Thursday, July 09, 2015

Interesting times

So in the past few weeks while the debate over the Confederate FLAG, Gay marriage, the parade for the U.S. National Women's Team and the immigration status of the landscapers at Trumps golf courses has dominated the evening news .....a few interesting things have happened.

Did you know that the Chinese are building man made islands to be used as military installations in the South China Sea ? And that they have threatened anyone that gets to close with military action.

Did you know that Iran is insisting on a lift on the arms embargo as part of the nuclear treaty ? Yep...this peaceful nation of islam that only wants nuclear capability to make electricity , wants to be able to legally buy weapons from Russia as a giveback to signing a nuclear treaty........ A treaty they need to have economic sanctions lifted on them.....strange how they seem to be dictating terms.

Did you know that the Russians have doubled their troop buildup in the Ukraine ?

Did you know that on the 4th of July.... At the same time Putin was on the phone with obama, that 2 Russian bombers were flying off the coast of Alaska....and that the Air Force had to scramble two fighter Jets to warn them to stay out of our air space.

Did you know we reduced our active military force by 40,000 the other day ?

And of course yesterday..... At approximately the same time..... American airlines and the NYSE suffered,   so far ; unexplained  computer failures that grounded all flights and trading activity.

And where has barry been? Besides tweeting about the soccer game ?

If we are not under cyber attack from China, Russia or ISIS..... Or all 3........they are at least testing the waters for a future attack...... Perhaps one where our nuclear weapons are disabled just long enough to take us out........

Oh....who back to our regularly scheduled distractions.

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