Tuesday, September 19, 2006

thoughts on box of rain

one of the more beautiful songs in the dead repertoire, happy, sad, thought provoking, all at the same time depending on the listener. I do know that Phil used to sing the lyrics to his dying father in the hospital. the last line is the one that has always stopped me in my tracks......"such a long, long time to be gone and a short time to be there" .....stop and think about it.....when we are gone, we are going to "be gone" for a long long time........and our time spent here on earth in comparison is soooo short.......we all have someone close to us who has "been gone" for a long, long time.....and when you try to remember that person........it seems like they were here for such a short time............. we are mere specs on the portrait on the universe, and yet we tend to obsess about every second, hour, day , week, month of our lives...........it's such a short time to be here............but such a long, long time to be gone.......I think we should probably spend more time obsessing about finding a nice place to spend that eternity, that long long time that is to come, and less time obsessing about short days spent here on earth......just a thought.

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