Saturday, February 26, 2022

There's a lone soldier on the cross

 smoke pourin’ out of a boxcar door

You didn’t know it, you didn’t think it could be done, in the final end he won the wars
After losin’ every battle  (Dylan)

some incredible and inspiring stories coming out of the rubble in the Ukraine. Exhibit A, Snake Island......a tiny island in the Black Sea inhabited by Ukranian border guards...not hardened professional soldiers....more civilian-like...think Coast Guard....13 men were manning their post on Thursday when a Russian Warship approached and advised the 13 to lay down their weapons and surrender to avoid death..... The Radio response from the island is the stuff from which legends and republics are born.

"Russian Warship......Go FUCK Yourself"

the island was bombed , the 13 were Killed, but it gives the world a window into the soul of these Ukranian countrymen....ready, willing and able to die rather than live life under the Russian thumb of oppression........when you compare these men to the worthless cowards in afghanistan that we spent billions of dollars preparing for a civil war against the rag tag taliban , it can make you cry. THESE people deserve our undying support.....but instead we pass meaningless sanctions......and we continue to buy fucking oil from Russia every day, and we are still talking about sitting at the table with Russian murderers to work on a nuclear deal with Iran.....we are an embarrassment to ourselves, as a nation we should hang our heads in shame...Biden had a chance for a real international win here and he blew it, he could have rallied the West and put such financial stress on Russia that they would have to stop....he should have given a speech directly to the Russian Public, he should have told the parents of the Russian soldiers that Putin was leading their children to HELL with an unlawful invasion of their peaceful cousins in the Ukraine, and that their children in his armies will NEVER be able to wipe the stains of murder OFF their souls ...and for what? Putins' legacy? . ..biden is more concerned about staying green and avoiding high gas prices at home than he is about human beings laying down their lives to slaughter with a yearning to stay free......we have lost our may be time for the Good Lord to wipe us off the map. We used to be the beacon for the free world to aspire, we are NOT.....we are an irrelevant sissy nation. 

The other day i outlined two simple steps that the USA could take that would make a serious impact on this outrageous i will repeat

Stop Buying Russian oil, turn our pipelines back on, grant permits for fracking and drilling on Federal land to make up the shortfall for the oil we are no longer getting from russia.

Kick Russia off SWIFT thus making it impossible for any nation to continue to buy or sell anything to/from Russia........Moscow will revolt on Putin in 72 hours and bring an end to this war.

instead, we put silly sanctions that do nothing....and we created carve outs to avoid the sanctions.....for instance...the sanctions do not apply to Italian leather goods ......seriously.... guess who demanded that? the miserable gindaloons are more concerned with  selling Gucci bags to Russian Oligarchs than they are with Ukranians being slaughtered in the streets......the world should remember that the next time Italy is occupied and crying for help.

I think Putin thought Zelensky would flee to Poland and the west in a Helicopter the minute the first bullets flew.....and then the Ukranian army and citizens would lay down their weapons and watch the Russian tanks roll down main street without resistance.....BUT he has NOT......he is still posting videos from the streets of the capital despite the USA offering him a safe exit ( we suck)......he has vowed to fight to the death........and quite frankly i am not sure Putin planned for this........what now ?  destroy the city with firepower while the world watches?  and if he captures or kills Zelensky , what then? he doesn't seem to want to occupy the country forever but rather he wanted to chase the govt and then install his own puppet (like Belarus) ...if he destroys the cities , he owns that ...and they will have to pay to rebuild....that costs $$......and if Zelensky becomes a martyr, the citizens of Ukraine will never willfully accept being under Russian if he keeps Russian troops there the guerilla warfare they face will never stop...ever.........despite the overwhelming superiority of their weapons and troop numbers, the russians may well be painted into a's not too late for the West to help , but don't hold your breath/

Idiot wind, blowing through the flowers on your tomb
Blowing through the curtains in your room
Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth
You’re an idiot, babe
It’s a wonder that you still know how to breathe

Friday, February 25, 2022

oh, the leaves began to fallin

 And the seas began to part

And the people that confronted him were many

And he was told but these few words which opened up his heart
“If ye cannot bring good news, then don’t bring any” (Dylan)

the wicked messenger and all the news that's fit to suppress ...anyone and everyone in this country should be paying attention to this attack in Ukraine and should be very nervous

