Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Good times, bad times

You know I had my share....first the good news, sweater nite 21 is slated for Saturday February 23rd in the knights of Columbus.....plan accordingly....and I geuss there isn’t any bad news per se...just the regular bullshit.... I chuckled at the hypocrisy of the university of North Carolina students that tore down a statue that stood for a hundred plus years honoring the school alumni that died in the civil war on the side of the confederacy....”silent Sam” was the name of the statue.....the student body tore it down during the first week of classes back in August.,,the administration is trying to find a new permanent location on campus, but the spoiled brat shitbirds don’t want to allow this....so they carried black olives matter banners and chanted “ this is what democracy looks like “......well kids, your teachers have failed you....,this is mob rule, nothing similar to democracy ....good thing tuition only costs 50k


alvarez said...

Hey Chreeeeese?

I drink...a little bit...of the Jack Daniels – pleeeeezee.

Long Live Alvarez!!!!!!!

alvarez said...

good news...fearless girl is gone...

alvarez said...

be alert today...never forget what happened 77 years ago...WE STILL HAVE ENEMIES THAT WANT TO DESTROY US...buy more ammo.