Sunday, July 27, 2008


Gadzooks.....we have an intruder in the sacred unwanted , uninvited, snapping Turtle has found it's way to our little fishy oasis......and he is eating the inhabitants....Myrtle the Snapping Turtle was spotted yesterday afternoon at 1300 hours zulu time......swimming just below the surface from side to side with his ratlike tail above the surface.....snappin turtles CASE you did not goldfish.......yipers mel pond has 117 goldfish at last census......but the population of fishy town may be dwindling as we was one thing when Mr Mrcibbits the frog gallopped up the street from the Shrewsbury River...he never bothered a soul .....but this trespassing turtle is turning my fishees into snausages.......what to do, what to do.......I may have to scan the internet to find the natural enemy of snappin turtles....I hope its not alligators.......and oh by the way....the Statue of St Francis has been fired for snoozing on the job......How can the Patron Saint of Animals stand by and do nada while the genocide of goldfish pond is happening below his nose? be continued I am afraid.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Photo of the Week

Welcome to a new feature of this blog....the photo of the week....this weeks shot is of the soon to be immortalized with a number retirement ceremony ...#9 my Dog dog in Monmouth County 8 years in a row....

Jerry where are you when we need you

this is an excerpt from an email I sent to cracker needed to be said, I haver offically tired of the post Jerry money making political express...

I also saw way too many adverts on the "official" dead site for Deadheads for obama.......fuck them.....I saw Jerry for 20 years...sometimes with a crewcut in the navy ....sometimes as part of the evil wall st machine ...and I never felt out of politics or religion...everyone was welcome, i never felt alienated or guilty for my life choices, that was what made them unique, that was what made Jerry so incredibly special/different...where do these loosers get off thinking they can preach politics from the I'll sit out the ratdog and Phil tour until after the election , and I hope they follow alec baldwin and susan sarandon and flee the country when Mccain sweeps to Victory....good riddance....I'll sit in my yard , fly the American Flag proudly, follow my stock portfolio on MSNBC and listen to my dead tapes circa 1977 , the greatest year in Rock & Roll History, with Good Ol Jerry and Donna....back before Bob Weir and Phil Lesh were empowered to lead the nation to liberal hell....fuckin millionaires preaching to disconnected can these jerkoffs become ?....hey Phil, you got on a new put yourself on the list for a new brain you fuckin hasbeen.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

a whole new frontier

slowly but surely I creep into the 20th century....alas this morning i taught myself have to upload photos onto the blog.....see the snapshot below from the gala that was SNX.....the possibilities are endless.

SNX a big Success

Friday, July 04, 2008

in case you missed it

Lord.....while your at it , find someone to give wesley clark his just deserves.

Never thought I would live to see the day that the Great Democratic Party of JFK would mock someone else for actually serving this country during war time and get away with there no moral compass in this nation ??

it is ugly politics like this that drive good men like el Gato Malo out of the dam campaign....could you imagine the havoc that would ensue if they ever unearthed a gem or two from my storied military career......Lynch and Duff would be interviewed by TMZ every friggin night....boy would my campaign be in trouble.....even mans best friend Gravey might swing her vote......I think I can still count on Mcribbits my pond frog though.....I din't think he watches TMZ....

"I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a
qualification to be president," Clark said of McCain on "Face the
Nation" - and then repeated it on several nationally broadcast venues.
But Obama's not about to stop using Clark as a campaign surrogate. Nor
is the onetime NATO commander about to retract his remarks about the man
who spent five years as a prisoner of war.
What a far cry from four years ago - when Wesley Clark was denouncing
criticism of John Kerry by groups supporting President Bush.
"In the heat of a political campaign," wrote Clark in a New York Times
op-ed, "attacks come from all directions.
"Although President Bush has not engaged personally in such accusations,
he has done nothing to stop others from making them. I believe those who
didn't serve . . . should have the decency to respect those who did
Now, it might be easy to dismiss Clark's comments as a pathetic attempt
to stay politically revelant.
But Clark is the eighth prominent Democrat and Obama supporter to throw
darts at McCain's military service.
They include Sen. Jay Rockefeller, who derided McCain as someone who
"dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet" and thus doesn't "care
about the lives of people."
Obama foreign-policy advisor Rand Beers said McCain's having spent five
years as a prisoner of war in the Hanoi Hilton left him "isolated" from
anti-war sentiment, meaning his national-security viewpoint is "sadly
Sen. Tom Harkin complained that McCain can be "pretty dangerous" because
his views come from "always having been in the military."
Of course, these remarks are always predicated with the line that "we
honor his service."
As a McCain spokesman said, "If this kind of wink-and-nod game is how
Barack Obama wants to run his
campaign, then fine. But spare us the empty talk of 'new politics' and
raising the dialogue in this country."

Independence Day

God Bless the United States of America and all who love her so, her sons and her daughters are beyond your command, raise a glass or two hundred this day and thank God for the Men that were willing to give their lives so that others would be free, for the men who had the courage to risk everything and take on the British instead of living in King georges taxation slavery. For the men who regretted that they had but one life to give to their country and "meant it" , and the lads and lasses that have willingly served the past 231 years to keep thie Great Country Free......Thank You God and Please continue to bless us........and please find someone to shoot ossama obama .......amen.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Big News in Little off the wire

A.P. 13:00 zulu tango ossified-o

The Railsplitters of Lincoln High School were delighted to announce one Den Dasdas Nolan as their new head Coach of Lady Splitters Varsity Basketball team. "There ain't a team in Coney Island or any other Island that can beat us now" Coach Nolan was heard to quip as he exited a hastily called press Conference at Peggy O'Neils of Cyclone stadium fame. It was not clear if he was ducking out on his tab or just trying to avoid Johhny Imb ………basketball pundits in and around PC's Pub were debating what adds to staff coach may announce……..this is a hotter topic than President Elect Mccains Cabinet come November , Hari Rohl was heard to tell Lev and Tommy Mcgill……It also should go without saying that the Lady Splitters are now the official High School Girls Basketball team of Sweater Nite…..and this log..

Hats off to Uncle Den Den…..for he's a Jolly Good Eggroll , he's a Jolly Good Eggroll , he's a Jolly Good Egroll……not even Dano can deny.