Saturday, May 30, 2009

sweater nite bullet points

i am not going to waste too much time on sotomayor , we know she is a "shoe in" or in this case an "espadrille" in....Thanks big X for 3 years of spanish, had I known it would come in handy , I may have paid more attention...el cinco de drunco. Lets just pointa few things out.

She is a racist , even if we can not proove she discriminates. she clearly holds the belief that Race and Gender are a factor in ones she herself stated.
"a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life" .....if we take her at her word, then we must also insist that if seated, she will bow to the conclusions of Chief Justice Roberts and The Honorable Justice Scalia in matters that pertain to Caucasian males , it's only fair...right?

perjury ? not to pat myself on the back , but you should recall my rants prior to the turn of this century in PC's Happy Hours, that then President Clinton getting away with perjury in the Monica Blewinsky scandal was laying the wrong groundwork for years to come......we now have a society of smarmy, wise ass Athletes and Politicians that thumb their noses at the phrase " The Truth, The Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth"....Sen Buress for the latest example...he did not feel a conversation with blago's brother in which he stated "if I ask my people to a fund raiser for the Gov and then don't get Obama's seat , what am I gonna tell them" warranted a YES response under oath when asked ....DID YOU HAVE ANY CONVERSATIONS WITH ANYONE REGARDING OBAMAS SEAT?

a group of people gathered at Liberty State Park in Jersey City to protest the building of a 30ft high memorial to the residents of the state that were murdered on September 11 , 2001.......they argued that it would obstruct views of lower Manhattan , .......we can only hope that each and every one of these "people?" fall victim to the next attack , lets see how they like the fking view from hell.

I truly feel bad for the officer that was killed by a fellow officer in East Harlem Friday morning....both were in plain clothes, the shooter was on duty, the shootee was not, it was an accidental shooting, my heart goes out to the family, in what little we know about the victim he sounds like a great guy, wanted to be a Police Officer since he was a child , dead at 24 with a wife and a son left behind.....but in the clamour of sharpton and the going over the rule book with a magnifying glass to point blame at the white officer that pulled the point will probably never be raised..........the off duty plain clothes officer that was shot was chasing after someone that was rummaging through his car...WITH HIS GUN DRAWN in East Harlem........if their roles were reversed they would be attacking this what point did you feel your life threatened so much so that you had to pull your gun ? the thief was running away? I was not there, I am not criticizing , but you have to think if he does not have a gun in his hand when he turns towards the on duty Police Officer , he is still alive today.

Lastly, that miserable penny whore Rachel is not running the Belmont.....injured? you might sir.......TIRED.....a well earned Vacation her owner stated......hogwash, she was gonna get trounced and the whole damn racing world knew it....once again the Triple Crown is a Mockery....tear it up and start from scratch....spread the three races throughout the summer session with "No Ties" to each other....just 3 stakes races without different or better than the Haskell or Travers.....there is no Triple Crown in this country and anyone owner, breeder, trainer, jockey OR HORSE that thinks otherwise is a sucker.

Happy Saturnalian Saturday and best wishes to TIZZACLANCYGIRLNOW the latest acquisition to Dermotts racing Team .

Friday, May 29, 2009

Sweater Nite Supports Sotomayor

yeah right.....i just figured if some jerkoff is doing a google search they may land on our site.....truth is , we live in frightening times when every decision is made with the next election in ....the republicans would be crazy to challenge this pick because they will loose hispanic votes in November......yep , better we appoint someone to the bench who could be hellbent on destroying our way of life than to risk loosing a few votes in the next election by "questioning" her.

Hockey season officially ended on the shores of lake Erie approx 3 minutes into OT on Tuesday night....with the elimination of the beloved Chief blackhawks ...I am done....word of a hockey pool boycott is spreading like Minnesota Wildfire....if chaz didn't pick the teams himself, the Pool is "Null and void" was the battle cry emanating from club gato last weekend...

Dano...who is still reeling from omission in the 13 run pool refused to comment on this latest Chaz Snub.......could get interesting

Monday, May 25, 2009

Take a Minute

Friday I golfed...drank cold beer, ate steak , laughed with friends , not a bad day at the office, saturday brought more of the same, a race on the beach..quality time in Bar A , a family gathering, yesterday brought relaxtion. a dip in the pool, food on the grille , brilliant sunshine, and today we visit Monmouth Park to chatt with the horsies and win some money ......somewhere in there I must find the time to lower the flag and think about how many Americans before me, currently , and tomorrow and beyond have given or will give up their live and THEIR opputunity to have a similar 4 day weekend, just to ensure that you and I can have ours.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

— Lt.-Col. John McCrae (1872 - 1918)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Matteau Matteau ! !

this was originally posted last year, it will become a annual repost going forward...pls feel free top leave your own memories for all to read in the comment field.

