Sunday, June 28, 2020

somebody got murdered

goodbye....for keeps....forever (The Clash)

70 shootings this week in the 5 boroughs ( that we know of) and the body count keeps rising.
So to is the chorus to defund or abolish the Police and absolutely remove them from the schools.

In an ironic twist that is so juicy the mainstream media forgot to report it, the City council in Minneapolis ( the folks that are in the process of ABOLISHING their Police Dept)  have hired a PRIVATE security detail to protect them from what they say are death threats. Let that sink in...….the people that are  insisting the rest of their city DO NOT need Police....have in fact hired PRIVATE police for themselves on the taxpayers dime...…...kind of like ol Green new Deal Deblasio being chauvered in an SUV by a Police security detail everyday from Gracie Mansion to the his old Gym in Prospect Park...…...say it with me HYPOCRISY.

in an interview that CBS NY had the balls to air....the Head of the Union for the NYPD school safety unit stated that 90% of their members are Black or Brown and that 70% of them are women. He went on to say that the teachers safety will be jeapordized by removing his officers from the NYC school system and he would not be surprised if a good deal of them quit...……..the union President btw is a Black Male...….you would think all of the networks would love to interview a man of color , a man who has risen through the ranks and is the President of a law enforcement union.....but that doesn't really fit the narrative.

I will leave you with some good news tho…….after a dust up with a crow in the backyard ( Matteau Matteau actually had the bird between his paws before he flew away) Matteau seemed to hurt his front leg......but he went to the VET and passed his physical with flying colors......although it seems he has put on a few pounds since his annual checkup in March.....we'll chalk that up to quarantine poundage....

This is how I spend my days
I came to bury, not to raise
I'll drink my fill and sleep alone
I play in blood, but not my own  ( Dylan ) 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

the town that Billy Sunday could NOT shut down

Chicago....Chicago...….my kinda town. (Sinatra)

wow, that was fast.....21 people shot over the last 24 hours in NYC...… peaceful citizen was washing his car in broad daylight in Da Bronx when a "bad apple" walked up to him and shot him in the head ( caught on surveillance camera, great stuff)……...for some strange reason the news stations didn't release the names of any of the people shot … are we supposed to make posters and placards ? how are we supposed to "SAY THEIR NAME" ……..why didn't abc or cbs interview any of the grieving widows, mammy's or baby mamas of the dearly departed ? didn't any of these shooters get the message that Black Lives Matter ? do we need to have more marches ? do we need to break some ore store windows ?

in a truly ironic twist......the guy who fell asleep at the drive through in atlanta….the husband of the year and dad of 3 who grabbed the cops taser and pointed it him while resisting arrest …..well it turns out he had a 29 year old WHITE girlfriend …….and SHE is the one that burned down Wendy's in the aftermath of his fatal shooting …...can't make that up.

back to NYC.....Mayor debozio says he will put more "resources" into conflict mediation in Crown Heights, Canarsie and Jamiaca Queens...……..sometimes the quote itself is so humorous that I don't have to add any flavor...….thanks Bill.

as Ralph Kiner would is fathers day , so to all you Dads out there "Happy Birthday"

Oh come on
Baby don't you wanna go
Come on
Baby don't you wanna go
Back to that same old place
Sweet home Chicago