As the rest of us are watching the slaughter in the march to Kyiv ...our comrades back in Moscow are being told that the Russian forces are being mobilized to Denazify the breakaway Republics within the Ukraine and protect the freedom of those that wish to leave and join the USSR.,,,,it's 2022...the world is on the brink of war and the truth is being blocked from millions of russians. One can only hope that in this day of technology they have access to the truth.....but that begets the question ....the truth according to whom ?  what if the technology guards ever collaborated to silence the inconvenient truths? or dare i suggest even block the accounts of those who speak against their agendas......maybe a major newspaper or even a politician ......spoiler reminder.....Twitter and facebook blocked the NY Post and President Trump in the month before the election because they didn't want the truth to come out about Hunter Crackhead and his technicolor laptop. 

meanwhile in Bejing as Ping Pong readies his armies for the takeover of Taiwan, the Chinese TV accidentally posted the guidelines for covering the story in the Ukraine....Yes friends the communist govt is telling the media which stories to cover and how to cover them......seems they want russia to repay the favor when they inevitably invade Tapei .

off topic slightly but worth repeating....because who knows....all tapes and accounts of this event maybe erased as we speak...during the 2012 Presidential debate.....Sen Romney (whom i despise) was asked who the biggest Geopolitical threat to America was and he  answered which obama, the smug condescending piece of indonesian shit replied "Senator, the 1980's called and they want their foreign policy back"....and the elites giggled like high school girls at his zinger.......wonder if any network has the stones to call obama out today ? yeah, well, forget it.

Until one day he just appeared
With a note in his hand which read
“The soles of my feet, I swear they’re burning”

Thursday, February 24, 2022

This is how i spend my days

I came to bury not to praise
I`ll drink my fill and sleep alone

I pay in blood, but not my own  (Dylan)

well i try each day before i sit at my computer to find humor and to put on a happy face.....nobody wants to be preached at first thing in the morning, so when i have nothing good to say i at least try to just stick to the facts and leave the harping off to the side.

The much-anticipated invasion of Ukraine  is in full swing......innocent people are being slaughtered by the bushel by the ruthless Putin Regime....obviously he did not heed the nasally warning of our Vice President in Germany on Saturday.....obviously he wasn't swayed by the threat of sanctions ( we went after small banks and did NOT ban them from access to the SWIFT international wire system....toothless) .... obviously he wasn't too concerned with the fractured or unified NATO response........and Gigi Ping Pong is watching....and Taiwan is nervous..........we abandoned Afghanistan in such haste that we didn't bother to evacuate our own citizens....does anyone believe we are going to stand for freedom for someone else?

just curious....did sleepy joe say anything about the US not buying Russian oil? about 600,000 barrels a day from Putin..... in case you missed it, and i did.....our once oil independent nation is now importing oil from Russia and giving them the $$ and the confidence to invade their about today's big speech we say our pipelines are back online and Fracking is permitted on ALL Federal lands and Russia and her friends are blocked from SWIFT ........yeah well...i doubt that will happen.

Another political pumping out his piss
Another ragged beggar blowin’ ya a kiss
Life is short and it don’t last long
They`ll hang you in the morning and sing ya a song

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

the sky was yellow, and the sun was blue

 Strangers stoppin' strangers just to shake their hand

Everybody's playing in the heart of gold band, heart of gold band (Hunter-Garcia)

shortly after sundown Sunday evening, as his chauffeur driven limousine (toyota camry) made its way over the outer bridge crossing; the President of Sweater Nite sent a one-word text to the kremlin via a back-channel secret account. "Chickpeas" . This was the agreed upon password to alert Vladimir Putin that the closing ceremonies of Sweater Nite XXIV had gone off without a hitch and that our fearless leader was back on Garden State soil. Putin wasted no time and giving the green light for the tanks to start rolling on Donetsk.....ahh but if you read the Blog last month you already knew this.

excerpt from the Blog Post Jan 27

let's start with some good news.....I sent a telegram to Putin last week and told him i was concerned that his planned incursion into the Ukraine might overshadow Sweater we got out our date books and i suggested that the much-anticipated invasion would be best suited for the week of Feb 21-25....he raised his chalice of Vodka and shouted "Nastrovika" ( a traditional Bayridge Polish-Russian toast) and so it was the days following Sweater Nite , sometime after Bobby Microwave and One2Many have played their encore....and the Hightides have put away the drum kit , that the russian tanks could crawl closer to Kiev.....ahhhh diplomacy.

