Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The lunatic is in the hall

 The lunatics are in my hall.

The paper holds their folded faces to the floor

And every day the paper boy brings more. ( R.Waters-Pink Floyd)

as august lies dying in the ditch of this dry scorched earth, i ask myself when it will end, where is the respite? i don't see it, i no longer believe it. the seemingly never-ending struggle to get through this month and breath again is tiring. i'm tired of the news, tired of the weather, tired of my memory. i trust nothing and nobody...i'm tired of the whole box of rain.

And if the cloud bursts thunder in your ear

You shout and no one seems to hear

And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes

I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

Friday, August 26, 2022

all that i am asking for

 is ten gold dollars,

and i could pay you back with one good hand ( Hunter-Garcia)

but what is the card player did not have to pay back his loan? 

what's wrong with bidens plan to forgive student loans? i don't have all day, how about someone/anyone explaining what's right with the plan. but seriously though lets cherry pick the most egregious elements of this plan. today let's talk legality and motive.

First of all it seems to be an illegal use of powers. At best and overreach by worst a bribe paid to a narrow group of voters where POTUS is lacking support....says who ? well ultimately the SCOTUS will decide, but for starters both Nancy Pelosi and Biden were quoted on record in 2021 as stating the President does NOT have the power to do this.

 So how and why did he? the white house is trying to piggyback on the heroes act in the aftermath of 2001 that gave the POTUS very limited power to forgive debt in time of national crisis.

what national crisis? remember that is the same pandemic that POTUS declared victory over back on July 4th 2021. covid is such a current crisis that the Fed Govt has stopped buying vaccines...stopped trying to enforce illegal mask mandates or shutting down classrooms. Fauci is retiring and the CDC is apologizing for getting EVERYTHING wrong from the outset.

at a time where (according to the white house) our economy is booming.... unemployment is at record low and inflation is roaring so much that the Fed has been raising rates at record why are college graduates seemingly unable to find a job and pay back their legal obligation? well, they're not.

so this clearly seems to be a violation of our election rules...this is a bribe....biden has no support from 20-30 year olds and so he is giving them between $10 and $20K in the hopes that they will return the favor at the polls.

I have talked tirelessly about the socialists trying to take down our Capitalist economy and throw the country into economic and social chaos, so they can in turn impose their will on the people .... well one little nugget in this bill that nobody is talking about yet. There is a provision that caps that amount of the monthly/yearly payments on the remaining loans a student must pay.....5% of your gross income...and after 10 years the balance is forgiven. This is a clear incentive to earn little or NO money for 10 years, so you do NOT have to pay anything back...this is a message to work off the books and or continue to live in your parents''s all part of the socialist playbook

if and when this gets to SCOTUS it will be interesting to hear the Govts case.....i don't have to point out the unfairness of this policy but maybe tomorrow we'll highlight some examples.

Everybody's bragging and drinking that wine
I can tell the Queen of Diamonds by the way she shine
Come to Daddy on an inside straight
I got no chance of losing this time
No, I got no chance of losing this time

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Way to go Leonard

 These refs are doing a heck of a job ( Hank Stram)

The great Lenny Dawson has passed away at the age of 87……he was my first “Favorite “ player….I immediately gravitated to the Chiefs, and remain a loyal member of the Chief Kingdom today….thanks for the memories.

a week before Super Bowl IV the FBI leaked that Lenny was part of a gambling investigation.....sound familiar....they said his phone # was found in the possession a Detroit gambler also named Dawson but not related...........Lenny said the guy called him to offer condolences when Lenny's Dad died earlier that year.........NBC news ran with the story and Roselle had to issue a statement saying there was no reason to suspend got so bad that Nixon called his buddy Hank Stram and said tell Lenny he shouldn't be worried, the DOJ is not investigating him................Leonard went on to Matriculate the ball down the field expertly and Crush the Lief Erikson Vikings and like magic....the allegations disappeared........i wonder if this story will appear in his obits that are being wirtten across the Nation today ? he was a Great Man.....the NFL lost a true legend.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Look outside the window

There's a woman being grabbed
They've dragged her to the bushes
And now she's being stabbed ( Phil Ochs)

do Black Lives Matter ?

no, not least not to most blacks.

