Tuesday, June 28, 2022

what goes up

 must come down,

spinning wheel got to go around ( Blood, Sweat & Tears)

in case you missed it , 46 people were found dead in a tracker trailer in San Antonio.....ho hum, where's the wall to wall coverage , where's  the outrage ?

SCOTUS rules a High School football coach is allowed to kneel in prayer on the field before games...it was refreshing to see all the people that supported Kappernick also come out and support this coach...spolier alert, they didn't.

Imagine if every time a team lost a game, they immediately tried to change the rules.....that's what the demonrats are doing when they talk about packing the court and eliminating the filibuster.......it's tiring.

Bob Weir and Dead &Co unfurled Giant banners on stage supporting abortion Saturday in Chicago       ( and i'm sure for the rest of the tour). how tone deaf are these guys....to presume that there is only one side to an issue and everyone in the audience is in lockstep with their gestapo opinion? And even if 99% agreed with them, why alienate that 1% that paid money to be entertained. Concerts used to be a place to escape the horrors of the real world.....a 3 hour respite from miserable realities around us.....Jerry would never have signed off on this.........I saw Jerry &  the Dead when i had a crew cut and was in the Navy and felt welcome.....i saw Jerry & the Dead when i worked on Wall Street and felt welcome.....i am so glad i passed on the Citifield shows thanks to Steve Mac.....who the hell wants to spend an evening dealing with:

tickets = $150.00

Beer = $16 a Can of Beer (x 9,10,11 or so)

Transit = taking your life in your hands for a 6 hour round trip through hell

Having the band attack your personal beliefs throughout the show = insanity

I am not going to penn an obituary just yet for some of the Great Bars around MSG that are facing demolition if the Cuomo-Hochul redevelopment of Penn Station goes through....they already stole the original Tracks....but let's hope these latest plans are defeated. 

I haven't been to midtown in 2 1/2 years.....longest stretch of my adult life for sure...but this constant erasing and cleansing of our past is just one more reason to pickup anchor and sail away.

Talkin' 'bout your troubles

It's a cryin' sin

Ride a painted pony

Let the Spinning Wheel spin

Sunday, June 26, 2022

I thought i heard a baby cry this morning

 I thought i heard a baby cry today (Bonnie Dobson / Tim Rose)

I must admit when i turned on the TV and saw widespread rioting and protests, i just assumed that the Canucks or Maple Leafs had lost another game 7......but no....today's outrage was in reaction to the Supreme court ruling on Roe v Wade.....honestly i do not have strong opinions on this one.....on one hand most of the kids that are being aborted would probably suffer a miserable existence being born into an unloving family or broken home.........BUT......and this part bothers me......late term abortion after a heartbeat has been discovered is MURDER.....plain and simple.....there has to be a middle ground......in 2022 with contraception readily available and even the morning after pill ( for cases of rape or incest) abortion should not be considered another form of birth control. The demonrats had 50 years to codify Roe V Wade and they did nothing.....why ?  same reason they have done Nothing for the Dreamers.......why solve a problem and risk losing the support at the polls from the people you helped....when you can keep them hanging on a string and living in fear of the opposing party..........the first thing Pelosi said ( after downing a few wines) after the SCOTUS ruling was that this issue will be on the ballot in November (it's not) she just meant that everyone should get out and vote demonrat this fall.....she didn't call for Congress to convene and get started on some legislation to protect abortion "rights".....she just called for her constituents to contribute to the DNC and vote.........it will be interesting to see if this is the spark the demonrats needed headed into the mid terms......i don't think it will be....the people outraged by the SCOTUS decision were voting liberal anyway........last thing i will say on this subject because, lets face it; it's a brutal subject and i do empathize with women (or birthing people) that have to make a sometimes agonizing decision.......but if some people want to live in state where you can walk down the block and into a clinic at 8 months pregnant and terminate a fetus....then they should also respect the fact that somebody want to live in a state where the rights of the most vulnerable fetus are protected equally with the mother..........and what's wrong with that ? hell if we had more states rights on every issue it could actually save the Union someday......The Central Govt should be seen and not heard ....they should represent our best intentions on an international front, steal oil and other resources from undeveloped nations and get us into a good old fashioned war every 20 years to keep the population down.......but what i do know.

I'll walk you out in the morning dew my honey

I guess it doesn't really matter anyway

I guess it doesn't matter anyway

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

wave that Flag

 wave it high and wide (Hunter-Garcia)

28 years ago today i stood at the statue of George Washington outside Federal Hall and sipped a pint of Budweiser as i watched the annual Flag Day parade go by.( i don't think they do that anymore)

As the Bagpipers piped and the majorettes twirled their batons i contemplated what awaited my later that evening.......another date that would live forever in my memory....for the rest of my life i would either cherish FLAG DAY ....OR....it would be a painful reminder of what could have been.