This is just further proof that everything you need to know about the world around you can be found on this blog........SN XXIV was a Huge success....possibly our largest turnout ever......Rangers won...iceladies lost......the planet keeps spinning..........sincere Thank You to everyone who came out and supported the Liev .........a rock n roll palace and holder of soo many memories......i think everyone had a Grand Time , i know i did......onwards to the Gala 25th Annual....buckle up.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

strong words

 some things require no embellishment or interpretations, this is an excerpt from a letter the Canadian Clergy sent to Prime MINIATURE Trudea .

"Your government does not grant people the right to their bodily integrity, the right to work or earn a living, the right to decide for their children or to be with their families or dying loved ones, the right to gather to worship and obey God, the right to travel in their own land or enter and leave. Civil government exists to protect these pre-political and fundamental freedoms, not bestow and remove them as if it can function in the place of God." 

There is no national emergency and to invoke one to crush peaceful political dissent is a totalitarian act of repression displaying weakness not strength,

Mr. Trudeau, with great respect, you are neither the king nor the ruler of Canada. Both you and your colleagues are public servants sent for a short time to Parliament at our behest as citizens to govern under God in terms of the Canadian Charter and to seek a harmony of public legal interest. You do not grant people rights and responsibilities that are theirs as God’s image-bearers and a free people. Since you do not grant them, you have no authority to remove them. 

We implore you to step back from the brink, restore the constitutional freedoms of the people, respect the God-given rights of our citizenry and above all to humble yourself and take a knee before Christ the King lest you perish in the way. We urge you to repent of the sins of pride, rebellion against God, and bearing false witness. You have not displayed a brotherly care and love for these honest hard-working people who have tried to peacefully bring their very serious concerns to your attention.

don't look for this on the American media......this letter and the footage of Mounted Police trampling the demonstrators will not be shown by ABC, CBS etc etc

Friday, February 18, 2022

am i the only one here tonight

 Shakin' my head and thinkin' somethin' ain't right

Is it just me? Am I losin' my mind?

Am I standin' on the edge of the end of time?

Am I the only one? Tell me I'm not

Who thinks they're takin' all the good we got

And turnin' it bad, hell, I'll be damned

I think I'm turnin' into my old man  ( Aaron Lewis)

Great song by Aaron Lewis, thanks to Steve Mac for sharing with me......give it a listen, good stuff.

observations from the Bean Post window:

just some thoughts and observations and possible conspiracy theories.........outrageous? Yes, but less far fethced with each passing day.

The hellbent attempt to bankrupt this country.

i refuse to believe that this administration is that stupid or incompetent, there has to be a reason or long term objective behind their actions.......inflation is raging, the national debt is soaring , for two years people were paid to stay home, employers can't find workers and yet the Government still wants to have another round of stimulus checks.....still wants to pass the build back better plan and still publicly states that they can spend their way out of inflation ......why ?

