Tuesday, June 11, 2019

If you ever feel sorrow for the deeds you might’ve done

With no hope for tomorrow in the setting of the sun
And the ocean is howling for the things that might have been” ( P.Rowan)
Well maybe not that dramatic but yesterday was a day of regret for me, maybe it was the anniversary of the start of my Navy career and too much reflecting and dwelling on mistakes I have made since , but I was down in the dumps and questioning myself as to why I bother....why should I care when it seems know one else does .....and then in the evening mail I received a card, I will keep the details private for now but it was a note of Thanks, a note of encouragement and a generous offer with regards to Sweater Nite 22.....it was a reminder that some people do care and someone in particular cared a great deal about Sweater Nite .....it lifted me up that’s for sure and I will keep that card on my nite stand to remind on the days where my efforts seem futile, that they are not....and I just have to keep plugging away....as we fly through our 50’s it seems harder than ever to get together for a few beers like we used to....take every opportunity, enjoy them all because tomorrow is already in the rear view, we can’t get that one back to do over....not sure if the senders of the card read the blog, but I will be reaching out to them directly to let them know how much I needed that.............” that last good morning sunshine will be the brightest you’ve ever seen “


Anonymous said...

Tom, never think that anything you do is insignificant. It's also a great thing you do every year to bring your friends together!

alvarez said...

If you need a laugh, think of the look on the alien faces after they take over earth and discover this blog...and then, of course, there is this...

Hey Chreeeeese?
I drink...a little bit...of the Jack Daniels – pleeeeezee.

Long Live Alvarez!!!!!!!

...so I turned it off and went to grab another beer....