Wednesday, June 19, 2013

lets get caught up

okay....before we go any furthur....i am delighted to learn of the NSA spying program ( i hope your listening) i was growing fearful that our politically correct soft government was letting its guard down....spying is good, even on our own citizens ( if you havent committed a crime, whats your worry).......police profiling is good.....drone strikes are good, they save troops lives.....hacking enemy websites = good.............releasing secue information = Treason....Snowden must die........i just wonder what the reaction of the NY Times would be if all this was happening under a Republican President ?

Syria ?   the Great Reformer Assad as Hillary called him........or the Rebels ?   no good answer here.....lets even the the rebels a little bit so we have a fair fight and let the 2 sides murder each other for a troops though.

Turkey?  anybody hear about Turkey ?   i didn't think so.....our good friend? Erdogan has cracked down on peaceful protests with a show of force that would make the Tianemen Square troops blush.....this is Turkey mind you....a nation that then Pres Bush urged NATO to accept....and Erdogan a radical islam extremist that hates Isreal and uses case you really didn't hear....Erdogan is trying to push Turkey towards more Sharia Law...banning certain sales of alcohol and trying to erase the memory of Attaturk, the man mostly responsible for Turkey gaining independance from Persia(Iran) the center of the protest is the Govt plane to build a strip mall on a parkland that was created under Attaturk........young students of Istanbul protested this ....and the Military was called in......heavy handed no?

Hillary's security detail ordering prostitutes and protecting pedophiles ?  remember the good ol days when stuff like that would make news ?

i will leave you with this.........with Aaron Hernandez under investigation of a Murder and Gronkowski an obvious cripple, how painful would it be for gang green if Tebow leads the Patriots to another division title as their starting Tight end....especially since the Jets are paying the bulk of his salary to Denver.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

who woke Tom up???