Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Johnny's in the basement

 Mixing up the medicine

I’m on the pavement
Thinking about the government (dylan)

so the United States Army is over 10,000 recruits short of their goal.....not too surprising.
One interesting fact that CBS news is reporting is that over 25% of those wishing to enlist were disqualified because they were obese.... these are young men and women in their early 20's and they are too heavy to meet the initial weight requirement. I can tell you that the military gives quite a bit of leeway on this one because they know a recruit will lose a lot of weight during basic training and once in other words these MF's must be fat.

heres the other delicious tidbit.....66% could not score high enough on the math and literacy test.....not a typo...66% are too dumb by military standards to peel potatoes and dig latrine trenches. i went to boot camp with some chaps that made rocks look intelligent, and yet even they could pass the IQ test......hell even old Alvarez could barely speak English and was a semi functioning alcoholic and was welcomed with open arms by Uncle Sam.....maybe cause he drank a lil bit of the jack daniels.

The Navy and Air Force are missing their recruitment goals as well , so maybe the "evil white male" is taking my advice and deciding to sit out the next global conflict......think the trannies, fags and muzzies will take up the reigns and go to foreign lands to risk their lives so AOC can tik tok in peace back in old DC ?

well you need look no further than the video from the NYC subway yesterday...a young physically fit black male Police Officer was in an all-out brawl with a black teenager that was jumping the turnstile....this cop was handcuffed by a stupid policy that doesn't allow him to use a chokehold to restrain his assailant.....he didn't dare punch the suspect ( even those this punk was punching him in the face repeatedly ) or God forbid threaten deadly force ( since he and his family can be sued after he loses his job) so he continued to wrestle with the subject for 2 or 3 minutes.......where was his partner you might ask ?  well mrs Butterworth was unable to do a thing to help......this 5 foot nothing, 250 pound slob was totally useless.....couldn't use her taser or even keep stymies girlfriend away from the melee which a liberal mouthpiece quipped that she was doing the best she could......and yes, that's true and THAT's the PROBLEM........when you put people in positions based on their gender or color and not their ability to perform, this is what you get America.

Get jailed, jump bail
Join the army, if you fail
Look out kid, You’re gonna get hit
But users, cheaters, Six-time losers
Hang around the theaters
Girl by the whirlpool, Lookin’ for a new fool
Don’t follow leaders
Watch the parkin’ meters

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Well, John the Baptist after torturing a thief


Looks up at his hero the Commander-in-Chief
Saying, “Tell me great hero, but please make it brief
Is there a hole for me to get sick in?”  (Dylan)

the demonrats love to bitch about Big Business....bitch and moan about corporate welfare and demand that private industry should pay higher taxes....then why are they passing a $250 billion spending bill  to invest and encourage private companies to build microchip plants in Ohio ?  surely Microsoft, Apple and all the rest can build their own plants with their grossly inflated profits  ....i kind of remember that shrewd cat AOC stepping in to BLOCK Amazon building a 2nd headquarters in her district because she didn't approve of the tax breaks that Evil Eyes Andrew was giving them.....and yet lame duck kathy hochul is seizing several city blocks around Penn Station through eminent domain (literally taking buildings and destroying private business) and handing that property over to Voranado (Private Builder) so they can build 6 new office if that weren't enough....she is taking the city's CUT of taxes from the new buildings ; money that is used to fuel NYC budget and pay Police, Fire, Sanitation etc etc, and giving that tax break to the developers. i ask these questions, but in truth we all know the answers.

let's start at the top with chips & salsa bill.  well it IS an election year......and Ohio is always a swing promising to build a technology plant in a swing state can't hurt......then let's say we are doing this to compete with China (even though American Big Tech is in Bed with the CCP) that should quiet questions about Hunter/China from the likes of pea brained nora odonnell(she doesn't deserve the apostrophe) and lastly and probably most importantly......the 2020 election was signed sealed and delivered by BIG TECH, they shut down a story from a major news source ; the NY POST and Hunters' laptop, and froze their Twitter account......if ever there was a crime family in these United States it is certainly the self-loathsome leftist scum that permeates silicon valley......let's give them a big fat thank you to the tune of 250 billion.