Socialism doesn't happen overnight.....a free capitalist society like ours will not go to sleep on monday an independent nation and wake up Tuesday a socialist dictatorship........change like that takes time and you need the masses on your you make everyday life as miserable, hopeless and unaffordable as possible.....inflation takes your paycheck and the only way you survive is with the financial crumbs the GOVT gives you every month...a person will never bite the hand that feeds them.....if the demonrats keep handing out small checks ( not life changing sums, just enough to stay afloat) the masses become dependent on that form of Govt and will be reluctant to vote them need villains......Big Oil is the problem today, you ban fracking, ban pipelines, give away our oil independence, and when gas prices inevitably go through the roof , well you convince the average Joe that these BIG Corporations are swimming in profits and gouging the American public.....  and soon after we have rate hikes you will hear Bernie and AOC blame the banks for your suffering ( never mind that the FED Reserve dictates the rates and while we were at 0% interest for years the big Govt encouraged average Joe's to borrow more....borrow $$ for college (don't let someone crush your dreams) , Borrow $$ for that luxury gas guzzling  SUV ( you deserve it), take a big mortage and buy that home, go on vacation and put it on Visa ......and when the rates rise and the avg guy can't keep up with his bills .....well....get the pitchforks and go after the Banks that gave you the dam credit card. (Remember occupy Wall Street? that was when the Professors with tenure convinced the students that they should be mad at the banks that loaned them the $$ for tuition and NOT the Institutions that were charging 40K a year for room and board and classes taught by Teacher's assistants). And the Govt ? well we are so far in national debt that we have to start cutting welfare, unemployment and everything else because we are bankrupt too, just like you

So now you have a broke, desperate, miserable public and they are conditioned to believe it's the dam banks and big oil companies that are the problem. And a federal Govt that claims bankruptcy too and can no longer give you any monthly stipends.......and so they suggest that the Federal Govt Nationalize those two industries for the GOOD of the Nation...and once they are nationalized, we will cap gasoline at $2 a gallon and forgive most of your credit card debt ........gee ? where do i sign up ? sounds good to me.

And once the Government takes control with your blessing they can basically call any shot they want, and you will comply...what choice do you have?  who's next?  Nationalize Medicine? already in the works.....take over the media? yeah well they are 90% there.......and just like that we are Venezuela ...adios amigos

Mask mandates in Schools.

Why?  despite all the evidence to the contrary; are the teachers Union and the demonrats going full court press on keeping school kids in masks? As every other bad govt decision goes to the sidelines, this one digs in. Why are they willing to fall on their swords for masks that don't work? and only in schools? (nobody at the super bowl wore a mask and nobody cared) Because they are grooming our children to be submissive and just do what the government tells matter how stupid..the kids i grew up with challenged authority at every step of the way....we broke every fucking rule there was....we pushed back for the sake of pushing back (even if we didn't really care about the rule)...if a teacher said A , we said B... we drank beer and smoked pot in the fuckin schoolyard in broad daylight during the week and we didn't give a shit about the punishments..i didn't really develop a respect for law enforcement until the guys i grew up with became Cops......but this new generation of people who are conditioned accept what they are sheep......don't question or push back, they just go with the flow and rat out their classmates if they have a birthday party without masks.

just some food for thought on a friday....again...nobody could be as stupid and incompetent as there must be something else going on.

Am I the only one not brainwashed?

Makin' my way through the land of the lost

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

radio silence

 in the days before sweater nite , i think it best to maintain radio silence.....i know Brandon and the NSA would love to get a hold of the details for XXIV , but loose lips sink ships.......FUCK JOE BIDEN.

Friday, February 11, 2022

superbowl prognostication

 Rooting for the Bengals.......but I think the Rams win.


that Defensive line of the Rams against the Bengals Achilles heel offensive line.

but it's going to be super hot in LA....possibly the hottest SB  gametime temp ever (surpassing Dolphins-Redskins 1 at the LA Coliseum in 73)  so maybe if the Bengals hang close, the Rams d will wilt in the heat. I think it could come down to one final drive for Cincy, a chance to win or force OT maybe....and it will be their line desperately trying to hold off Aaron Donald and that pass rush.....i think Donald prevails....Rams 24-20.

If the Bengals are to win, i think it will be because they will be able to keep the pass rush on its heels with a heavy dose of running , and that deadly quick out to Jamar Chase.........if Joe Mixon can turn one or two 10 yard gains into 40 or 50 yard TD's....he might even steal the MVP at a robust 3500-1..........but again, my heart is looking for ways the Bengalis can win, but my head is saying Rams.

i will just be wishing on my #'s in a few high dollar pools.....good luck to everyone, and let's pray the beeeeer is cold everywhere.

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration

 Aggravation, humiliation, obligation to our nation

Ball of confusion
Oh yeah, that's what the world is today
Woo, hey, hey  (temptations)

50 plus years later the Temptations are still spot on, the earth is a BALL OF CONFUSION.
As blue states like NY and NJ suddenly come to the realization that masks mandates do more harm than good, the White house and Randi Weingarten double down and hide behind the CDC.

