Tuesday, November 04, 2008

There you stood on the edge of your feather,
Expecting to fly.
While I laughed, I wondered whether
I could wave goodbye, (Buffalo springfield)

And so as a Nation we stand on the precipice of disaster and I wonder how many of us will never get the chance to say goodbye. 7 years after the most catstrophic attack on Amercian soil we stand ready to elect a terrorist sympathizer to be our president, a man who for 20 years sat in his pew and listened to his Rev Shout "God Dam America"........are we such a nation of self loathsome creeps, feeling so guilty about something in the past , so convinced we are going to hell that we insist on bringing the rest of the nation with us ? is that the majority in America this day ?

As the rest of the world slowly emerges from centuries of communism and socialism, of dictators and despots, and embraces the ideals of Capitalism and Freedom , we as a Nation seem willing to take a step back into the darkness........if it were not so serious , it would be comical.

forgive me if I do not get the chance to say goodbye in person.....and oh yeah, after we're gone....pls wear a button that proclaims "NEVER FORGET" the next tragedy.......which by the way barrack...it wasn't a tragedy, or tsunami or earthquake......it was x$@3!! MURDER.

Vote your conscience today friends....vote your conscience.

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