Friday, April 10, 2015

frightening times

college campuses throughout the 20th and 21st century have always been a place of free speech and demonstration......whether they went to far at times is open for debate.......whether you agreed with the various messages matters not , but the core value was always open ended discussion....a place to voice any opinion....or to protest anything someone else is demonstrating....even denouncing your country's involvement in War....or supporting the dialogue, exchange of ideas....tolerance for ALL IDEAS......students have weighed in on everything from Wall street investing in Darfur to vaccines for rights...vegetarians against the Klan ( Joe Jackson) idea or cause was too contreversial, freedom to state anything... And also the freedom to protest or debate anything....both sides get to voice their opinion..... Sometimes on the same lawn in opposing camps.

earlier this week the University of Michigan gave in to protets from Islamic staudent who were offended by the Movie "American Sniper" because it displayed negative islamic sterotypes.....and so the school cancelled a showing of the Movie in the student Union, see as Christians we are told by the liberal left that we must be tolerant and accept others right to free speech, even if that means defacing a painting of the Virgin Mary with cow feces and calling it big happy Utopian exchange of ideas.....stimulates the brain....leads to greater understanding of opposing views.

Forget for a moment the merits of the movie or the protest......its irrelevent.

What is painfully relevant is that Sharia Law has come to the United States and is alive and well on College Campuses......they will silence and stifle anything that offends the dialogue, no exchange of ideas, NO a college campus, where you can burn an effigy of your own president and the flag of the Nation, where you can denounce the military and law enforcement or spit on the constitution has said you can not watch a are not free to hear the message and decide for yourself....... Because "We The Educators  . will decide what your allowed to see and hear........

.any movie.....any statement of free speech could be next.

it's over.

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