As the ladies of the view still blame President Trump for not taking the pandemic serious in the beginning, they conveniently ignore Nancy Pelosi's famous visit to SF Chinatown to declare everything is OK here and encouraging people to come on down.
Fentanyl streaming across our open border in Texas , Drug overdose deaths increased for EVERY demographic last year.....over 100,000 deaths in 2021 alone......the Biden administration, under the guise of racial equity; is sending "smoking kits" that include Crack pipes to inner cities.(look it up) 
As Canadian Truckers peacefully protest the vaccine mandates, the MSM instead listens to old black face Trudeau who calls them Nazi's and his administration even displayed an anti-semitic flyer they say the found amongst the truckers.......a closer look reveals it was for a rally 2 years prior in Miami.........CNN also accused the Truckers of flying confederate flags ......ask yourself, why would Canadian Truckers fly flags from the American civil war ? ( maybe CNN just forgot to update the script they used against the Jan 6th Capitol remember those, that's when white female veteran Ashley Babbit was shot to death by a black man hiding behind a barricade, he felt so threatened that he reached through a barricaded door to shoot her in the neck and was quickly absolved of any wrongdoing without a trial.
As the average man is chastised and portrayed as a selfish killer for not wearing 3 masks and swim goggles.....Politicians ( Newsome, the mayors of LA and SF) are partying maskless and posing for photos with immune compromised Magic Johnson.......and that fat slob, the black version of basement Bertha (Bill Gallo cartoons) stacey abrams is seen as the only maskless person , surrounded by white students wearing be fair to the kids, i would wear a mask around abrams too.
and back to my favorite punching bag Neil Young.....after failing to get Joe Rogan fired for interviewing people with differing opinions than Neil, and then trying with old tapes of Rogan using the N word. (Sambo)...on the heels of this comes and old interview Mr Young did with Melody Maker in the 80's in the early days of AIDS when he said he didn't want FAGGOTS behind the register handling his potato's, because gay people were spreading AIDS to he is telling Spotify workers to Quit THEIR jobs and join HIS protest...........yeah well, glass house and all that stuff.

a/o last night GIVESENDGO had raised over 6.5 million for the Canadian Truckers, and then an Ottawa court issued an injunction that said the Truckers can't blow their horns for 10 days ...huh?  and step-n-fetch it trudeau is still trying to demonize the truckers....this after hailing the George Floyd arsonist movement and peaceful and necessary......give me the Temptations and a morning cocktail.

side note....honorable eggroll highly recommends Canadian sitcom LetterKenny .....and i agree .... funniest show i have seen in 25 years.....i immediately ordered the first 8 seasons on DVD......definitely worth checking out if you like beeeeer, hockey and wordplay....

Evolution, revolution, gun control, sound of soul
Shooting rockets to the moon, kids growing up too soon
Politicians say more taxes will solve everything
And the band played on

Monday, February 07, 2022

Freedom Convoy

 if anyone is interested.......the Christian based group Givesendgo took up the job of raising $$$ for the Canadian truckers free of charge......i just gave them $50 money i have spent in a while.

ready to go, willin to stay and pay

U.S.A., U.S.A.

So my sweet love can dance

another free day

U.S.A., U.S.A.  ) N. Young)

tough month for old Neil......the man who once so loved American Freedom that he wrote songs about it suddenly turned into the KGB in his attempts to silence and stifle free speech he doesn't agree's sad how many vaccinated people are so insecure in their decision to get the jab that they want everyone in the same boat with them , as if they deep down fear that the vaccine was rushed and may have horrible consequences and they don't want the unvaccinated to be able to survive and declare they were right......i got the jab ( 2 of them) but i defend the right to choose.....unlike abortion, which is the murdering of another human being with a heartbeat; the unvaccinated are only risking their own lives .....and should be allowed to make that choice.

