Saturday, January 21, 2017

woman is the nigger of the world

John Lennon said that, and I believe its true..... I sat with pride in my basement bar watching the news reels from Washington d.c. , so proud of these American women ( not the pro life ones, but that's another story) marching around the Capitol ; protesting the sexist President Regime on day 2 of his reign.....I wait with baited breath for the day that a Woman can become a doctor , or a lawyer or work on wall street or dare I say ....Run for Political office........or dare I really say accept the nomination of a Major party to run for the highest office in the land ....and also accept the questions for a major debate in advance of her opponent, stand silent as her party schemes to discredit her male opponent ( The Altacacca mister Bernie sanders) and be excused of crimes that MEN sit in Prison for committing....Yes, that is when we can all stop waiting to exhale and know that the buxom gender has indeed arrived...

1 comment:

alvarez said...

Not allowing the pro-lifers to participate tells you all you need to know.