again, God Bless you Eli and Thanks for the memories....including his post game speech yesterday when he took full advantage of the situation and slyly ended his speech by saying “I’ll see everyone Wednesday “ ( giving his teammates 2 days off.....classic)

 Wildflower seed in the sand and wind
May the four winds blow you home again”

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Americ'a Game

soak it in America, for nobody knows how long it will last....but for this day at least you will get to see the future of our Military do battle on the grid iron....and when the gun sounds around 7:00 tonight it won't matter what the giant scoreboard says....America will be the winner.

Here's to hoping that both sides stay healthy and play up to their best ability and leave it all ON THE FIELD.

That being said I firmly believe that The Black Knights are NO MATCH for the Machine that is NAVY......we have a balanced attack , we will utilize the fullback up the gut....our passing game is better than Army and our QB should have been ivited to the Heisman dinner....Malcolm Perry is Legit...….our defense is the best it has been in 10 plus years.....we have 2 losses on the season , both to top 15 ranked teams....notre dame and Memphis...…..Army is mediocre...…..lay the 10 1/2 ...its an early Christmas gift.....alas...I have been wrong before.

Friday, December 13, 2019

yes i received you letter yesterday....just b4 the doorknob broke

when you asked me how I was doing ……….was that some kind of Joke ?  ( b. Dylan)

I ask myself over and'd it happen so swiftly,,,,,,,i have seen years of allegiance to sports teams torn apart in less than a year by a scumbag owner, a slew of douchebag players, a new miserable arena of dreams...all of the above...….but sport is entertainment…..a sideshow distraction....important....but not as important as nation, God and Country...….how the fuck in the course of one lifetime not fully extended has this country turned so much.....I was born in the Glorious year of 1965......Our nation was Whole ( as far as i'm told)….I grew up admiring the Men of WWII.....and was baptized into the hell of Viet Nam and praying that my Brothers wouldn't have to go......and then joining myself.....I honestly haven't really feared for myself too much in this life....( and i suppose I should wonder why) …..but I do fear and obsess and worry about everyone else...….maybe the alcohol numbs my senses when it comes to self worry.....I have gleefully or drunkenly ...placed myself into some very dangerous situations with nary a 2nd thought...but always fear doom and gloom for everyone around me......I loose sleep at night worrying about my animals...even though St Frank is watching over them..... ….but I can't understand how MY Country is so fucked up....I never thought this was possible....I am not an extremist....I LOVE the United States of America....I want us to continue to be the Best at EVERYTHING...…..sports, music, military, space exploration, finance, name it....and I don't care who is personally responsible for our W's.....white, black, assian , imported rican, whatever …..if you are AMERICAN, I consider you part of the  team......just because I am more comfortable intermingling with similar folks, doesn't mean I have a bone to pick with folks who aint like me....we used to be and still should be...AMERICAN....but there is a large segment of the population that not only isn't Proud of our Past....but they are embarrassed and ashamed of our Greatness ….and nobody will ever get me to see that...…….you want to change the world ? go ahead and want to tear down everything that Makes US Great because you don't agree with the past ? go fuck yourself...… the scholar of the year 2150 I tell you...…… 2019 there is NOT a divide between Race …...but there is a DIVIDE between Economic Ideology...….Between Capitalits and Personal
Accountability...……...and the Communist/Socialist youth that are afraid of competition and want the blanket of government to keep everyone warm...…….the end is near...…..tell future generations of the brilliant Canine Matteau Matteau that authors this blog....

right now I can't read so good.....don't send me no more letters, no
not unless you mail them, from....Desolation Row"

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

you take my hand, i'll take your hand

together we may get away ( n.young)

there is a real and serious threat to our nation and with all great empires we will be toppled from within....the media right now as I see it is by far the biggest threat to our democracy......approximately 18 hours ago on the streets of Jersey City there was a shootout that left 1 police officer, 3 civilians and 2 scumbags dead...…...Our Prayers go out to Detective Seals, a married father of 5 ; and to the 3 innocent bystanders......the media thus far has not released a name, nationality or description of the 2 scumbags....Yet...YET.....they have rushed to declare this an attack on jewish people ( because the bodega they ended up taking their last stand was Kosher)……...why has the media hijacked this story ? why are they all controlling the narrative....why don't we know if these scumbags were white, black or Hispanic ? or dare I suspect....illegal immigrants ?  the concerted effort to hide information is what stirs the anger of the people, it leads to rise of conspiracy theories and ultimately revolutions and civil wars...….are they washing their hands and scrubbing the social media pages of the 2 dead scumbags...afraid that the truth will hurt the national narrative ? ? it's not the beginning of the end....we are knee deep in the waters that will drowned us.

"this much madness is too much sorrow.
it's impossible to make it today "  ( down by the river)

Friday, December 06, 2019

Sand jiggs

That’s all they are..... Saudi scum.......very disappointed to learn of the shooting at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola this morning....that being the base I took my final bow and exited stage left from the United States 🇺🇸 Navy....I think I lived on that base for the last 60 days I was in the Navy as I awaited my paperwork and official discharge.... that’s where I met ole Alvarez ( he was from nearby Panama City.......I had no duties or reporting structure, I was technically “InTransit” as they called it Jack Nicholson said in the last I basically woke up, showered, swam or shot hoops all morning and waited for them to open the base club every afternoon at 2:00 , where I would proceed to drink everything I could get my hands on until closing time....... I met a lot of nice people in’s a great Navy town.....I hope the scumbag that opened fire is burning in hell as we speak.

Monday, December 02, 2019

lord i'd see you

one more time again (j.taylor)

it's possible that no sadder lyric exists ……..James Taylor in Fire n Rain conveys what certainly we all have felt at one time or another....or multiple times.... that you always think there will be one more time too see each other and explain, or confess or make peace....but life...or more accurately Death...has other intentions...…..i'm grateful for the times that I understood the moment and God forbid made my feelings known...…...and i'm distraught for the times I did never know...or rarely know...when is the last time you will see a Friend, or even a Spouse or Sibling...….no need to be a Mush....just give them a hearty handshake,,,,or a Hug.....or a kiss for members of the opposite sex. ……...time can be the enemy....much to my surprise as we round the corner and see ,
that life has not just begun but nears the end , and leaves are falling from the tree, the brown , orange and red......they fall to the ground.....they are dead...…...