Back to Neil......he missed a great opportunity to lend his voice to a grass roots movement that is sweeping the nation and being watched around the globe.......sadly his corona fears and newfound political stance will not allow him to speak out in support of the Canadian case you missed it , and of course the US media is largely  ignoring the story....but Thousands of Canadian Truckers united in a FREEDOM CONVEY and descended on the Canadian capital city of the heart of the matter is a new restriction by the Canadian Govt that ALL truckers that transport goods into the United States must be fully truckers that drive alone insulated inside their cabs and never really come into contact with 3rd parties have to get the jab anyway.....even as cases decline and are less and less severe, the Canadian Govt put it's foot down.....ignoring the fact that in the first 9 months of the pandemic, before there even was a vaccine; Truckers were hailed as heroes for putting themselves on the front line and risking their own lives to keep essential goods moving across Canada and into the United States....Prime Minister Trudeau  fled his version of the white house in fear and then after being portrayed as a chicken, his minions went on the offensice and declared the Truckers were guilty of everything from using foul language to littering........funny they had nothing to say during BLMs' "mostly peaceful"  burning of  cities across Canada........even as Canadian Citizens came out in Droves on highways Overpasses to Cheer on the Truckers......Trudeau declared them public enemy number 1........not to be outdone, the communist pigs in silicone valley california had to get in on the act.........a Gio FUND ME acct was setup to raise $$ for the Truckers......they collected $10 million dollars practically overnight, and then the self loathsome left stepped in and said.....we are not going to actually distribute the $$$ you donated to the truckers because we think they are bad guys......and instead we will decide which worthy causes should get the 10 million (look it up, i swear i'm not lying....i urge everyone to avoid GO FUND ME forever)......this is even worse than when the Red Cross decided too much $$ was raised after 9/11 for the victims and decided to divert donations that were intended to the victims and instead sent the money to earthquake victims in shithole countries and any other leftist cause they could find.........the Canadian Truckers sued....and this morning GO FUND ME caved and will at least return the donations (less fees) to the people that gave the $$.....they still can't find it in their heart to do what their company charter is all about....that being raising money for grass roots causes.......nope......hopefully they too become extinct........and with all tis raging north of the would think that Canada's favorite son, albeit an irrelevant former shell of himself; might have something to say ??? nope

And there ain't nothin'

Like a friend

Who can tell you

You're just pissin'

In the wind


Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Lost now on the country miles in his Cadillac

 I can tell by the way you smile, he is rolling back

Come wash the nighttime clean

Come grow the scorched ground green  ( Weir / Barlow)

for the record...shadow or no shadow...i foresee at least 6 more weeks of heavy drinking.

i received Dave's Picks #41 in the mail Monday night and yesterday i sat at my work computer and gave it a listen......Baltimore Civic Ctr May 26, 1977...definitely their finest year....i loved all the different incarnations of the Dead, but after many years of listening to the shows in detail, well...77 was in a class by was soo and the same time....jerry's guitar licks spoke to me....they danced and floated around the room like butterflies.....the band was like a magnificent locomotive rolling across the countryside.....and jerry was the engineer...they opened with "Music Never Stopped" and by the 2;30 mark it was crystal clear that Jerry CAME TO was one of those that i saw soo many good that the live music was captured and protected all these years later to enjoy.....sad that we will never again be in a cozy arena on a winters night and see Jerry do his magic act....but it was a hell of a start to my day.

And It's February.....forget stymie history...this has always been the month of Kerouac and Cassidy for me....Neil was born on Feb 8 in the back seat of a car passing through Salt Lake City on the way to California from Denver...and died on Feb 4th at the age of 41.........Jack, a Pisces; was born March 12th 1922.....would have turned 100 this year.....he too died before his 50th the age of 47 in St Petersburg Fl. February is also the month i start reading "On the Road"......i have read it every other year for the past 40 years or so......might have missed once or twice.....but have definitely read it cover to cover 20 times in my life....never gets old for me....perfect pre spring reading.....coming out of winter....and with each passing year and re-reading of the classic novel, it just reminds me that the ROAD is gone.....

