Thursday, October 31, 2013

unconfirmed reports

SOOO...I get a text from FORMER head linesmen Chaz Higgins who says he's drinking in the public House on 41st & Lex with "the Snake" Ken Stabler and Dan Fouts and talking about the icey afc title game in cicny  and Ghost to the Post and he insists that obama had a press conf earlier in the day and stepped to the microphone and told the assembled media " I got nothin to say....Let's Hoop"

this needs to be confirmed before eggroll reports me to homeland security, the NSA or Blossom as a traitor.

sweater nite Blog Welcomes back DAN WOODS who lost the web doubt chancellor merkels spy's hacked his computer and deleted it.

bredders cup this fri & picks to follow

Navy invades south bend on saturday...I hope Coach Kelly doesn't kill anybody.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

doctor, doctor.......mister MD

Can you tell me, what's ailing me.

where do we start ?   well , when did we elect Jay carney as President of these United States ?  he's the only friggin clown you ever see before the cameras anymore...first sign of trouble and spoonjiah goes runnin for the hills....and ol Jay is left to answer questions and misdirect the press.

spying on Germany ? well for Chrissakes I HOPE SO.......i wouldn't trust those lousy Hun Bastards for a minute....we HAVE to use every technological edge we possibly have to spy on nobody....don't ever apologize for spyng, that's why we have SPY Agencies.

back to health care......where are those douche bags that showed up on the white house Lawn in Lab Coats to hail the signing of obamacare back in 09 ? many of them still support the affordable care act.

These moronic republicans that are pushing legislation to grandfather in everyones old health care plans must's barry's plan....let the democrats find a solution or suffer the consequences....don't offer this jackass a escape plan.

hockey....remember hockey ? it is a hockey blog.......very happy to see they have taken my advice....gone are the Grey and black or Navy jersey that everyone was sportin a few years ago....Dallas brought back some bright Green, and Carloina added a few bright red stripes......everyone seems to have added some color to the dismay of the multitude of gang bangers who follow the NHL.

lastly.....eggroll is officially on notice  as a Person of Interest in the the case of the Leaky Secret......we don't think he is telling tales....but he may know who is.....more to follow.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

deeeee fault....deeee fault

Rosemary started drinking hard...and seeing her reflection in the night.(b.dylan)

not that anyone would agree....but heres how i see it.
Yesterday began with Harry Reid making nice, and the Republicans talking about a deal to extend the debit ceiling till February, reopen the govt and gaurentee we would not default at this time........certain not a conclusion....but another stay of excution.

then the commander in chief went on ABC evening news for an exclusive interview......first the obvious absurdity....the nation is on the brink of economic default, the entire world is waiting and watching....and a sitting president grants an exclusive interview to 1 Network.......not a press conference to all to cover objectively....but an interview with 1 network.....and i suppose the chosen ones at ABC will continue to call the president out on his failures and report the news honestly without a favorable slant to special interviewee...what a joke .......but it gets the middle of his primetime schmooze.....old barry declares that the American people were so outraged with the Tea Party Republicans that that they will think twice about "calling this play" again ( the old jock that he is cant avoid a sports analogy)....the Republicns will quietly slink away, give him a debt increase and bow their heads in the presence of the King.

and somehow....the talks broke down right after that interview aired....coinki dink ? i think not.......but you'll never hear the networks utter a word least ABC won't.....and if NBC and CBS ever want the Golden ticket of an exlusive interview with the leader of the Free World...the better start marchin in line....Zig Heil !

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Drink to the Foam

Congrats to young Dan Woods on being named the Grand Marshal of the 2014 Bayridge Saint Patricks' Day Parade....a wiser choice could not have been made.

and congrats to the 3-1 Squids of Navy for Crushing the Air Force and refusing to let Govt slimdown rain on their parade......the Air Force Band, Cheerleaders and Cadets were not allowed to travel, but the Navy Band stepped up and voluntered to play the Air Force Alma Mater at Games end....Classy Move.

Friday, October 04, 2013

Miriam Carey and the ELF

So within hours of the incident, the mainstream media in LOCKSTEP rushed to report that Miriam Carey was  A) Crazy   B) Depressed   C) Suffering from Post Mortem Depression or D) all of the above.

what they that won't tell ( even if it were true) is that she left behind a note saying that she was being terrorized by Extremely Low Frequency vibrations....or ELF.......some skeptics will say that note never existed, and maybe it didn't....but maybe it did.....and in a nation where the press is extremely biased towards one political is not only possible....but extremely probable...that the media would be in cohoots to cover something up.

now the spoon in chief , the man who hates wall street and blames wall street and the banks for everything from global warming to derrick roses knee concerned for wall street.....he's now worried about the stock market going down.....more accurately....he is hoping it the mainstream nitwits will blame the Govt shutdown...and force the Republicans to give him another blank check to fund canoe building in hawaii.......and after waggin his finger at Boehner and shakin his head in disgust and tellin the camera we were on the brink of economic catastrophe...he skips town and goes to a rally in rockville maryland where he was greeted by throngs of fellow spoonjiahs,

back to the Capitol for a second.....pretty fuckin bizare for a single Mom , who had a great job as a dental hygenist, and owned her own apartment to decide to drive to D.C. with baby on board for no particular reason and lead the police on  a chase that endangered her child and lead to her own death.........should we really wrap it up in 3 hours and move on ?????  or does this warrant a closer look......will we ever find out what the FBI found at her apartment in a massive search a mere 3 hours later ??


Thursday, October 03, 2013

Govt slimdown

silly story today on the 4:00 a.m. news about how govt analysts involved in investigating terror threats are on furlough as a result of the slimdown and how some intelligence will be missed and ultimately we will be mention why these folks were not deemed essential and thus exempt from the slim down or whom ultimately decides essential from non-essential......we all know the military is not impacted by the slimdown.....maybe these analysts are just taking up space.

interesting tidbit about the military academies getting a waiver so they could play the football games this weekend.....whereas Air Force and Army both utilize Federal assistance to fund their Athletics Programs, the Naval Academy Athletic Dept does not....all Navy Athletic teams are self sufficient......basically the sale of tickets, TV rights, and apparel finances the whole as usual for the Squids....Excellene never graduates !