Sunday, December 24, 2017

strangest Christmas Eve

1985...Diego comparison.....on a remote tropical island....first time in my life not being home on 76th street for Christmas.....Christmas season started out okay......we got a USO visit on or about December 15th....I worked nights at the airport....the dallas cowboy cheerleaders came in and we got yo drive them 3 miles downton to their rooms in the officers quarters...we had a few laughs..didn't feel like Christmas season tho........95 degrees and sunny.....half the island inhabitants caught flights back to the States for Christmas leave on or about December 21st....the place was a ghost town.....Mess Hall was empty......the "BAR" was half full and flights at the airport from the 22nd on, so we had no mail or work......we barbuqued on the Beach with bonfires on the 23rd....big party for all the unlucky ones who weren't approved for leave......on the 24th....the lone radio station on the island thought it would be funny to play "I'll be home for Christmas" for 24 straight many different versions as they could find.....over and over and was funny for about an hour.......turned depressing.....followed by anger and rage.......but we kept listening......I remember drinking Gin & Tonic like it was water , along with about 50 other guys and girls totally drownding their sorrows, as the Palm trees waved and warm ocean breezes flew.....we kept drinking, and Listening to that fucking song......over, and over and over....please have snow....shots, beers, more gin....and night came more bonfires....angrier and other items were tossed into the fires...and presents for the midnight approached , total despair set in.......we felt like total losers stuck on a deserted island as the rest of the world celebrated can count on me......eventually passed out......woke up in the sand ......stumbled to the mess hall for coffee.....brutal hangover.......what's playing in the mess hall ? I'll be home for Christmas....IF ONLY IN MY DREAMS.

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