Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Segregation, determination, demonstration, integration

 Aggravation, humiliation, obligation to our nation

Ball of confusion
Oh yeah, that's what the world is today
Woo, hey, hey  (temptations)

50 plus years later the Temptations are still spot on, the earth is a BALL OF CONFUSION.
As blue states like NY and NJ suddenly come to the realization that masks mandates do more harm than good, the White house and Randi Weingarten double down and hide behind the CDC.

As the ladies of the view still blame President Trump for not taking the pandemic serious in the beginning, they conveniently ignore Nancy Pelosi's famous visit to SF Chinatown to declare everything is OK here and encouraging people to come on down.
Fentanyl streaming across our open border in Texas , Drug overdose deaths increased for EVERY demographic last year.....over 100,000 deaths in 2021 alone......the Biden administration, under the guise of racial equity; is sending "smoking kits" that include Crack pipes to inner cities.(look it up) 
As Canadian Truckers peacefully protest the vaccine mandates, the MSM instead listens to old black face Trudeau who calls them Nazi's and his administration even displayed an anti-semitic flyer they say the found amongst the truckers.......a closer look reveals it was for a rally 2 years prior in Miami.........CNN also accused the Truckers of flying confederate flags ......ask yourself, why would Canadian Truckers fly flags from the American civil war ? ( maybe CNN just forgot to update the script they used against the Jan 6th Capitol remember those, that's when white female veteran Ashley Babbit was shot to death by a black man hiding behind a barricade, he felt so threatened that he reached through a barricaded door to shoot her in the neck and was quickly absolved of any wrongdoing without a trial.
As the average man is chastised and portrayed as a selfish killer for not wearing 3 masks and swim goggles.....Politicians ( Newsome, the mayors of LA and SF) are partying maskless and posing for photos with immune compromised Magic Johnson.......and that fat slob, the black version of basement Bertha (Bill Gallo cartoons) stacey abrams is seen as the only maskless person , surrounded by white students wearing be fair to the kids, i would wear a mask around abrams too.
and back to my favorite punching bag Neil Young.....after failing to get Joe Rogan fired for interviewing people with differing opinions than Neil, and then trying with old tapes of Rogan using the N word. (Sambo)...on the heels of this comes and old interview Mr Young did with Melody Maker in the 80's in the early days of AIDS when he said he didn't want FAGGOTS behind the register handling his potato's, because gay people were spreading AIDS to he is telling Spotify workers to Quit THEIR jobs and join HIS protest...........yeah well, glass house and all that stuff.

a/o last night GIVESENDGO had raised over 6.5 million for the Canadian Truckers, and then an Ottawa court issued an injunction that said the Truckers can't blow their horns for 10 days ...huh?  and step-n-fetch it trudeau is still trying to demonize the truckers....this after hailing the George Floyd arsonist movement and peaceful and necessary......give me the Temptations and a morning cocktail.

side note....honorable eggroll highly recommends Canadian sitcom LetterKenny .....and i agree .... funniest show i have seen in 25 years.....i immediately ordered the first 8 seasons on DVD......definitely worth checking out if you like beeeeer, hockey and wordplay....

Evolution, revolution, gun control, sound of soul
Shooting rockets to the moon, kids growing up too soon
Politicians say more taxes will solve everything
And the band played on

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