Saturday, May 11, 2024

In a land that's known as Freedom

 How can such a thing be fair

Won't you please come to ChicagoFor the help that we can bring (CSNY)

I have a lot to say and so very little time to say good friends at Blog2print are going out of Business and i have to publish the 3rd volume of this blog into hardcover  by i need to address some elephants in the room and document some things for posterity.

I have been observing the news and reporting on some of the most important occurrences that i feel are stepping stones to a second civil war, and on May 11 2024 i feel we have crossed the great is inevitable......we are well passed the point of no return.

The Roman Empire lasted 1,000 years....the Ottaman Empire over 600.....and in school we covered both in a fortnight. This American Expirement, this land of Freedom; will turn 250 on July 4th 2026. (That is if we make it) The original premise of huddled masses yearning to be free was a good one and it worked. But like any great house from history....a divided one can't stand......and the fastest way to become a house divided is to let in people that do not share your core values and principles. I am not talking cultural differences, we are a melting pot and that's what has made us so special. I am talking about people that Hate you and what you stand for , people that do not wish to assimilate but rather divide and conquer. The Muslims and the Chinese have been playing the long game for 2,000 plus years......every generation takes a step forward while changing a piece of their adversaries for ever. Some generations took giant leaps and bounds.....

The transition of America from where we were on September 12th 2001 to where we are now should shake everyone on the planet to their core. As a nation we have elected the squad, women who have pledged allegiance to Palastine over the US; and they are serving in Congress. We have turned our back on our most vulnerable ally in the Middle East and we have celebrated protesters' wearing Hamas headbands on the Campus grounds of Colombia , Harvard and all the rest. All this in 23 years since these same terrorists attacked and killed close to 3,000 innocent civilians on our soil. Last week was a turning point for me too.....i have crossed over.....from the alarmist ringing the bell to the survivalist with an action plan. I will still blog as long as i am breathing, but i am heading to high ground.

From the bottom of the oceanTo the mountains on the moonWon't you please come to Chicago?No one else can take your place

Occupy Wall St, The George Floyd riots and the BLM marches were the precursor to what is to follow, they were the testing ground to see how far they could push us, what they could get away with and what society was willing to just accept. Unfortunately this blue print is in the hands of the Anti-Semitic mobs that have been terrorizing Colleges (for now), and will be moving into the cities after graduation. This summer will be a big pot of water on a stove...simmering and beginning to bubble until it Boils over on the Shores of Lake Michigan on Monday August 19th at the Democratic national Convention.

The fuse has already been lit, i expect an explosion of Anti-American behavior to swallow and engulf Joe Biden and his friends, because these people are not the Democrats we grew up with...they are not concerned about the "party" , they want chaos and destruction and as they like to chant "Death to America". 

We can change the worldRe-arrange the worldIt's dying, if you believe in justiceIt's dying, and if you believe in freedomIt's dying, let a man live his own lifeIt's dying, rules and regulations, who needs themThrow them out the door

 I hope to live long enough to see the looks on the faces of the Homosexuals' for Gaza when the mob takes control and they learn that they are about to loose from the neck up for offending Allah. I hope to see at least one press conference where the young ladies of America are lobbying against arranged marriages, being forced to wear Hijabs and veils from head to toe and losing their driving privileges' and right to vote.
I hope to witness the socialist mobs that spent generations living off Capitalists handouts , welfare, unemployment, food stamps etc etc when they realize that there aren't even crumbs to share when living in a dictatorship.

I think Chicago will be the official Ft Sumptor moment , i expect the majority of the cities to devolve into chaos , I can envision martial law and.......wait for it........the cancelling of all elections.....we already are a banana republic so what's stopping the dead and dying from grasping the reigns of power by any means available? i have never tried to tell anyone what they should do, or what is best for them and their familes, but after 10 days of deep thought and self examination i think i have to go where the chilly winds don't blow......Jesus was an only son, and love his only concept.....Slainte - Peace Out 

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