It was the Friday Night of Memorial day weekend, the City was electric and pensive, nerves were on end. I was scared out of my boots as I rode the subway up to Mustang Sallys, our traditional pregame watering hole in the spring of 1994…….I couldn't even eat…..just stood by the door with Donn and Craig , washing down Budweiser beer like it was going out of style...Penn station was abuzz with Commuters getting away for the weekend, upstairs in the Worlds Most famous Arena the Broadway Blueshirts were about to take the ice for a critical game 7 of the Eastern Conf Finals against the hated NJ devils……..I settled into my seat in section 419, row f , put two full buckets of said Budweiser under my aisle seat, rose for Mr Ammorante and the singing of our National Anthem…..and I remember thinking to myself, for the rest of my life, whatever happens tonight, will come flooding back to me every Friday of Memorial Day weekend …..they have to win……….first period was a scoreless draw…..more Budweiser beer…….getting more nervous as the night wears on, which of course leads to faster drinking…….out to the rotunda between periods……staring at the Post office…….please God……..midway through the deuce…….Brian leetch skates in from the circle……broduer defending 7th ave…….Leetchie pulls a spin-o-rama----lets go with a bullet….the light goes on……….the Garden erupts……YES !!!!!................the period ends…….more beer….back to the rotunda……20 minutes from the finals…..the City knows it…….people are now gathering on the Post Office stairs across the street…….people without tickets are coming to the garden area to share in the celebration….I had chills on my neck……ran into Kenny Coco…….the last thing he says to me is that when we hold on to win 1-0 , Richter will tie the record for most shutouts in the postseason……..Richter……The Rock of Gibraltar….he was going to single-handedly win this thing…….very nervous to start the 3rd period… only gets worse….every shift….every dump in…..every whistle…..the crowd is bezerk……watching the clock….praying for an insurance goal…….10 minutes……..8 minutes…..5 minutes……we are soo close……..2 minutes……the place is on its feet……..can't hear the whistle….can't hear yourself think……high fives all around……"THIS IS THE LAST MINUTE TO PLAY IN THE PERIOD"…….BEDLAM……….goosebumps….chills…..sweating……nervous………30 seconds………broduer to the bench……they dump in… last push…….i'm squinting toward the 7th ave net from my 8th avenue seats……..10 seconds……loose puck…mad scramble…..cant follow the puck……the devils are jumping up and down….why?....the light is on….7 seconds….tie game……..

It was like being kicked in the stomach……..stunned silence………I left my seat and walked to the rotunda before they had the faceoff……..stood starring at the post office………TV Crews with live reporters waiting on 8th ave for the delighted faithful to exit the building…..word spreads that they tied the game….the lights for the cameras start getting turned off…..we are going to OT……..a sad sickness and eerie silence hovers in the building……we are never going to win this damn cup….

Me , Donn and Craig barely said a word to each other during intermission……it was like Clavins up there……somebody must have died……we retook our seats…..I could not concentrate…..the first ot was a blur……..I watched the red light behind richter fully expecting to see it go on…….everytime they came into our zone I was sure the game would end……….midway through the period , the faithful woke up………Lets Go Rangers was back……we were exhausted and angry…….but we could not score…….back to the rotunda…..back to the window….

Back to our seats…….double OT …….wornout….feel like I went 10 rounds with Tyson….not sure how much more of this I can take……Devils are shooting at 7th ave…….blushirts are attacking our 8th ave net…..we get a chance, they get a chance…..back and forth and back and forth……3 minutes in.. the puck dances through our crease….it's going in ……..out of nowhere comes leetch……he swats it away…it hits a devil and is heading back towards the empty net….where is richter?.......still not sure what happened….to this day I think it hit the post….somehow the light did not go on……somehow the puck did not go in…I can't take this………..we dump in….they dump out….BUT NO …..we keep in and redirect around the net……not sure who is chasing the puck, watching Tikanen sneak in from the point for a pass……someone is emerging from the boards behind the net with the puck….a devil is hounding him……pass it to TIK……..NO…..he attempts to stuff it in ……YES !!!!!!!!...

MATTEAU MATTEAU………..STEPHANE MATTEAU…………..and the Rangers have one more hill to climb and it's Mount Vancouver……the Rangers are going to the finals………..the rest is beautiful history……..

As for me……we stayed and watched the trophy presentation…….the Garden was electric again….like New years eve……back to Mustang Sally's….Met Kevo there....a cab home… honking horns on the Brooklyn Bridge…….went to PJ's Pub……was still there at 4:00 a.m. ……….people walking up and down 5th ave with beers, stopping traffic… was crazy………..