Hochul ?  Voranado was one of her big contributors, so she is giving them a sweetheart deal under the guise of fixing our transit truth this is another nail in the coffin of NYC....i see a not-too-distant future for the isle of Manhattan, one in which the few businesses that remain are ALL located in the Hudson Yards and these 6 new towers....all the workers will live Out of State and come into the city each day and never stray further than 4 or 5 blocks from Penn.....the Police will setup a heavily guarded perimieter (maybe a wall) around the business district...and the rest of manhattan and the outer boroughs will be illegal immigrant breeding grounds and a wasteland.

AOC ? she wanted to take the 3 billion in tax breaks and repair the subways...she didn't understand that the $$ in question doesn't exist without first luring the business(AMZN) here.....what can i say , she is one dumb C*nt....but she looks good in fake handcuffs

The Commander-in-Chief answers him while chasing a fly

Saying, “Death to all those who would whimper and cry”

And dropping a barbell he points to the sky

Saying, “The sun’s not yellow it’s chicken”

Monday, July 25, 2022

if i ever get out of here

 Thought of giving it all away

To a registered charity

All I need is a pint a day

If I ever get outta here

(If we ever get outta here) (Linda McCartney)

i love the fact that Paul gave Linda a writing credit on most of the wings songs, i have to assume that was a middle finger extended to that cackling asian swine that broke up the Beatles....

helter skelter in a summer swelter yesterday....all week, tomorrow etc the world burning up? if you even pondered that for a second then i suggest you crack open an icey cold, frosty delicious glass of beeeeer.

as monkey pox begins to grow, you have to think that we are witnessing a glimpse of future sense contaminating the planet with Nuclear weapons, or destroying costly infrastructure with conventional bombs.....just develop a series of deadly virus, wait until you have a vaccine for yourself and inner circle, and then unleash it on your enemies.......covid was a test.....perhaps the chinks released it too soon....but rest assured they studied the results and had to love what they saw......America's over reaching reaction, Draconian mandates & forced injections, the psychological impact on the next generation ,  our reckless spending and destruction of private business and wealth did more harm to ourselves than our enemies could inflict in a hundred wars....and you are either naive or a simpleton if you don't realize there are many more, deadlier, viruses in the red chineese pipeline.....coming soon to a theater near you.

so if you owned a business these past 2 years and spent countless hours and dollars keeping track of your customers/clients , who sat where, who was next to them, collecting cell phone data because you were required to notify everyone if anyone tested positive for the china flu....well you had to feel silly (or downright angry) when press secretary Jean Pierre Rampal was asked how and where dementia Joe caught Covid....she nastily snapped "it doesn't matter"......ahh yes, more rules for thee but not for me. we all knew contact tracing was a colossal waste of time , it's nice to hear them kinda admit it.

Gil Hodges.....Bronze star recipient as a marine during World War II......we could stop right there....that's enough for induction in my personal Hall of Fame.....but yesterday.....50 years after his death at the ridiculously young age of 47 of a heart attack, he was finally inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.......8 time all star, 3 gold gloves, 2 time world series champion as a player, one very memorable one as a manager......but the thing about Halls of Fame....especially supposed to be the full picture...the character of the individual. There may night be a Better person in Cooperstown. the glowing comments about Gil from his teammates speak volumes...Jackie Robinson referred to GIL as the Glue that kept the Brooklyn Doger family together....and yesterday his daughter mentioned something very interesting in her speech.....during the 1952 World Series Gil was in an awful slump, the Dodgers would lose to the Yanks in 7 games....but Hodges was so loved by the fans that he received a standing ovation when he came to the plate stuck in an 0 for 21 drought......imagine that ? side note, my Mother used to tell me that during that World Series the Catholic Churches in Brooklyn would include Gil Hodges in the Prayer of the Faithful......yep, he was that kind of guy......second side note, i jumped off the Gil Hodges memorial Marine Park Bridge too many times after drinking all day at Riis Park bay 14......seriously though, if you get a chance, Google Irene Hodges was beautiful...her and her Mom still live in Brooklyn and she spoke warmly of the borough we all loved so well.

beat the heat, drink beeeer this Monday

Well, the rain exploded with a mighty crash
As we fell into the sun
And the first one said to the second one there
"I hope you're having fun"

Thursday, July 21, 2022

what is the truth and where did it go

 Ask Oswald and Ruby - they oughta know

Shut your mouth, says the wise old owl
Business is business and it’s murder most foul ( Dylan)

this is not humor, not satire, not me making light or playing loose with the facts.....i offer for your purview a direct quote from the president of the United States of America.

