Monday, August 31, 2015

Scam of the millennium

If you thought the Grateful Dead farewell shows in Chicago were a scam, you ain't seen nothing yet.
As bad as it was for the DEAD & Company to announce a fall tour while some suckers were still making their way home from the "Farewell" shows in Chicago......Pippins has them beat.

After a month long pilgrimage from loyal customers and folks who just had to be a part of something for FOMO reasons , Pippins announced on the eve of the shutdown, that they would be reopening ( can you call it reopening if you never really closed?) At a popup location on 91st and 3rd.

Glad I didn't save my receipts for memorabilia.... Or my ez pass charges........when reached at BarA for comment on Francessa head linesman Chaz Higgins suggested that we now had an opening paragraph for the SN 18 letter.

What did Duff know ?
And when did he know it ?
Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...and now the grand re-opening party! (PS. I knew almost 2 weeks ago!!!)