NOPE…..I will never ever allow the Friday of memorial day weekend to pass without reflection on that night….

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Quinville blames Holiday

In a bizaro outburst after his Blackhawks were upended in game 2 , Joel Q turned the blame spotlight on none other than Jimmy Holland......"when the lads found out he picked us in the Chazzy PC's pool they freaked, lost all confidence in themselves if you will.....he's a newbie...he'll never win this goes to money...if Whiz Kids like Kevo or Craig had chosen us we would feel better about ourselves, but not Holland....he;'s a working class hero for God Sake...maybe John Lennon can write a song about him , but theres no way he wins the Cup on his first try".

Hockey scribes from Flint to Depaul were left scratchin their heads.....

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Take it Away...

Rachel Thelmy is not very sure.
A little girl inside her uniform.
But Rachel aren't you just a penny whore?
Rachel tell me what were waiting for? (Buffalo Tom)

well she may be a penny whore, but she is also the winner of the Preakness stakes, and that low down skum of a jockey will get his ....they always do. I have nothin against the philly , i just don't think the events that transpired the past two weeks were fair to history or fair to Mine that Bird.

I hope...but doubt....there will be an inquiry as to what happened at the starters gate...AGAIN ! !................if it was human error, than a human needs to loose their job. if it was incompetence or conspiracy, it is time for the racing Gods to Take the Preakness away from Pimlico....these baltiMORONS don't even know side of the civil war they were on , let alone how to stage a Triple Crown race.....enough is enough.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Ugly Triplet

Hark to an exiled son's appeal,
My Mother State! to thee I kneel,
For life or death, for woe or weal,
Thy peerless chivalry reveal,
And gird they beauteous limbs with steel,
Maryland! My Maryland!

Like any other annual event the Preakness evokes a plethora of memories,the mind has a funny way of prioritizing these collections, there is an inner struggle to force it's way to the forefront of the brain and dominate the recollection process....just like with childhood Chritmasses and Birthdays and special events , one or two stickout more than the others and ultimately one becomes the "pin the tail on the donley" moment that your psyche embraces, for good or bad.... where to begin , where to begin ?

I have spent four Preakness weekends in the confines of Baltimore, twice on the infield of Pimlico and twice in the back alleys and bar rooms of the inner harbour. Of the four,the 1991 race is sharpest. Myself, Rocco, Angelo Coniglione and Frankie Marra drove down to the Preakness early Saturday Morning, we spent the afternoon on the infield listening to the rock & Roll bands and watchin Co-ed Chicken Fights, drinking a cooler of beeeer that we were "allowed" to bring in and washing the beer down with black eyed susans in the blazing sun. The horsies were circling us all day , but as the day progressed we could see less and less ...for a variety of reasons...finally they struck-up the band and Warbled the state song which was strkingly familar to Mrs. O'Tannenbaums' Christmas Tree. I remember climbing up the stantion of the Rock Stage in the center on the infield and catching a birdseye view of the stallions going into the gate.....Hansel won that Rcae, and we lost, but an amazing day just the same...still probably the most surreal sporting event I have attended..........another trip to the charmed City started in Camden yards and an Oriole-Texas game with the extended families... and was followed by a trip to the Rusty Scupper to watch Silver the 1997 race.

Twice on race day I found myself attending a friends wedding , in 1994 the Rangers were locked in a death struggle with the hated devils and Das-das Rollie Uncle Den Den Nolan was getting married in St. Thomas Aquinas in the flatbush section of the borough of churches....I was in the wedding party and asked to say the "Prayer of the Faithful"......being a faithful blue seater myself, I could not pass on the oppurtunity to have the congregation join me in asking the Good Lord to intervene on the ice on "our" behalf , and so we all said a prayer for Messier to lead.......sadly the Rangers dropped game 4 in the byrne that night , but we know that part of the story had a happy ending ( more on that in june) ah but i digress...back to the we emerged from the Ceremony part of the day and were about to embark on our trek to the reception , I practiced the art of deception....without any set direction i advised the girls tha Gina wanted all the girls in one limo and the all the guys in the other opposed to staying with your partner...nobody balked, and so me , Donzo, Chico, Mac and Gina's brother Patrick piled into our limo....we prompyly stopped on Flatbush Avenue and bought beer for the ride and tuned into the should come as no surprise that my namesake "TOBASCO CAT" captured the second jewel that day.
And last year in the splendour of the Columns at Steve Collins' wedding with the Ocean Views on one side and an Army of friends on the other we watched one the Greatest perfomances in Preakness History. Big Brown , remember him? , exploded through the field down the stretch, kind of like birdie two weeks ago. Big brown stoned the field that day, passed them like they were mileposts. Donnie and I stood at the bar in Columns discussing the race for another 9 hours we were so taken aback.