"My mother drove us rather than us being able to walk and guess what? The first frost, you know what was happening? You had to put on your windshield wipers to get literally the oil slick off the window. That’s why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer and why for the longest time, Delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation," Biden said.

so.... did POTUS just say he has cancer?  he was giving a speech in Massachusetts and was blaming/targeting oil refineries......i definitely do not get the connection with his mother driving him, but that's a blabbering Old Old man.....the windshield wipers and the first frost? your guess is as good as his......but when he says " that why i have cancer".......that can't be attributed to a speech impediment.
that is not the same thing as mixing up country's names or shaking hands with the invisible man....that's not the same thing as confusing which year he graduated from high and boasting that he was offered a scholarship to the Naval Academy (when he was not)......either has cancer or he has dementia.

the fact that none of the mainstream media even bothered to report this latest "gaffe" is more proof that they are IN on it........either the President of the United States just deliberately lied about his own health....or he is too old, demented and incompetent to perform his duties as leader of the free world....there's NO middle ground on this the fuk can his wife.....a supposed medical professional; allow this man to continue to embarrass himself and destroy his own legacy ? my guess is that he has probably been cheating on her the whole marriage and this is her revenge.....she's lining her pockets and destroying him at the same time.......there is no doubt in my mind that Hunter dropped off that laptop as revenge against his father....even though it would destroy him as well.......nobody saves that much incriminating evidence against themselves and their cohorts on a lap top ...and then brings it in for repair.....and then doesn't pick it up.........he obviously did NOT want the added scrutiny and spotlight of being the Presidents' son.....he was deliberately trying to derail his fathers' political career.

stay tuned for this one.

Freedom, oh freedom, freedom over me
Hate to tell you, Mister, but only dead men are free

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Theres a dragon with matches


loose on the town
Take a whole pail of water just to cool him down  ( Hunter/Hart)

thanks for nothing....NYC political blowhards AOC and Scmucky Schumer did not have a single press conference, tweet or press release in defense of Bodega worker Jose Alba.....they allowed their latino immigrant constituent get sent to Rikers and charged with Murder in his self defense killing of a career criminal (simple simon)....they remained silent as Go Fund Me took down a grass roots movement to raise money for his bail........thankfully the Association of Bodega workers and the local community took matters into their own hands....they raised bail and protested daily outside the DA's office, Fox news continually  aired footage of the older man defending himself against a young punk, and finally yesterday...that POS alvin (nothing to bragg about) dropped the charges. In her defense...AOC was pretending to be arrested in DC yesterday.....she placed her hands behind her back  "as if" she was handcuffed as she was led away from the demonstration...but this dumb (fill in the blank) couldn't resist giving a raised fist salute to her follower....thus blowing the handcuff ruse.

it's hysterical to see all these liberals worked up over crime these days....what exactly did they think the outcome of defunding/disparaging/blaming the police would be?

Mayor Bowser ( an insult to real dogs) is crying because  the DC homeless shelters are overrun with illegal immigrants that have been shipped up from Texas by Gov Abbott......she says the illegals are being tricked to get onto buses bound for DC .....she may be on to something.....who the hell would willingly visit the nations' capital,,,,,but seriously; she is making Abbotts point for him......why should Texas shoulder the burden of all these illegals ....let's let the sanctuary cities take their share.

don't listen to these meterioligists.....drinking ICE COLD BEER is the only way to survive a heat wave.

Almost aflame still you don't feel the heat
Takes all you got just to stay on the beat
You say it's a living, we all gotta eat
but you're here alone there's no one to compete

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

There's Kissing in the valley


Thieving in the alley
Fighting every inch of the way (Dylan)

where should we start today ? how about college football ?  now that USC and UCLA are destined to join the Big 10 , i suspect we will see a return to the rankings for both....cause we know the Big Ten voters only see the world through big ten glasses.,,,,,suddenly both programs will become overated and inflated....i can honestly say when we used to gather for the Grand Daddy of them all every New Years Day, that i never suspected the Rose Bowl could ever loose it's stranglehold on the bowl season....we were lucky in the 70's to see the Likes of Ohio State and Michigan take on the powerhouse teams of USC.....the colors and pageantry of the big game was a sight to behold......just one more thing that was special and now pretty much reduced to rubble....the BCS or CFP or whatever it is these days has robbed that great game of it's best combatants........we may live to see the day the Rose Bowl is between Nebraska and Utah......under the lights of the Reebok Rosey Bowl Domed AstroTurf stadium .