Friday, June 19, 2020

when the rain is blowing in your face

And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love  ( Dylan) ^ I oft times live in the past and reflect on significant dates, events, months etc from a prior time.....I daydream and mentally travel back in time and can clearly recall what I was doing, what I was feeling , even what I was drinking 5, 10, 50 years's a blessing and sometimes a curse. ^ this being June, I tend to recall the most dramatic 2 junes of my life.....1985 and June Carter, not the 2nd one.....we'll get to that. ^ each morning at Boot Camp we were roused out of bed at 5:30 and had about 90 seconds to be fully dressed in the uniform of the day and get out on the grinder in formation (the Grinder.. that's where we marched, and marched and marched). And each morning while we were forced to stand at attention without flinching for a few minutes, we would stare straight ahead into the abyss....or in this case at a row of bushes before a chain link fence and a dirt embankment that rose about 5 feet high and there sat the "railroad tracks"...……...and every fucking morning  we stood there , a prisoner of Uncle Sam, stripped of our liberty, unable to make even the simplest of choices ( like when and what to eat or when to go to bed or get up) a programmed robot.....molded and brainwashed....but the one thing they couldn't take away was our ability to think...…..i don't know what my fellow meatheads were thinking as you wouldn't dare speak or confide with anyone.....but i remember every morning approx. 5:37 or 5:38 the Roar from the North...…..the ground would shake...….and a silver bullet train would fly by on those tracks......and i knew where that train was headed. ^ for 10 or 15 seconds as that train roared by it became to loud to hear the drill inspector barking commands so even they would take a respite from their never ending spew...….and i would do the math in my head ….( ive been here 8 days....i have to be here i have 48 to go etc etc) and I would tell myself that I would survive....i would get by.....and when i did ?  I would be on the motherfucking train for CHICAGO...…..and the beer would be cold and flowing...….and the closer i got to the end.....the wider my grin....and that warm embrace that Dylan sings of ? i could feel it engulfing me. ^ it matters of course what's happening in the world today....the hopelessness and despair that is being spewed at us on a daily a drill instructor reminding you that are pathetic and a prisoner....but as Dylan also said.....let me forget about today until tomorrow...…….me ? i'm not burrying my head in the sand.....I do watch the news and read the paper and worry about my white male nephews and great nephews and their children....and all of my friends and their children and grandchildren...some serious shit out there......BUT.....i also wait for that train.....usually now around 2:15 (thanks to work from home)….and that Roar is usually the Grateful Dead or Mr Dylan on the Stereo.....and i have that cold refreshing glass of beer in my hand.....and i sit in the yard and i dream.....and for a few seconds i can't even hear the work computer chiming or beeping or whatever the fuckin noise it makes...….i live for those 10 or 15 seconds...……..we'll talk about that other June tomorrow. ^ The storms are raging on the rollin’ sea
And on the highway of regret

The winds of change are blowing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing like me yet

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


in a juvie facility....must serve 6 months.....that was the incredibly harsh sentence handed down to the 14 year old BLACK male that stabbed WHITE college student  Tess Majors to death in Morningside park...…..I wonder if BLM will chant her name ? they can't chant his because it was sealed because of his age...…...all this on the heels of the NYPD dismantling their undercover unit......the NYPD will no longer be proactively preventing crime but rather showing up on the scene to take a report after a crime has been committed...…..hello Chicago, here we come.

I am curious.....when Rashard brooks passed out drunk behind the wheel of his car while idling in the drive through of Wendy's …...who called 911 and why ?...…..was it a fellow African American waiting for their chicken sandwhich at 11:00 at night ?  Why didn't the Community handle this ? why didn't the concerned citizen in the next car approach the sleeping Brooks and knock on his window ? perhaps they were afraid to approach this man , but why call the Cops to do their dirty work and encounter this drunk ? we all know the answer.....I think it's time we start making the 911 calls and the person that calls in the "emergency" public......let's see the BRAVE protestors who hide behind their cellphones and call the Cops when someone passes a funny looking $20 bill .

I can't help but here Cheap Trick playing over and over in my head.

But don't give yourself away
But don't give yourself away

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

They used to grow food in Kansas

Now they want to grow it on the moon and eat it raw ( Dylan)

I can see the headline from 2030 now.......Navy rushing attack too much for the drone like defense of the Space Force Academy as the squids roll through the 18th round of the ncaa eternal playoffs....For the Midshippeople it’s on to the University formerly known as Clemson ( now known as the Stymie Buckwheat Woke Academy) and for the space Force ?? It will be a long , quiet flight back to MARS to regroup for next year.

Thursday, June 04, 2020

Lot of water under the bridge, lot of other stuff too

don't get up gentlemen, im only passing through. (Dylan)

wanna know why there were no protests, marches, outrage and looting when college student Tessa Major was mugged and stabbed to death by 4 black teens in Morningside park ?

Because it's a pretty common occurrence...….sad yes......shocking no...…...remember the outrage when they tried to shame the dead girl by saying she was trying to buy weed ? me neither.

wanna know why cities like NY and Chicago and Los Angeles got so worked up over a man being mudered ( yes, murdered) by a Police officer in Minnesota ?  because it's so rare......the media unwittingly admits how rare it is when they recount 2 other cases this year of blacks being killed by whites , not even cops...just white people ( Arboury and that other girl who's name I cant even bother to look up)

Truth is anyone who saw the video of George Floyds death should be and was outraged, anyone who grew up in Brooklyn has also had a run in with a scumbag Cop, they exist and they are not all racists....some of them are just scumbags ( hardened by the job perhaps or just born that way). some of them are nasty bullies to everyone they encounter.