Thankfully the Blueshirts would win the Stanley Cup on this day in 1994...and as i smiled down from Row F , seat 18, section 419....i knew i would forever celebrate FLAG Day........2 years later on this date i became engaged to wife......and i now have 3 strong reasons to raise a glass this evening........who am i kidding....i am blessed with hundreds of reasons to enjoy a beer.....

You're a grand old flag

You're a high-flying flag

And forever in peace may you wave

You're the emblem of

The land I love

The home of the free and the brave

Ev'ry heart beats true

Under red, white and blue

Where there's never a boast or brag

But should old acquaintance be forgot

Keep your eye on the grand old flag

Thursday, June 09, 2022

sittin in the corner of a crowded bar room

 People all around me and I still feel alone

Just when I know I'm gonna break down and cry
Someone played a tune that dried the tear from my eye ( Hughie Thommason)

either you get it or you don't......either those lyrics are etched in your forever memory and the music comes pouring over you or it doesn't...that familiar twang of Hughie Thommason lives in a happy part of my brain still.

The first track on the debut Album of the OUTLAWS back in 1975...."there goes another love song"....and it has been their concert opener since forever.......no sense having a dollar opener pool tonight at the Basie for it's a guaranteed lock that this is their opener ( Think Whiskey River & Willie Nelson).

sadly Hughie left us in 2005 , and tonight only Henry Paul and Monte Yoho remain from the original gang, but i have seen them 3 or 4 times in the past 10 years (20-25 times in my life....from the Convention Hall in Asbury in 1980 as a 15 yr old kid on a family vacation....to a bar in Jacksonville in 86 as a squid...we had a table next to the stage and hung out with their sound guy go before and after....only 200 people in the bar )  and the songs still resonate...the guitar work is still unmatched ....and the emotions are raw........this is a band i take very personally.....their unique sound never fails to stir deep, deep emotions for me........i could fill a novel with what exactly this music means to me, but somethings are better left inside.....just know that as i gulp my beer on the balcony of the Basie and they open with this song.....it too will dry the tear from my eye. and we will raise a glass for those that can't be there tonight........as a side note, 33 years ago today i walked off the base in Pensacola a free man.....my 4 years of Naval service completed; i was about to begin the rest of my life......and i will raise a glass of beer to myself tonight as well.

Lonesome and lonely and far from my home
Tryin' to get back to where I know I belong
Wishin' and a-hopin' I was already there
I just heard a voice it whispered in my ear, singin'
There goes another love song
Someone singin' about me again
There goes another love song
Now I need it more than a friend

Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Jesus just left Chicago

 and he's bound for New Orleans

Well now, Jesus just left Chicago

And he's bound for New Orleans

Yeah, yeah

Workin' from one end to the other and all points in between ( Gibbons, Hill , Beard  aka ZZ TOP)

so the media is up in arms over this new Golf League being bank rolled by Saudi Arabia......they are loosing their minds and attacking the Shark Greg Norman for serving as CEO and guys like Phil Mickelson and Justin Thomas for participating.......the media says Saudi Arabis is a murderous Regime and these golfers should not be doing business with them.....what will they say when dementia Joe visits the Kingdom and begs for more oil production ?  what have they ever said about the NBA ? the league that is in Bed with the Communist Red Chinese Govt ?  What did they say when lebron james had a meltdown when the GM Garyl Morey of the Rockets had the audacity to Tweet support for a Free Hong Kong ?

Boomer Esiason had a great point this morning ......the city of Denver ponied up hundreds of Millions (possibly a Billion) to build a new stadium for the Broncos to keep the team in the Mile High City..they gave tax breaks and incentives as well ..now ten years later or less the owners are selling the team for an estimated 4.5 BILLION.....part of the reason the Team is selling for so much is because of their new state of the art Stadium and sweetheart tax deals...........surely the city should be able to recoup some $$ from the sale proceeds..........maybe not...........but the State of NY is currently in negotiations to do the same thing for Kim & Terry Pegula and the Buffalo Bills........to Boomers point they should absolutely put in certain clauses for the state to get repaid if the team is sold in the next 25 years or so........if the Pegulas balk , then we know what their real intentions are........if they plan to live happily ever after in Buffalo they would not have a problem with this clause........silly side note that i heard during the debates for NY Gov last night....it seems Gov Hochuls' husband is a Senior VP for the Bills  concessioner Delaware North...... conflict of interest much ?