Texas Tech...or should i say the Matador Club of Lubbock has signed 100 of the Red Raiders football players to NIL contracts.....each and every player on the team will be played $25,000.00 by this private club....first question, do they still get a free ride scholarship? but of course our colleges and universities, the ones that scream the loudest about equality, diversity and all that jazz....are in fact.....the most racist organizations in the nation.....each and every decision about admittance and or financial aid is based on the applicants ethnicity and the wealth of their parents.......doesn't matter if the parents are paying for the about organized crime.

DOCTOR jill biden skipped surgery this week to go Martha's Vineyard and stump for donations for her husband....she spoke in past tense about how dementia Joe had such high hopes for his administration but was sidetracked by unforeseen problems.......i think it's very obvious that Joe will be stepping down or removed from office by December......President Harris will take the reins and the MSM will get in lock step and start painting a rosy picture on the evening news

that scumbag gindaloon fauci announced his quasi retirement 24 months in advance.... guess he thinks the republicans won't come after him in january if he is a lame duck.... guess again you murderous slimeball.

NYC Police are warning about serial sex attacks in manhattan being on the rise. they even release a few videos of perps following their victims and then attacking them on the streets.....BUT....i have to say...two of the most recent attacks occurred this sat/sun between 4:00 and 5:00 AM near Central park West....the victims were young attractive females walking home alone.......are you fucking kidding me ? i stopped walking home alone after 9:00 pm over thirty years ago in this day and age, what planet are these people living on ?

Trying to be tender
With somebody I remember
In a night that’s always brighter’n the day

Monday, July 18, 2022

never forget

 Seen a shooting star tonight

And I thought of you

You're tryin' to break into another world

A world I never knew

I always kinda wondered

If you ever made it through

Seen a shootin' star tonight

And I thought of you ( dylan) 

tough stretch for the families and friends of the World Trade Center Victims. although the Saudi govt was never officially charged in the attacks, 15 of the19 hijackers were from saudi Arabia and the mastermind behind the plot was Bin Laden...a saudi prince in exile that was still being funded by that govt. Most people feel that Saudi Arabia was complicit, if not 100% responsible, in the attack.

First came the LIV golf tourney, where many of the games best players took millions from saudi arabia to play in their tournaments, and even Donald Trump offered up his Bedminster course for the saudis.

Then on Friday night Fox Sports was showing an ariel view of the Freedom Tower and the 9/11 memorial and inexplicably placed Yankee and Red Sox graphics over the footprints/fountains.....they immediately apologized BUT.....whoever made the decision in the first place sb exposed and my opinion.

lastly , our commander in Chief made a visit to Saudi Arabia to beg for sad as that was, it got worse.....the President of the United States exchanged a fist Bump with the crown Prince....just two old pals saying hello.....long forgotten was bidens quotes from last year that he would make the saudis pay for killing Koshoggi.......and more recent amnesia when the saudis refused to take a call from POTUS at the beginning of the war in ukraine........yep, all is forgotten.

Kudos to Steve Mac for sending an incredible video of Dano dancing to the music at Citifield during Dead & Company a few years back......i was stopped stone cold in my reminded me of just how much i miss that guy....our world is a lot emptier without him.

well......some of us still remember 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

everyday things change

 And the world puts on a new face

Certain things rearrange

And this ol' world seems like a new place  ( Smokey Robinson)

"Read the polls Jack, 92% said they'd vote for me"

that was an angry old white man reacting to a question about a poll that says 2/3rds of registered demonrats do NOT want dementia Joe to run again.......his defense was to site the other poll that did say 92% of them would vote for Joe if he was their candidate........well ...that's apples and oranges.....obviously demons will vote for whomever their candidate is.......but the original poll shows that 66% of them don't want Joe..........I too will vote for whomever the Republican nominee is, but that doesn't mean my choice will emerge as the party nominee.

