Sunday, November 26, 2023

well, the howling wolf will howl tonight

 the king snake will crawl

Trees that’ve stood for a thousand years suddenly will fall (Dylan)

Montclair NJ just cut down Oak trees that had stood for anywhere from 75 to 200 redevelop a baseball field and install a new artificial turf surface.........please tell me again how Exxon drilling in the Gulf of mexico is endangering the planet.

Phil Murphys and his Sweedish friends killed about 50 whales trying to install wind turbines off the Jersey Shore.....please tell me again how cardboard beer containers in Farrells were going to pollute the water supply.

Canada voted against an aid package to the Ukraine and limp wrist trudeau is blaming it on influence from American MAGA Republicans.......please tell me again how anarchist truckers almost toppled the govt of our socialists neighbors last year.....

the transparent idiocy of those in charge is tiring.....this planet is boring me.....i'm ready to visit the next one.


Tomorrow all activity will cease
You know that sometimes Satan comes as a man of peace


Anonymous said...

BEAM ME UP, SCOTTY...and pass the Jack!

alvarez said...

this is a test...

alvarez said...

Chris...where are you????????????????????