i feel empathy for the youth of today....that slice of Americanna is gone forever...the innocence that existed....the individual identity that each city, state or territory had is gone.....we are a homogenized nation....same banks, same starbucks and mcdonalds, same everything.....the corner bars are disappearing and have been replaced with corporate umbrellas that own a wide variety of diverse establishments.....chili's, outback, panera for breakfeast....doesn't matter where you go in the lower 48, we have a corporate outpost for you....serving up all your favorites just like not angry....i am actually grateful that i traveled the world and my own country as much as i did before it was extinct....i had steak and eggs in the Piel Street Bar in Montreal.....Drank Coors at Coors Field, had a Golden Road IPA on the pier in Santa Monica, smoked a joint in Golden gate Park near Haight -Ashbury, .ate in Gene & Georgettis whilst in the windy city, had a Sam Adams  in the Cask & Flaggon, visited many of the old ballparks and hockey arenas before they were replaced and my memory is strong....I had a Falaffel from a street cart in Haifa at 3:00 a.m., drank Rakki in Antalya Turkey, had a Tusker Beer in the Nairobi Hilton and imagined i was Hemingway on the eve of an Elephant hunt, I drank a Guiness across from the St James gate, i had a jambon and fromage( ham n cheese) sanwich on a warm baguette with butter in a little shack off the pier in St Tropez and drank red wine in the french country side....partied in Benidorm with Bath Separatists', watched Malvern defeat Geelong in Austrailian League Football, had Grandma Gretzky's pierogies in Toronta , had a mojito in miami and oxtail stew in Guantanamo bay, drank moonshine in Mississippi and a hurricane on Bourbon Street....and hell, i am probably forgetting half.......i'm just disappointed that we are losing our identity as a nation, and nations are loosing their identities around this magnificent planet........for God's sake there was a Primanti bros sandwich shop on the beach rd in Ft Lauderdale the last time i was there......sorry, but that kielbasa sandwich should only be enjoyed in the steel city or western PA , in the freezing cold and served up by a horde of Pollocks.....some things should remain regional in my's what makes traveling so rewarding.

maybe it's just the cold weather that has me down.....maybe i'm just old and cranky today.....maybe i am just mad because whoopi goldberg misappropriated Jewish Culture and stole a Jewish name and then said hurtful things on TV about the holocaust.....i hope she doesn't get cancelled, her brand of stupidity can only help the cause come November....maybe i need a little drink of the Jack Daniels......some Grateful Dead on the stereo and i need to read the opening chapter of ON the ROAD for the 20 something time.

. Fare thee well now

Let your life proceed by it's own design

Nothing to tell now

Let the words be yours, I'm done with mine

Tuesday, February 01, 2022


 Rest in Peace to Jon Donofrio, the young man stabbed to death in Bayridge Saturday night at the age of 22. I did not know him but by all accounts, he was a really good kid. A graduate of New Utrecht High and a driver of a horse drawn Carriage in and around Central Park ( a family owned business), Maybe because of the snow storm or maybe because the media doesn't like stories like this , but very little coverage by the local jerkoffs on channel 2 and 5 ( i refuse to watch abc 7)...........Sunday there was an arrest, still zero coverage....last night there was a candlelight vigil and nothing on the News,,,,,makes you wonder who the killer was and why the news doesn't pursue this story, who are they covering for ?...he's 19 with a Mexican last name , wanna guess ? Jen Psaki at the White House mocks Fox News and anyone concerned with a rise in crime, the city of NY gets ready to bury another Police officer.....Psaki went on to say that $$$ for the Police was in the Build Back Better plan that republicans voted against........NOT TRUE says the liberal Washington Post.......$$ in the bill was for municipalities to cover budget may have gone to to pay the police but not was NOT new $$ or dedicated $$ for Police......rather it was a blank check for NY, Philly , Chicago etc etc....all the demonrat cities that shut off their tax revenue base during the pandemic....and those cities could use that $$ for whatever ails them.....but hey, we are a stupid country, so why should someone like Psaki feel obligated to speak truths when a lying soundbite does the trick.

anyway .....22 is too young to crazy as Bayridge was in the 70's and 80's i wasn't ever afraid of being stabbed to death at closing time...sure there were fights....but a bottle to the head or a baseball bat was as bad as it got.........i'm starting to understand old people more and more each day.....i'm starting to get that same feeling of just saying FUCK IT to everything.