case in point.....last Saturday at 5:00 am a 52-year-old black man Kutin Gyimah was driving his cab in midtown. He picked up 5 black teenagers and drove them to Far Rockaway. They refused to pay their fare and instead tried to rob him, (guess he had something they wanted, money, and in today's society you just take what you want) so he chased after them, they circled him and beat him to death and left him to bleed out on the street. He was a married father of 4 young girls (8,7,5 and 3 yrs old) , he worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to provide for his family and now in a flash he was gone...and the widowed mother of 4 ? what becomes of their family dynamic? without a loving father, a mentor and the structure of a nuclear family..what chance do these 4 girls have in a fucking slimepit that is new york city ?

the killers ? two 20 year old men....a 15 year old girl, a 13 year old girl and an unidentified young girl....i suppose that is what Gyimahs little daughters can look forward to......13 year old HO's hanging with 20 year old men at 5:00 a.m. in midtown.

one week later.....other than a press release and some hot air from mayor adams we have nothing....the Taxi & Limousine commission setup a Go Fund me page.

Where is the Black Outrage?

Where are the Marches across the bridges?

Where is Black Lives Matter handing over a check?

Where are the protests outside the homes of the Killers parents?

Where are the know it all , little jewish princesses from long island ? the ones who took the LIRR into manhattan to protest for sleepy floyd ? 

nowhere to be found......makes you wonder, if a crime does not have a white male symbol of authority to blame...did it really happen at all ?

weds a savage career criminal, a sex offender on lifelong probation; sucker punched a 52-year-old stranger on the Grand Concourse, the victim is still in a coma and may not survive.

Police immediately made an arrest as they had crystal clear video of the attack and charged Van Phu Bui with attempted murder.

the Bronx DA's office lowered the charges and the attacker was released on zero bail.

The NY Post and National media went on a full court press with non stop playing of the horrific video.

Friday that filthy Kunt Kathy Hochul held a press conference and tried to take credit for the re arrest of Bui, she said  ( I swear to God) that New Yorkers need to know that it was because of her personal interest in the case that this vile scumbag was incarcerated a second time....what she failed to mention was that it was also her direct involvement in bail reform that set this menace to society and thousands of others just like him free without bail in the first place. if the state of NY elects this Kunt in November then they all deserve to be sucker punched or raped on the grand Concourse.

but more begs the question....if the video didn't exist, would anyone care? 

And I'm sure

It wouldn't interest anybody

Outside of a small circle of friends

Sunday, August 14, 2022

all the merry little elves

can go hang themselves

 My faith is as cold as can be

I'm stacked high to the roof and I'm not without proof

If you don't believe me, come see (Dylan Hucks' tune)

tough week for the 11209....some days are just harder than others to make sense of it all.......the last of the of the rare familiar faces you could count on running into when you were back in the Ridge has left this time i pass the Dog i may not even look inside.... whom would i expect to see anyway? unless visitors are in town for a service ...the last time i saw him he promised to attend Sweater Nite 25...i may have to bring a photo and plant it somewhere, just to fulfill that promise.... rest easy Z.

The game's gotten old, the deck's gone cold
I'm gonna have to put you down for a while

Saturday, August 13, 2022

like a fool i mixed them

 An’ it strangled up my mind

An’ now people just get uglier
An’ I have no sense of time (Dylan)

if you look in the mirror and are honest with cannot accept or believe anything the FBI says.
The FBI has lost its way, they have become the criminals they supposedly pursue.
Perhaps after decades of tracking mafiosos and counterfeiters they have subconsciously adopted their illegal traits. They are a wing of the progressive left, they are on the endangered species list , and they know it. They are fearful that their days are numbered should Donald Trump be elected president again and they will sell their mothers soul to stop that from happening.

Is their goal to plant nuclear classified documents in Mar a Lago and then imprison or execute Mr. Trump? perhaps.

But in blocking his lawyers from witnessing/observing the search, they immediately call into question the validity of anything they say they found. This organization has lied to the American public, lied to FISA Judges, entrapped members of then Presidents Trump staff and wiretapped the candidates place or business/residence......all while ignoring the offenses of Hilary Server Clinton. Sandy Documents in his pants Berger and Hunter chose your grievance Biden.

allow me to take these concerns to the greatest far-fetched is it for the FBI/Democrat party to Execute Trump, outlaw private guns and use the military to capture all firearms and imprison their owners , and join hands with the Chinese Communist Party to squash any rebellion on the Continental United States?  That's been a theme throughout man's existence on earth,,,,,passed down through the centuries a corrupt system of class.....of haves and have nots.....don't ever forget that the less than 250 years of American Independence is but a tiny blip on the map of thousands of years of totalitarianism throughout Europe, Africa and Asia. There is an inherent evil in those that wish to control others......there is a reason Batman, Superman and even Underdog had to stop someone from ruling the world every week.....becuase the threat is real.....and those cartoons are probably banned by now. The Chinese are the modern day Dr Evil......they have bought and sold our politicians and our country....our willing participants in their takeover will someday learn that they too are fodder....but alas it will be too late.

Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again

Friday, August 12, 2022

spent a little time on the mountain

Spent a little time on the hill

Things went down we don't understand

but I think in time we will 

Now I don't know but I been told

in the heat of the sun a man died of cold

Do we keep on coming or stand and wait

with the sun so dark and the hour so late? (Hunter-Garcia) 

in the early morning hours we learn of the passing of a good friend. too soon to make sense of it, as if we ever could anyway......just sharing this sad news and asking anyone who reads this to keep Steven Z and his family & friends in your prayers.

One way or another
One way or another
One way or another
this darkness got to give

Thursday, August 11, 2022

all the years combine

 they melt into a dream (Garcia-Hunter)

a friend relayed a classic story last night....he was in Clavins yesterday making arrangements for his Mom, and as it so often does when people from 11209 are chatting...the conversation turned to Dano......the funeral director told a story about having a few libations in a Bayridge watering hole and it just so happened that Dano was doing the same....after nodding at each other from across the bar for a while the Woodman approached.....and said ....." Hey Clavin, what are you doing ? sizing me up ? ......just remember, half size should mean half price "   as only Dano could...busting chops on a funeral director......your wit and wisdom are missed something fierce

And when you hear that song

come crying like the wind

it seems like all this life

was just a dream

Stella Blue

Monday, August 08, 2022

down in the street there is violence

 And a lots of work to be done

No place to hang out our washing
And I can't blame all on the sun, oh no (Eddy Grant)

a massive inflation bill will be headed to the POTUS desk this includes a govt rebate for electric vehicles.... let's look at the economics and then the social problems with electric vehicles.
a recent study showed it takes approximately 7 1/2 years to break even on an electric car...that is the $$ you save by not buying gas, verse the higher cost of the vehicle....problem is this does not factor in the cost of using electricity to charge your vehicle....spoiler alert...electricity is NOT the Govt is pushing to have charging stations installed everywhere....but again they will not be giving away the electricity, they will be selling it to consumer....another very serious problem with this is our current electric grid and it's capabilities......everytime the temps hit 90, CON ED and other utilities are talking about rolling brownouts and how people should avoid running appliances in the mid day because of the high demand that Air Conditioners put on the system....(in Spain it is now against the Law to run an AC below about progress) so can you imagine adding a few hundred thousand or 5 or 6 million electric vehicles into the equation ? 
but let's move in make believe land , where electricity is free, it still takes 7 1/2 years to break you start to pocket all that gas $$......the lifeline of an electric vehicle battery is currently 10 in 2 1/2 years it's time for a new electric comes the social hypocrisy part.....what becomes of the old car / battery ?  landfills? these batteries can not be recycled or used again, so what do we do with 100, 200, 300 million huge dead batteries every year or so as Americans turn over to new electric vehicles?  crickets from the left.
now the silly part....60% of our current electricity comes from FOSSIL FUELS (20% fm Nuclear and 20% from renewables) in reality, while that new electric car is zipping around NY, San Francisco or LA and not smoggin up the streets...and everyone is patting themselves on the back .....somewhere in the suburbs a huge power plant is burning coal to generate that precious electricity under the one earth policy, this is a net zero benefit.....cleaner air temporarily in the cities, same expense to the planet....but just like the homeless problems....the demonrats say, out of sight out of mind.
Phil Mushnick raised a good point yesterday.....with USC and UCLA now added to the BIG 10 , and annual flights to California for all of Rutgers sports teams to play conf games...where is the outrage from the student body climate police?
We gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
And then we'll take it higher
Oh we gonna rock down to Electric Avenue
And then we'll take it higher

Friday, August 05, 2022

I turn and walk away

 then I come 'round again

It looks as though tomorrow I'll do pretty much the same. (Hunter-Garcia)

that's the problem with our Democracy.....4 year terms and the pendulum policies swinging back and forth with the changing of the guards....we can not survive with two parties only concerned with disagreeing with each other and driving the country as fast furiously as possible in the opposite direction of their predecessor .....we have to, HAVE to find common ground and leave our foreign policy stagnant/consistent. Our enemies should never see opportunity when we change presidents or ruling parties.

