Friday, November 09, 2018

And every stop is neatly planned

For a poet iand a one man band (Simon & that other guy)....well I am that one man band....and my stops are neatly I’m headed to Bethlehem ( no , not Jesus) Pennsylvania....we have a wedding there on Saturday night....but today my solo mission is to roam the streets of downtown Bethlehem, searching for beer and the ghosts of a forgotten walk the ancient empty streets ( too dead for dreaming)..I have come A day early with a list of establishments I wish to explore....I was bitten by the Kerouac bug at a young age....the nomadic caravan of traveling with the Grateful Dead, my years in the navy sailing the 7 continents and my sojourns on Amtrak , cross crossing the country and following the party....I was blessed with a good memory and I never forget a bar ...I would like to think that if I were dropped out of a space shuttle orbiting the earth, that I could find a suitable public house for Ales and tales within the hour....assuming of course one could survive re-entering earths atmosphere....but not only would I find a bar, but I would have it stored in the cognitive part of the brain from a visit in this lifetime....real or I take the train to the port authority and a bus back to Bethlehem....I quench my thirst in RIPPERS , have lunch in fegleys, pop into HARD BALL CIDER for what else ? A cider, down the hill for some whiskey in the Red Stag and some local craft beer in Joe’s Tavern....that should bring me to 3oclock, whenst I can Uber to my hotel and check in...the evening requires a shirt change and a new set of bars in the Lehigh valley....pj whelihans, Maloney’s ( I think) and dinner in a steak place called PRIME....but I doubt it is....night caps will be offered to all still standing at the lobby bar of my hotel...and one hundred thousand years from now I will still recall the names, faces and the stories they will tell...from a tiki bar in Fort Lauderdale in the early stages of dementia, I may ramble a sentence or two about this very day , before snapping to attention and the tasks at hand....leaving all within earshot confused BUT amused....But all my words come back to me in shades of mediocrity Like emptiness in harmony I need someone to comfort me”


Anonymous said...


alvarez said...

Hey Chreeeeese?

I drink...a little bit...of the Jack Daniels – pleeeeezee.

Long Live Alvarez!!!!!!!