Monday, September 16, 2024

No surprise

 I watched the news last night after I heard that Kamala Harris was disturbed about a “possible “ assassination attempt on President Trump…….in fairness I was watching football and read that on the scroll …’s possible that I missed when they cut into the game with BREAKING NEWS……but her reaction was the first bit of news that I saw.

I watched the news this morning and ABC , NBC and FOX5 NY all reported that the gunman was a former supporter of Trump and that he turned against the President in 2020 on Twitter.

It wasn’t until I opened the NY Post just now on the train and read that  the gunman had actually been posting on social media the same rhetoric that Kamala and Joe use about Democracy being on the Ballot and the mantra that we CAN’T loose..

Another indisputable piece of evidence that shows how disingenuous the media is and how they are ALL in lockstep to influence another election….

He won’t do it, but I would support Donald Trump if he dropped out of the race….. I don’t think this country is worth dying for anymore.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

what are they doing there now ?


just a beautiful Methodist hymn written in 1901....covered by hundreds, but my favorite version is Jorma Kaukonen on Blue Country Heart in 2002.

What are they doing in heaven today
Where sin and sorrow are all done away?
Where peace abounds like a river, they say?
What are they doing there now?

There's some whose hearts
Were burdened with care
They paid for their moment with fighting and tears
But they clung to the cross with a trembling fear
But what are they doing there now?

And there's some whose bodies were full of disease
Physicians and doctors couldn't give them much ease
And they suffered 'til death brought a final release
But what are they doing there now?

What are they doing in heaven today
Where sin and sorrow are all done away?
Where peace abounds like a river, they say?
What are they doing there now?

There's some who were poor and often despised
They looked up to heaven with tear-blinded eyes
While people were heedless and deaf to their cries
What are they doing there now?

Monday, September 09, 2024

To Everything, Turn, Turn, Turn

 There is a season, turn, turn, turn.

And a time to every purpose under heaven.( Ecclesiastes)

that brilliant sunshine......those magnificent cool breezes and absence of humidity, the rustling of the trees.....picture perfect post cards......September always delivers the finest weather for the Northeast.....but behind the silver lining lies the realization that we are crawling or speeding our way towards winter and the long dormant , frozen death of that season......could be a metaphor for the nation.

interesting clip of Bernie Sanders on Meet the Press over the weekend....when he was asked if he thought Kamala was abandoning her radical progressive policies that she has held in the past and has recently flip flopped on......he said No, she's not abandoning her previous positions, she is just being pragmatic and saying what she thinks she needs to say to win the election.

So, in other words.....she is lying to a stupid and gullible public that wants someone to tell them it's raining when they are actually getting pissed struck me how brazen they have become....the actually say the quiet piece out's like they are all in on the little joke they are playing on the American Public.......even AOC and the squad have received the memo.....keep mum....don't criticize Kamala , she doesn't really mean ANY of it....Kamala now wants to BUILD the WALL and she supports FRACKING , and yet none the greenies have a problem or have publicaly challenged her new positions.........and the media bangs the drum and marches along the parade route.


A time to be born, a time to die.
A time to plant, a time to reap.
A time to kill, a time to heal.
A time to laugh, a time to weep.