Tuesday, September 17, 2019

just wondering

so much ado was made about the Mets not being able to wear NYPD / FDNY hats on 9/11.....not to worry, they WILL next year....want to know why ? $$$$$$….NIKE has a contract to make the MLB uniforms starting next year.....AND Nike has a contract with the Deblasio administration to use the FDNY, NYPD, SDNY logos and trademarks and sell gear.....put 2 and 2 together and you spell greed.....somehow MLB will have a change of heart I suspect...…….what remains to be seen....and maybe our favorite Batallion Chief can weigh in.....does NIKE have EXCLUSIVE rights to these logos...and if Yes, does this mean a cease and desist letter from corporate will be sent to all the firehouse to stop printing their own T-shirts that include the FDNY shield, Logo, etc etc  ? ? time will tell.....but mark my words....next 9/11 will be brought to you from the America Hating scumbags from Oregon and probably every team will have a special NY edition hat


alvarez said...

I said no it's not a case of lonely we have here...I've been working on this palm tree...for 87 years...

on my way to tulsa...it could be over soon...buy more ammo..stay away from crowds...

alvarez said...

...tax the rich...feed the poor...till there are no...rich no more...i'd love to change the world...

life is funny...who needs money...

i'd love the change the world...but I don't know what to do...so I leave that up to you...