obama gave up 5 al queda terrorists for a fucking traitorous scumbag named bergdahl....because he too is moslem and could empathize with this douchebag.

clueless joe is about to trade the Merchant of Death, Viktor Bout; for a wnba player arrested in russia for drug possession (that she does not deny) oh and she black...oh and she's a lesbo......and of course he wants to include some white males Americans being held in Russian Gulags to show this is not black-athlete privilege......sad thing is that prior to spoony griner getting arrested the State Dept wouldn't even respond to the families of other Americans in Russian prison......but old Joe stepped and called the dykes wife to ensure she knew he was on the case.

here is my plan B......have the NYPD arrest about 50 russian diplomats in manhattan today and plant a few fentanyl pills on them....have a trial that night and sentence them to death by hanging......then lets see what putin has to say.

but we have become a pussy international laughing stock......and endangered species......and as Ronnie Van Zandt would say....."lord take me in mind before that comes"

Ten years ago, I walked this street my dreams were riding tall
Tonight I would be thankful Lord, for any dream at all.
Some folks would be happy just to have one dream come true
But everything you gather is just more that you can lose.

Thursday, August 04, 2022

Go right to the source and ask the horse

 He'll give you the answer that you'll endorse

He's always on a steady course.

Talk to Mister Ed!   (Livingston/evans)

olde horse face murphy, the scumbag gov of the gardenless state is now asking for suggestions about what NJ should do with the leftover 1 billion dollars in Federal covid aid his state received. i did not go to Oxford (not even for happy hour) but how about you return any unused funds from a crisis to the source.......GIVE IT BACK you miserable, no, no......let's turn it into a popularity game and ask the public for suggestions.....that's exactly what bored, uber rich folks do with other people's hard earned silly games and try to buy their way ....not into heaven, but at least out of hell........this hay eater has stolen $$ his whole life working for that whore house Goldman Sachs....and now he feels guilty......not guilty enough to write his own check.....but guilty enough to write a check from your account to buy a sliver of forgiveness. I pray that he burns in hell with all the other liberal chameleons.....spoiler alert, we already know the $$ is going to help illegal immigrants...those law breakers are the only one's worthy of Federal benevolence according to mister ed.

People yakkity-yak a streak
And waste your time of day,
but Mister Ed will never speak
Unless he has something to say! 

Monday, August 01, 2022

i ain't often right

 but ive never been wrong,

it seldom turns out the way it does in a song (Hunter-Garcia)

i owe my confidence in writing and my personal style to the author Jack kerouac....sure I read Hemmingway and Salinger, Hunter S  and other unique voices, but in the end, it was Jack and the reading of On the Road that launched my own writing career. My never ending search for humor and inspiration in everyday life, a door or window to something else.... my desire to not set THE record straight.....but to set MY record straight///and it has been one of the joys of my life.......BUT

The single biggest influence on my life is without Question Jerry Garcia. Jerry has been with me basically every step of the way, every day, for as long as i choose to remember. The one constant in my life. I learned early on in life that were two types of Music....the Grateful Dead....and....everything else. It's an acquired tatse, that is for Jerry himself said once when trying to explain Deadheads to an interviewer......."we're like licorice  .....not everyone likes licorice, but those who do....REALLY like Licorice".

He has provided the soundtrack to my life....i can't remember a day that i have not listened to at least one song of Jerry....wherever the road takes me, the music of the Grateful Dead follows me. ..( Classic Bumper sticker from the late 70's read: Who are the Grateful Dead ? and why do they keep following me ? ) ..and so today on this drizzly Monday morning, on what would have been Jerry's 80th Birthday,  i will repair to Club Gato......i will pack a cooler of Beer, i will grill steaks and listen to the Music of Jerry Garcia ALL Day and into the Night.....he has been gone an unfathomable 27 years and yet is still alive and well in this Deadheads Universe. I don't think he ever understood how many people his music influenced, but then again; maybe it was that understanding that weighed so heavily on him...who knows, who is a day of begins what has been come to be known as the DAYS BETWEEN......his birthday of Aug 1 and his untimely departure Aug 9........for everything in between I echo the thoughts of millions......we will survive.

Once in a while

you get shown the light

in the strangest of places

if you look at it right