" a 10 year old Ohio girl was raped and had to go to Indiana for an abortion" that too was sleepy Joe last week.......he was outraged......he was filled with anger and empathy for that girl and all women.......2 problems.....not true....the Ohio Attorney Gen quickly pointed out that Ohio has a provision to allow abortions in cases of rape.......but here is the real reason you won't hear about this little girl ever again.

she was raped by an ILLEGAL ALIEN....Gerson Fuentes was in this country illegally and he raped a 10 year old child........the left thought this story would be the poster child for the summer and run up to November...but it turns out , instead of highlighting the abortion issue, it reminds the public about the crisis at the border that the MSM is ignoring........the liberal doctor who shared this personal information about the abortion to the media shuld be facing charges for violating HIPPA....but hell....the spoonjiah queen that stabbed Jose Alba in the bodega (before he put simple simon to rest) hasn't faced any charges........and the charges against Alba STILL have not been dropped.

Go Fund Me, Go Fuck Yourself.

These miserable fucks took down a Go Fund Me account that was setup to raise bail for Mr Alba....not the first time these liberal pricks have done this.....they also shut down a campaign to raise money and support the Canadian Truckers.........but any sambo that wants to raise money for hot sauce or  to buy new hubcaps is OK........anyone who wants to raise money to help people get abortions ? ok .....anyone who wants to raise money to fund BLM and anti-police protest ? OK.....riase $ for Kyle Rittenhouse defense attorney's ? NOT OK.......go fuck yerself go fund me.

i'm a little excited today.....maybe it's the early morning heat.....maybe it's because the doctor imposter jill biden called my Mexican friends Breakfast Tacos , who knows.....maybe i just need to smoke crack in a pool and film it like Hunter.

What's this ol' world comin' to?

Things just ain't the same

Anytime the hunter gets captured by the game

Oh, yeah

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Sweater Nite Fights Sobriety

 i have decided to do a series of t-shirts leading up to the Silver Jubilee of SN XXV......and through Custom Ink i was able to do this as a a dollar or two for every item sold will be sent to me and used to kick start a group Kitty on the bar come February.....the below link will take you to the first shirt. ( sweatshirts and long sleeve T-s with different designs will follow in the coming months) feel free to start your Christmas shopping early.

to honor and commemorate Sweater Nite 25, proceeds go on the mahogany at sn xxv Custom Ink Fundraising

Sunday, July 10, 2022

a peaceful place, or so it looks from space

 a closer look reveals the Human race (Barlow-Weir)

kathy hochul and the manhattan DA (bragg) think that bail is prejudice....that bail is racist...that it hurts minorities and people of color. Jose Alba is a 51 year old Dominican immigrant and bodega worker on 139th street in NYC. On Friday a woman tried to buy a bag of chips with a credit card that was declined.....Jose took the chips back and so the woman stormed out, knocking items off the counter in peaceful protest.......she came back with stymie simon , her 32 yr old boyfriend....a convicted felon and all around good egg no doubt....Simon attacked the older man and started pushing and punching him while the woman stabbed Alba in the shoulder with a pen knife........Alba retrieved a knife that was under the counter and stabbed his attacker to a happy ending to a typical NYC story.....self defense no ? man at work is attacked, punched and stabbed and fights back defending his life ? NO.....braggs' office arrested Aba for murder and asked for 500K Bail ? the judge reduced it to charges were filed against the chip lady with the pen while Jose Alba sits in Rikers with the scum of the world for the crime of defending his life,  mrs chips gets to find a new baby daddy to replace simon says (i'm dead) ..that's america today.

guns, background checks and mental health......this freak of nature in north chicago looks like one of the transgendered fruit cakes our school system wants 5 years olds to know about and emulate.....with tattoos on his face , a suicidal history, a knife collection and threats of killing his whole family.....he bought 4 firearms over the past 2 years ....why ? because Daddy signed off on his applications and he lied on the background check.........after two years of lockdowns and video game playing and no in person classrooms...we have a whole generation of twisted loners ready to attack....buckle up.