Joe Biden and his college interns refused to acknowledge the D Day anniversary in 2021......and this year after being called out on Twitter and social media they begrudgingly tweeted a solemn remembrance at 8:45 PM  ( already June 7th in Normandy).....i really hope the evil White Male sits out the next global conflict......no more fuckin european or middle eastern wars......fuk that noise.....this world is not worth dying for........arm yourself, protect your land and family and let the LMNOPGBTQ's fight the next world war.

Good Lord Man....Walmart has dropped a brand of Coconut Milk from it's stores at the request of PETA.....this is not a joke.....seems they were using chained Monkeys to climb trees and collect coconuts.......PETA said the Monkeys in question were not being properly cared for...were under nourished and had little time off to spend with families and friends......and NO, this was not in Detroit.

how about our great Pope......Sunday 50 Catholic Worshippers in Nigeria were murdered at Church  services by gunmen......i didn't see Norah O'Donnel talking about this either.....but the Pope ? remember him ? he's the guy that has a problem with Georgia's voting bill....but not  America's politicians supporting abortion....he's the leader of the Catholic Church......he sent a telegram to Nigeria saying he was praying for the victims ........no sermon from the Vatican ? no visiting the UN and demanding the slaughter of Catholics in Africa stop ? not even an official press release or Tweet ? 

meanwhile in Syria.....Erdogan and his Turkish band of murderers are holding up the addition of Sweeden and Finland to NATO.........Erdogan has long been suspected of being too friendly with Putin , his moves are seen as a gift to the Russian strong man.....but he is also angry with Sweeden and Finland for "stopping"  weapon sales to Turkey over his attacks on the Kurds......remember the Kurds ? they are the allies we used in Iraq and then abandoned ......similar to our treatment of the Afghanistan translators.... so we can fully expect that the US will again turn a blind eye to the Turkish slaughter of the Kurdish people ...just to get Erdogans blessing on Sweeden......hmmm , when is a friend NOT a friend.

sounds like a tangled web we are weaving.....so much trouble in the world this day....and with all this going it's nice to know the White House invited actor Matthew Mcconaughey to address the nation on gun control...AND....scheduled the President to appear on Jimmy Kimmel live ........backwards much?

i blog in hopes that this will somehow escape the government censorship and rewrite that's coming....they will edit everything that paints them in a poor light.....i hope someday in the future someone stumbles upon this blog and gets a true glimpse of life in the year 2022....how fucked up we are....and how much we all could use an ice cold refreshing glass of Beer for Breakfast.....mmmm.....beeeer.

**editors Note......don't believe any truth that this blog is being ghost written by a pack on Monkeys in chains.....it's just not true.

You might not see him in person
But he'll see you just the same
You might not see him in person
But he'll see you just the same
Yeah, yeah
You don't have to worry 'cause takin' care of business is his name

Sunday, June 05, 2022

if you chew tobacco, and wish upon a star


You'll find out where the scarecrows sit
Just like punchlines between the cars
I know a place where a royal flush
Can never beat a pair
And even Thomas Jefferson
Is On The Nickel over there  ( Tom Waits)

Mr Waits cautionary tale ? or paying homage to the homeless encampments on 5th street in Los Angeles....like most of his songs they draw you in and scare the shit out of you if you dare pay attention.

all the news that's fit to ignore....i cant wait until the White House press secretary ( the first black female Lesbian press secretary) takes questions on Monday.....i have a few good ones that Peter Ducey should ask.

A retired judge was zip tied to a chair in his home and murdered by a gunman that had a hit list on him, with names of politicians and other elected officials.....(unfortunately for the demonrats Mitch Mcconnel was on the liast , so they can't blame it entirely on the right)

So my first question is does the President take any responsibility for this since less than 30 days ago he thought it was perfectly fine for protestors to visit the homes of Surpreme Court Justices they disagreed with on Roe v Wade ?........we have a mental health crisis in this country.....millions of unhinged wackos....maybe the POTUS should not be encouraging them to take matters into their own hands and visit the personal residences of a Judge.

14 people shot last night on South Street in Philadelphia.(3 dead so far)...details still emerging, but initial reports said multiple shooters fired randomly into crowds and Police had a license plate for a car with Jersey plates......South Street is a popular spot, i have spent many an afternoon in O'Neals drinking Guiness.....i'm sure the street were filled with mostly white College kids and tourists.......what if the shooters are black ? 

My next question Mr President is what are the % for Federal Hate Crimes charges being brought against Whites and Blacks ? when was thew last time a Black assailant was charged with a Hate crime ? (spoiler alert in 2020 alone:  55% of the offenders charged with Hate crimes were white......22% were black). 

The WH knew of the coming baby formula shortage as early as November when the FDA visited the Abbot plant....the President said in April he needed a crystal ball to see it coming  but his aides admitted they were aware of this in February......he still waited an additional 3 weeks before enacting the Emergency acts that allowed for the Baby formula to be imported......but the White House holds on to the formula and does not allow the stores and retailers to replenish supply....instead they gave it to the WIC program which services low income women and infant children.......so here'es my latest conspiracy theory.

