Thursday, November 17, 2022

Am i in my cabin dreaming ?

 Or are you really scheming

To take my ship away from me? (Grand Funk Railroad)

i was working hard at my pub table in my barroom yesterday when i was startled by a call from a loyal lieutenant in the Borough of Churches. (the good news is that nobody passed away) but the alarm bell he sounded shook me from head to toe and sent a chill down my spine. This Thing of Ours.....our un-trademarked stranglehold on the Sweater Nite tradition was under attack. Lt Mcevoy was approached by someone plotting to host a SWEATER NITE party in Long Beach Long Island and was even so bold as to reach out to Mac and inquire as to where he could buy Koozies. This interloper has attended several Sweater Nites over the years and was always welcomed and treated kindly, for him to misappropriate our culture and claim it for his own, to try to sell it to the rubes of Nasau County without so much as an acknowledgement to its origins .... well, that is sacrilege. I hereby issue an edict for everyone to write down the name Terrence Mulligan......have you written it down?  well strike a line through it...and never speak his name again. We need to circle the wagons.... only invited guests will be permitted behinds the walls of the PC's Vatican this February...this year's letter will contain a special admittance coupon that will be carefully inspected by the security detail of Spears and Uncle Alex......guests will also have to utter the secret password ( Chick Peas) to gain entry..."swordfish? no, that's the old password, we changed it......remember .... loose lips sink ships.

I can feel the hand of a strangerAnd it's tightening around my throatHeaven help me, Heaven help meTake this stranger from my boat

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