Saturday, March 20, 2010

quandry or pickle ?

alas my self imposed boycott of all things Bob Weir and Phil Lesh related may in fact be drawing to a close. I have been offered a ticket to the further fest at Cooney Island...we are all in agreement that life is too short for grudges and I have spent some of the greatest nights of my life in the company of the Grateful Dead, so why not go? The truth is I felt very much betrayed by their shameful antics during the 2008 Presidential Campaign, it would never have had happened if Jerome Kahn Garcia were alive and it is not an easy thing to put behind me...I don't think less of them because they are liberals, but obviously they have no use for me because I am a what do we do ?

well i had XM 57 on this morning, just like i do every morning...I truly believe this station was Gods gift to an Ungrateful World, and they played an exuberant version of "Might as Well"........."never had such a good time in my life before, I'd Like to take that Ride Again"

well said Jerome...well said......I am going.

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