Wednesday, December 03, 2014

body cameras

yep...."everybody" wants body cameras.....the President, the good people of ferguson, sharpton et al.

how long before ( i say less than 1 year) they start crying that the Police should not have released the video footage to the media, how it only shows part of the story, how in negatively infleunces a jury potential jury pool etc etc....

and how long. ( i say 2 years) before some high profile case where some shyster lawyer files a motion to surpress the video footage because his client had an expectation of privacy, or it violated his civil rights OR fill in the blanks,,,,,blah, blah, blah


Anonymous said...

if you're out in public, it's not private!

alvarez said...

Anyone with a memory of the 80's and nyc 1st black mayor...remember those days...did you ever, in your wildest nightmare, think you would see al sharpton in the white house...I've never lived in such bizarre times...are there any sane people left, really...I don't want to believe my own eyes...

Anonymous said...

signs of the apocalypse!