Thus far it's been wine and roses, laughter and sunshine, nothing but good memories. Unfortunately for me , the innocence and sheer joy I should feel on Preakness day was taken away. Sadly each year when i awake on the 3rd saturday in May , one memory suffocates the others, the 2006 Race at Pimlico is the lowest moment in the history of organized racing.

I awoke that day full of promise, a kid in the candy store, armed with a boatload of cash and the confidence of a King, I stormed my way over to Monmouth Park. i honestly remember feeling euphoric as i sat at the lady's Secret solo. I drank Cold Beer and felt chills as i placed my wages, 200 across on #8 , 5 exacta on #8 and the field, 5 triple on # 8 and the field & the field was not a wager but a loan , I would return to reclaim my money from the window after the results were final. I stopped by the souvenier stand and bought a commemrative Preakness T-Shirt, I contempleted buying a $500 framed photo of my friend winning the Derby a fortnight prior,i'll be back I told the man, i'll be back. I called my Mom at home and took her bets over the phone and placed a few wagers for her, she asked me who i liked and I told there was "NO" race today, there would be no contest it was a battle for exotics only , the winner was predetermined, the TRIPLE CROWN was in reach, it was just a waiting game.. I dabbled on a few races and then returned to the safety of my backyard, as i left the track the Metsies had taken a 4-0 lead over the Yankess....all is good.

I returned to the safety of my backyard and the world turned on a dime, Billy Wags walked the bases loaded in an infamous meltdown moment, the mets would loose 5-4 in an extra frame or two. and by now you should recall what happened at the head of the stretch at Pimlico , a gate malfunction is what THEY would call it , the #8 horse burst through the gate before anyone else and tore down the stretch, mechanical malfunction, human error, whatever.....never should have happned....too much at stake.....the race should have been postponed a half an hour , everyone should have been taken out of the gate and had another walk around, but instead they gave my boy a once over and sent him back , go back to your post, go back to your desk , they sent Barbaro to his death. The sight of the ambulance.....the sight of that Hind leg dangling....unfortunately those images will never go away.

I will bet the race, I will watch them sing Maryland my Maryland , but in 2006 they did not gird Barbaros beauteous limbs with steel, and that is what i will recall on the 3rd Saturday in may forever more...forever more.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Calvin BOOOOOOOOrell

A horse is a Horse , of course of course.....but a Horse is 3 years old but once in his equine life.......and Calvin Borell is a snake in the grass for eternity.

For the very first time in history of horse Racing a Jockey has abandoned his mount in the preakness aboard a Derby Winning Horse for another horse in that race (when all involved were healthy and competing). That is right , Calvin Borrell has left "Mine that bird" at the alter to ride Rachel Alexandra.

Lets' be clear about something , this is not about which horse is better and who has the best chance at winning . Rachel is a great Horse, albeit a Philly, and will probably make for a nice made for TV angle.....the girl challenges the big boys , the isle of lesbo may even tune in to watch this one...nbc hopes and hopes.

BUT my friends, there is only ONE horse on the Precipice of History come Saturday.
There is only ONE Horse with a date with HISTORY.
Many of horses have won the Preakness and Belmont Stakes, some dedicated Nag fans may even be able to name a few , but WHO CARES ?
This Country has not seen a Triple Crown Winner since the 1970's
although the Odds are against him, Mine that Bird has a shot at one of the rarest of sports accomplishments in the World.....only 134 before him have even stood in his iron shoes..........thousands have gone to Kentucky with that dream before.....million dollar horses with billion dollar dreams, only to see them go up in a cloud of the Churchill downs dust, Yes Mine That bird has emerged from the first and toughest leg of an improbable Journey Mine that Bird now steps into
"Barn 40" at Pimlico, a spot reserved for greatness and faces a tougher field than any prior Derby Winner in recent memory..... Perhaps it is because he was such a long shot in the KD that many figure it was a fluke and they are back to challenge him..... MR. B and the Pioneer are back.....Larry Jones and Friesan Fire will try again, Papa Clem and Musket Man , a strong 3&4 at the big race are back as well , and enter into this Rachel A.

I am sure Rachel A is a great horse , she may win , she may go down in history, but when Calvin Borell rode her to victory in the Kentucky Oaks did the world stop spinning ? did you wake up on the next Day and Google Calvin Boreell?.....did you ask old Harry at the Water Cooler at work if he saw the post race interview ? Did Jay Leno and Good morning America ask Calvin to be on their shows because he won the Oaks aboard Rachel A ?

no friends ....but all of that and more came his way when that beautiful horse roared down the stretch and stole the Derby in the slop and rain along the rail.