Truth also is that anyone who abides by the law ,and follows the norms and mores of society; appreciates, needs and defends the men and women of our Police Departments...…..without them we do not have a country.

I was arrested years ago for assault...…..while handcuffed an Imported Rican female Cop got in my face and was spitting with anger...she told me "this ain't the wild west, you can't go around beating up your neighbor" ….she was very tough with me in handcuffs and 5 male cops standing behind up......I was extremely know what I said in response ?  not a fuckin word.....because even in a drunken state I knew better......I was under arrest....and what do you do while under arrest ? you comply with the arresting officer and nothing else...…….

I went to a school that had the motto "The Truth shall set you free"'s true, I was exonerated of all charges ( no contest actually)…...but the big X should amend that quote...…."the Truth and a Very Expensive Lawyer shall set you free"......that was 15K I will never get back, but worth every penny…….point is start drinking early everyday and wash yer fucking hands...…...sorry I forgot that Corona Virus is Old news...………..speaking of that...true the 3rd race yesterday at Belmont.....PRIONER beat FAUCI by 2 lengths.....let's hope that a sign of things to come.

People are crazy and times are strange
I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range
I used to care, but things have changed

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

the enemy i see

wears a cloak of decency ( Dylan)

in the last 48 hours....two religious leaders have turned to the media to condemn the President of the United States for visiting religious sites under their purview. The both apparently can see into the Presidents heart and have the ability and the right to JUDGE his actions and motives...….impressive. Maybe, just maybe Mariann Budde ( the Diocesan Bishop for the Episcopal Church ) and Daniel Gregory ( the roman Catholic Arch Bishop of Washington) should use their powers to see into the hearts of the protestors and identify the few bad apples that are really there to loot Sneakers and Cell Phones.....that would be a great help to the Police...…...OR maybe just maybe they should be in the streets stopping those rascal bad apples from setting their churches on fire , maybe they should go the heart of the protest and share Jesus word instead of sitting on the couch, watching TV and being a Tuesday morning QB on social media.

maybe just maybe this is why so many people....myself included....have walked away from organized corrupts....we know this....the message of God is no corrupts, twists and uses the word of God to improve their own station...…the Catholic church has forever had it's hand out and in your pocket...….read the bible, follow the 10 Commandments and just live a good life.....try to make a positive impact on society......and try not to be a negative impact...…'s okay to Hate the Islanders, but don't hate your fellow can dislike those that have harmed you, but get your blood pressure up over people you have never met and probably never will...….and if it's all too confusing...….listen to the words of Tom Waits

Cause jesus gonna be here
Gonna be here soon
Well I've got to keep myself
I've keep myself faithful
And you know that I've been so good
Except for drinking
But he knew that I would
When I'm gonna leave this place better
Than the way I found that it was
And jesus gonna be here
He gonna be here soon

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

oh, what did you see my blue eyed son

Oh, what did you see, my darling young one?
I saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it
I saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it
I saw a black branch with blood that kept drippin’
I saw a room full of men with their hammers a-bleedin’
I saw a white ladder all covered with water
I saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken
I saw guns and sharp swords in the hands of young children
And it’s a hard, and it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard
And it’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall   the seeds of revolution / civil war have bloomed. I know now for certain that this nation will never be united , it must be divided. There will never be harmony , there has to be a separation between the 2 main opposites....not black & white...….conservative and won't be easy will rise and one will fall into decay and ultimately they will clash.....and ultimately one will destroy the other.....if Russia and China were smart they would attack us tonight....we will never come together again...… you honestly think a business owner who was forced to shut down by the government for 3 months , pushed to the brink of bankruptcy and now when a sliver of light appears on the horizon....a group of protestors destroy your store, your building, steal your merchandise because they can and because the same govt that shut you down appeases THEM and the Police can not be you think that business owner will ever be united with those that destroyed him ?    # Hindsightis2020   I wonder if I can get a trademark on that hashtag ?