Thursday, October 25, 2012

but why ?

as this fiasco in libya continues to unravel, i am still getting stuck on one point....WHY ?   why was the black haus so reluctant to classify the libyan massacre on the anniversay of the 9/11 attacks as a "terrorist" attack ?  what was/is there motive in first insisting it was a crowd of rebel rouses that got out of hand, why 5 days after the fact did they send Susan Rice onto Meet the Press to further push the notion it was payback for an anti-islam movie and street protest gone out of bounds? This was Al Queda, and nobody, and i do mean nobody, would blame obama for al queda's existince, they were here before barry and will be here long after he's not like this was the new libyan govt that he supported attacking us, he would not have had egg on his face for the actions of an organized al queda attack why ? it is not like the american public was under the assumption that there was an everlasting peace in the middle east after the sand nigga why? ....why so eager to brush this it less than optimal, a bump on the road.......the jewish vote? they could care less about our diplomats in libya....hell isreal is facing nuclear extinction at the hands of iran and the jews are still lining up in boca raton to reelect this why?

it is obviously something Big.....for hillary to fall on her sword and commit political suicide it must be big.......its also obvious that if Susan Rice had gone on these shows so close to the election and spread this propoganda on her own....without the encouragement or insistence of the black haus....she would have been fired.....can you imagine a renegade voice in his administration rockin the boat against his will and causing a stir like this one with her head.....but Nope...she has been spared....she was obviously just doing her job.....but WHY ?

I am main suspicion now is that barry knew that continued attacks and the obvious healthiness of al queda would prevent him from freeing Sheik Omar;  the blind cleric behind the 1993 world trade center attacks,  as an olive branch to egypt..........but would he risk it all to keep his plan alive? or is he so arrogant he really felt that the dumbass american public will ignore the facts and drink the cool aid?

somewhere in a cornfield of Illinois.. Carlton Fisk is waking up behind the wheel with an empty bottle of doubt contemplating the same puzzling issues as me.

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