Mine That Bird now must go the last 2/3rds without his Jockey ....and that sucks.

My Pick ? Pioneer and Friesan Fire Exacta.

I won't bet the bird.....I like him too much now to jinx the poor bastard, but deep down in my heart , further down than my purse strings , you can bet I HOPE he wins.

and I hope Rachel tosses that redneck shthead booorell

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hawks Win...Hawks Win

The last beacon of hope for an otherwise dreadful NHL playoff is still shining brightly in the Windy Cinty. Patrick "Chico" Kane the last American Hero , netted a Hat trick last night to jettison the Blackhawks past the Kanuks, no relation to Fanuks....( "it's one word....chief blackhawk" as Hoss Ryan would continue to shout at nobody in particular at last call of everybar in town)

The Hawks are heading to the Western Conf finals for the first time since 1995 , and could possibly face the Hated Deadwings again.

I must admit now that I joined the chorus of condemnation when the Blackhawks fired Denny Savard just one week into the season , but it is now quite clear that Joel Quenville was the right move....I still think it should have happened before the season was allowed to begin.

since my good friend Brian Duffy will be checkin this blog , I will add that the GREAT ...Hall of Fame QB , Everyone favorite good guy, Brett the Humanitarian Favre is working out with the Pascagoula Panthers High School Team in Mississippi and should be able to make yet another return to the nFL......reached for comment at his Tijuana hideout, the savior of the Jets and Favres replacement, Mark Ripa~Conseulo Sanchez said...."No Habla Ingles...silencio Bobcat"

Jim Polis still trying to decipher....

Sunday, May 03, 2009

derby recap ...sundee morn

a yomans effort all around on the coolers, but there remains a lot of drunk to be beered today

Mine that WHAT ? ? ?

holy shiite moslem.....nobody this side of the san giseppee waterfall had that horse....even the woodman had to take a second gulp of his mint julep....Calvin Rides again I suppose panty regrets here, I never even gave a thought to parting with my cash in favor of this nag....just goes to show , u can spend the BETTER part of 4 months following this darn sport and still be clueless come first Saturnalian Saturday in Mayo.........we must however thank the Good Lord for weather that permitted some outdoor drinking...Cheers Jesus and thanks again for a respite from the deluge.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

updated odds as of 6:30 A.M. Ville Time

1 WEST SIDE BERNIE $74.50 48-1
2 MUSKET MAN $42.90 26-1
3 MR. HOT STUFF $71.20 33-1
4 ADVICE $97.20 50-1
5 HOLD ME BACK $24.50 11-1
6 FRIESAN FIRE $7.10 9-2
7 PAPA CLEM $30.70 13-1
8 MINE THAT BIRD $154.60 48-1
9 JOIN IN THE DANCE $153.50 57-1
10 REGAL RANSOM $32.90 34-1
11 CHOCOLATE CANDY $25.50 9-1
12 GENERAL QUARTERS $37.70 5-1
13 I WANT REVENGE $6.10 6-1
14 ATOMIC RAIN $172.20 68-1
15 DUNKIRK $10.10 8-1
16 PIONEEROF THE NILE $11.50 10-1
17 SUMMER BIRD $81.90 35-1
18 NOWHERE TO HIDE $167.40 52-1
19 DESERT PARTY $25.30 24-1
20 FLYING PRIVATE $155.20 37-1

word association derby football annual

I woke on Derby Day to ATOMIC RAIN falling and realizing there was NOWHERE TO HIDE, I WANT REVENGE for this lousy weather I thought, will I have to pay a REGAL RANSOM to JOIN IN THE DANCE and have a DESERT PARTY with plenty of sunshine. HOLD ME BACK I shouted when
WEST SIDE BERNIE tried to give me financial ADVICE , as if he were MR HOT STUFF instead of just an ordinary MUSKET MAN. PAPA CLEM was asked to MINE THAT BIRD but he explained it was a SUMMER BIRD and not some FLYING PRIVATE. The whole ship almost went GENERAL QUARTERS when we thought there was a FRIESAN FIRE but it was just some CHOCOLATE CANDY that some DUNKIRK left on the stove.....which leads me to believe that the winner of the 135 running of the Kentucky Derby will be ...none other than.....

PIONEER OF THE NILE with GoGo Garett Gomez uptop and the Silver Bullett Bob Baffert calling the shots.....salut Mr Baffert, God Speed and Following Seas.