Friday, January 12, 2007

SNIX is coming

“Number Nien, Number Nine, Number Nine”

With Great Fanfare Sweater Night prepares to turn 9, No, Nien, Nada, Nyet, Ichsnay. Excitement is at a fever pitch in and about the Borough of Churches. The Knights of Columbus cracks the starting lineup this year as a “long time fan, first time host”. For those of you keeping score at home this is the 6th venue to host an event . Competition to host is fierce, like cities of America vying for the right to host a Superbowl. Untold hundreds of dollars will surely flow into the local economy. “Livertog Flumebeedoo and his amazing gefeltah Fish” are slated to perform live that Nite as the Macaddottes have been unceremoniously dumped as house band.

Sad to say we lost one of our sweater nite attendees this past year. There will be a moment of silence this year to be dubbed "RR" ( remembering Roger) The "you know who" lost his battle with gullible-itis this past year, and although his humorless corpse still walks the land , he is no longer welcome at our gatherings. John Duffy will be working the door with his Dude sympathizer wand to identify any spies and block their entrance too. Rog , or was it Raj , suffered for many years with his St Anselms induced inferiority complex, mainly because his parish was too afraid to compete against the other Catholic Schools in South Brooklyn, that being OLA, OLPH and occasionally St Pat's.. Truth be told most Bayridgeites thought St Anselms was a Church without a school or a retirement home for the elderly. For the benefit of those of you who do not remember Rog ( and probably most of you don't) he was a Bush loving ( the beer not the President….his politics were always a question mark) Nike wearing Fool. Honorary Vice President of the Jeff Spicolli fan Club…..he took his nickname from the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High….before that his nickname was "Rusty" because of his LOVE of Rusty Staub. He was , and I am sure he still is "notoriously" cheap. He still has not paid for his Hotel room at the Final Four in 1988. He was known to overcharge people for ICE at a tailgate party, even though he emptied out the ice trays from his parents freezer. He always bought the cheapest beer that the deli had for sale, which we all did, but he did not have the Pride or Courage to then drink Cheap Beer with a smile…..instead he cowered in the shadows of Moon Man Park, or worse, drank other people's premium beers. In any event , in the newfound spirit of kindness and forgiveness that the Knights and SNIX both share, we will take a moment and reflect on his passing.

Sweater Knight 9 , or Svetter Nite Nein, or SNIX, or whatever you prefer to call it will be held on Friday the 16th of FeBREWary at the Knights (who so recently said NI) of Columbus hall at 8122 5th ave in beloved Bayridge Brooklyn, or Yellow Hook or Broken land as the Dutch used to refer to her. The pregame skate starts about 5:30 in PC’s Pub ( 7259 5th ave ) just a stones throw from the Knights. The Gala itself should kickoff at 8:00 p.m.The requirements stay the same, bring a Jersey and your thirst. As an added wrinkle this year, there will be a day after brunch at PC’s pub for the 1:00 faceoff between our cherished Rangers and the woeful Philadelphia frequent fliers on Saturday 2/17. Craig Paz has agreed to put out a warm buffet during the game. In closing I hope this letter finds you in an inebriated state , or at least well on your way , depending on when your mail is delivered. Feel free to spread the word as all are welcome with the exception of you know who. Until the Puck drops, lace up , Gear and for the Popes sake DRINK UP !! …..don’t forgot to log on to the Official Sweater Night blog at

Thomas P O’Dowd
President & Founder

1 comment:

maddog said...

Need directions...what is address?

Any Gilligans Islander fans coming?