Mr President , we know the Demonrats suffered a blow and lost support from Many Suburban Soccer Moms with the school board disasters last year.....how much of this baby formula shortage was orchestrated to subliminally influence these Moms to  restore their faith in BIG Govt and fear capitalism ? 

we know the old adage....don't bite the hand that feeds ya. or your baby

A pane flew into restricted air space on Saturday afternoon at the Delaware beaches...forcing the Secret Service to usher the first family into a bunker for safety.

Two Questions Mr President......did the Secret Service tell you there was a Magician performing tricks and a clown making animal balloons to get you go willingly into that Bunker ?  And is it true that you pooped your pants "BEFORE" learning about that plane breech ?

Happy Sunday everyone.....put on your seatbelt and get ready for a roller coaster ride in Tampa this afternoon...........and hopefully we get a heat wave in Denver and those Avalanche loose some punch, but they look tough at the moment.

So what becomes of all the little boys

Who run away from home?

The world just keeps gettin' bigger

Once you get out on your own

So what becomes of all the little boys

The sandman takes you where

You'll be sleepin' with a pillowman

On the Nickel over there

Friday, June 03, 2022

the Judge he smiled

 as he picked up his pen,

99 years in the San Quentin pen. ( Rev Gary Davis - rewrite G. Thorogood)

well not exactly.....not if you are a double minority moslem female.

not if you are accused of fire bombing a police car in the cop hating state of NY.

not if you were upset about old amphetamine head "Sleepy Floyd" .

nope....the disgraced , barred lawyer (former officer of the court) Urooj Rahman Noodles....is getting a slap on the wrist from dementia Joe's DOJ ......she originally faced 45 years for terrorism under President Trump....but Federal prosecutors immediately lowered the charges under Merrit Garland to 10 years max....they accepted a plea in October......waited for the attention to quiet down and then last week....just a few days before sentencing they again lowered the charges and accepted a new plea deal.....she now faces 18-24 months........and we all know what's coming next.....she will get credit for the last two years she spent under quasi house arrest in her comfy Bayridge apartment and will never serve a day in real prison..

yep...our Federal Govt hard at work......but we are supposed to "Trust" Joe with gun control.....he doesn't want to take your guns , he just wants to make kids safer in schools......let's put up some more GUN FREE ZONE signs......but no hardening of schools by hiring armed guards.........Banks have armed guards....sports stadiums, hospitals and politicians all have security details...........but in NY they even took away the metal detectors from High schools under Comrade bill deblasio.......we have a corrupt, hypocritical system....and we are dooomed to repeat every bad decision.

 In about five minutes then walked a man

Holding the verdict in his right hand

The verdict read in the first degree 

Thursday, June 02, 2022

ain't it funny how you feel

 when you're finding out it's real (N.Young)

funny story....don't think i have shared this one before.....but i was just watching Boomer & Gio and they had the Stanley Cup in the studio.........reminded me of a visit i made to Toronto a while back. I was in town with Navy Ace Admiral Jack Duffy and we were going to see the Maple Leafs play in the historic Maple Leaf Gardens before it went away. After spending the morning drinking Labatts in the great One's bar and enjoying Grandma Gretzky's pierogi's for lunch....we walked over to the Hockey Hall of Fame...which was housed in the old  Bank of Canada building....a building that was known to be haunted by ghosts , appropriately enough.

anyway they had just recently removed a band of names off the Stanley Cup to make room for more, including the 1940 NY Rangers.......and so i approached the 90 year old security guard and asked him where they kept the names that had been removed....he pointed to a vault on the other side of the Cup Room....and i told him that since "My Team" was going to win the Cup this season i wanted to see /pay homage to the last time my squad had won......he smiled and asked me " oh yeah, you're going to win the cup this year eh ? , and who;s your team".......i confidently responded "THE NEW YORK RANGERS"............to which he began to belly laugh at me.....old geezer thought it was the funniest thing he ever heard.......i just smiled and said "You'll see" and walked to the vault to see Bryan Hextall & Co........

the date was October 19th 1993 .........we saw the Leafs beat the Hartford Whalers and go to 7-0 on the season......the reason i know the exact date was because the next night....we watched the Blue Jays beat the Phillies 15-14 in game 4 of the World series from a Toronto Strip Club....possibly the craziest WS game ever down in Philadelphia....

the Rangers ?? yes of course they went on to win the Stanley Cup and the Leafs are still holding their breath.

Though you're thinking that you're leaving there too soon
You're leaving there too soon