Friday, August 29, 2014

and they're ORF

so this past week I am re-reading Desolation Angels (Kerouac) for the gazillionth time and Jack is detailing a trip he made to the Golden Gate fields racetrack with Neal Cassidy and his theory of betting the second option , and how they would BOTH get rich if Kerouac would only listen , and now today I find myself headed to Monmouth Park Racetrack, where I shall personally test Cody Pomerays plan for attaining independent wealth and happiness at the hands of the poor sods who simply don't know better, and i secretly concede that even if I don't walk out of Oceanport like a Rockerfeller, I will have spent an amusing afternoon in the decades old shadow of 2 people I think of often, and i suspect i will also have a belly full of beer to prove it.

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