Friday, February 16, 2024

Look who's back in town

Ain't nobody but Sally Sue Brown
All you boys better run for cover
If you don't a-wanna be a hearted broken lover. (Dylan)


Big history was made last night when Caitlin Clark broke the all time ncaa scoring record for girlies...but it may be short lived.......Mookie Schamooka-Zaire is a sophomore at U Cal Santa-Barbara and is currently averaging 5.3 more points per game than Clark was at this same stage of her career. She is on a pace to break Clarks record at the end of next season.

Sally Simpleton, The Previous record holder ; sent along her congratulations in a video from her job as head waitress at the cracker Barrel in Biloxi Mississippi.

and somewhere in these great United States there is a 25 year old Michael Jordan wannabe, someone who was not quite good enough for the NBA but is willing to wear a skirt and call himself Nancy for the chance to cash some lucrative checks from the WNBA and dominate the dykes on a nightly basis. (Someone like Moochelle "Big Mike" Obama).  One can only conclude that the "womans" pro sports leagues are colluding to block tranny entrepreneurs from joining their ranks......where's that mug runcher Rapinoe? didn't she want the boys to compete with girls? why hasn't she taken up that cause at the Professional level? are we supposed to believe that there is not one single man in this country willing to say he identifies as a woman in order to play professional sports and dominate the girlies in basketball, soccer, tennis, golf etc etc?  or is it a case of Rules for Thee , but not for me......they will push transgender athletes down your throat at the grade school - high school level.....but will go to great lengths to prevent it the mental illness from infiltrating the Pro level?

better question ...why are we talking about thespians when Sweater Nite looms on the horizon...and why does 2+3=BEEER ?

See her in that very tight skirt
Got what it takes
Just to make you hurt
Don't you see by those big bright eyes
Prefer to treat her nasty and low down lies.

1 comment:

alvarez said...

is it just me, or does caitlin's face remind anyone of mr. ed?

2 + 3 = beer