Border Patrol agents on horse were accused by the left of whipping haitan migrants illegaly crossing into texas back in January.....President Biden (in a rare press conference) wagged his finger and said THEY WILL PAY.....launched an investigation.......and everyone was exonerated......turns out you use reigns when riding horses to control their movements.....and the reigns are ropes.....similar to whips......who knew ?  probably everyone in the world knew, except the liberal left and cowboy joe.....6 months later they still can't admit they were the border agents will be punished for joke....using foul language......i wish i was kidding.

i watched a documentary on Netflix earlier this week......4 part series on 3 mile island.....i remember it well....or at least i thought i did.......i remember the first 6 days really well....but i had no idea what went on in the coming years in Middletown PA.......i won't spoil it....but i strongly suggest watching it if you get a chance.........i also remember the skit SNL did back in 77 where they had the black janitor ( Garret Morris) go into the reactor to mop up the radioactive spill........good, clean late 70's fun.

remember how they said the greatest threat to our Democracy was his refusal to accept the legitimacy of the election was the equivalent of tearing down the institutions that support this country ?  funny those same people have no problems with dementia joe lying about and misrepresenting the recent SCOTUS decisions, and accusing the Supreme court of being politically motivated and an instrument of the Republican party......when in reality they didn't make anything legal or illegal .....all they did was decide that the matters in question....vaccine mandates, roe v wade , the power of the EPA are not covered in the Consitution...and it is up to the States or Congress to write/pass the laws........and clueless joe and the WH are still encouraging protests at the homes of SCOTUS (which is of course a federal crime)'s obvious they want someone to kill Kavanaugh so they can replace him with a liberal........but remember, Trump was the problem.

bad month for organized crime.....first it was Ray Liotta....then James Caan on Thursday...and now Paulie Walnuts has passed away.........who would of thought that whitey herzog would outlive them all .

the US Army suspended a retired 3 star General from a mentorship program that he was participating in because he sent a sarcastic tweet to Jill tu west point ? you would think they would be busier sniffing out cocaine and fentanyl on campus....guess not.

let's end this rant on a happier note.......the Mets held a first class ceremony to bestow a long overdue honor on one of their greatest all time players.......Keith Hernandez saw his #17 retired by the Metropolitans....those highlights from 86 never fail to stir the same emotions all these years later, the hair on my neck stands up, i get chills and shake my head with a laugh, what an incredible run that i sat in the yard enjoying a cool refreshing glass of beer, i realized that the 86 team was my last Met team.......they might win the world series this year, but i'm too cynical to enjoy it....too many bad eggs on the current team....i don't hate them, but i certainly don't love them....and honestly i doubt i will ever love another team......i'll like teams and root for teams but i really don't think i will ever love another team....and that goes for every sport.....but i lived to see Hernandez & Carter, Messier & Richter, Debuscherre and Clyde.....and LT, Simms & Eli win titles for my teams.....and quite frankly i can't ask for much more.....

Now watch as the ball revolves and the night-time falls
And again the hunt begins and again the blood wind calls
By and by, again, the morning sun will rise
But the darkness never goes from some men's eyes

Sunday, July 03, 2022

oh, keep your eyes on the road

and your hands upon the wheel (James Douglas Morrison)

“We’re blessed with the opportunity to stand for something—for liberty and freedom and fairness. And these are things worth fighting for, worth devoting our lives to.” - Ronald Reagan

is this the most tumultuous Independence in the past 246 years ?   certainly the country more divided than ever ? hard to argue against that. personally i do not feel a kinship or brotherhood to  most on the progressive left. I feel they are at best misguided...and at worst a bunch a treasonous scum that solely seek to tear down and destroy everything, EVERY FUCKIN THING that my country stands for.

Freedom to worship, Independence from any and all, Opportunity to grow, prosper, and succeed. The chance to accumulate a little wealth and pass it on to your next generation, so that they may breath a little easier and walk a more comfortable path through this life.....

i'm positing this on July 3rd because tomorrow i intend to leave the TV off, crank the stereo and listen to the Doors, Allmans and the Dead (americana) and sit in the bool and drink iced cold beer from sun up till sumdown......i will slave at the grill like Toby (Kunta Kinta) cooking all American hot dogs, Burgers and Chicken....i will listen to the fireworks in the distance (hopefully far off) and i will thank the higher powers that i was Born in Brooklyn at the precise time that i was........i wouldn't change any of it..... to anyone and everyone that stumbles upon this page this day....Drink Up, Celebrate your Freedom, waste not a moment....time is precious.....God Bless.

Well, I woke up this morning and I got myself a beer

Well, I woke up this morning and I got myself a beer

The future's uncertain and the end is always near