Saturday, July 06, 2013

Boycott Sam Adams Beer

well it's time to Boycott those beermakers in the commonwealth of massachusetts , seems they ran a cute , patriotic ad over the 4th of July where the bartender reads from the Declaration of Idependance and reminds us that Sam Adams also signed the Document......fuuny little thing though....i suppose to appease those big beer drinker atheists they left about the part about unalienable rights being endowed by their creator....or dare i say ....GOD......or maybe they really HATE any event the Coors Family and many others continue to make great products and support conservative there is no need to spend any $$$ with that filthy slogan  "In God We Trust" on any Sam Adams beer. (below excerpt from the Boston Globe)

A little Fourth of July hangover story for you: a patriotic commercial for Samuel Adams beer has inspired the ire of internet commenters ...for only partially quoting the Declaration of Independence. In the spot, an actor pours a Sam Adams as he says:

… Samuel Adams signed the Declaration of Independence. He believed that there was a better way to live. All men are created equal. They are endowed with certain unalienable rights. Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness …

Astute readers of the Declaration (published in full here) will recall that they’re missing a key phrase there. “They are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights.” (Emphasis ours, not Jefferson’s.) Cue the outrage!

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