Saturday, May 30, 2009

sweater nite bullet points

i am not going to waste too much time on sotomayor , we know she is a "shoe in" or in this case an "espadrille" in....Thanks big X for 3 years of spanish, had I known it would come in handy , I may have paid more attention...el cinco de drunco. Lets just pointa few things out.

She is a racist , even if we can not proove she discriminates. she clearly holds the belief that Race and Gender are a factor in ones she herself stated.
"a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life" .....if we take her at her word, then we must also insist that if seated, she will bow to the conclusions of Chief Justice Roberts and The Honorable Justice Scalia in matters that pertain to Caucasian males , it's only fair...right?

perjury ? not to pat myself on the back , but you should recall my rants prior to the turn of this century in PC's Happy Hours, that then President Clinton getting away with perjury in the Monica Blewinsky scandal was laying the wrong groundwork for years to come......we now have a society of smarmy, wise ass Athletes and Politicians that thumb their noses at the phrase " The Truth, The Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth"....Sen Buress for the latest example...he did not feel a conversation with blago's brother in which he stated "if I ask my people to a fund raiser for the Gov and then don't get Obama's seat , what am I gonna tell them" warranted a YES response under oath when asked ....DID YOU HAVE ANY CONVERSATIONS WITH ANYONE REGARDING OBAMAS SEAT?

a group of people gathered at Liberty State Park in Jersey City to protest the building of a 30ft high memorial to the residents of the state that were murdered on September 11 , 2001.......they argued that it would obstruct views of lower Manhattan , .......we can only hope that each and every one of these "people?" fall victim to the next attack , lets see how they like the fking view from hell.

I truly feel bad for the officer that was killed by a fellow officer in East Harlem Friday morning....both were in plain clothes, the shooter was on duty, the shootee was not, it was an accidental shooting, my heart goes out to the family, in what little we know about the victim he sounds like a great guy, wanted to be a Police Officer since he was a child , dead at 24 with a wife and a son left behind.....but in the clamour of sharpton and the going over the rule book with a magnifying glass to point blame at the white officer that pulled the point will probably never be raised..........the off duty plain clothes officer that was shot was chasing after someone that was rummaging through his car...WITH HIS GUN DRAWN in East Harlem........if their roles were reversed they would be attacking this what point did you feel your life threatened so much so that you had to pull your gun ? the thief was running away? I was not there, I am not criticizing , but you have to think if he does not have a gun in his hand when he turns towards the on duty Police Officer , he is still alive today.

Lastly, that miserable penny whore Rachel is not running the Belmont.....injured? you might sir.......TIRED.....a well earned Vacation her owner stated......hogwash, she was gonna get trounced and the whole damn racing world knew it....once again the Triple Crown is a Mockery....tear it up and start from scratch....spread the three races throughout the summer session with "No Ties" to each other....just 3 stakes races without different or better than the Haskell or Travers.....there is no Triple Crown in this country and anyone owner, breeder, trainer, jockey OR HORSE that thinks otherwise is a sucker.

Happy Saturnalian Saturday and best wishes to TIZZACLANCYGIRLNOW the latest acquisition to Dermotts racing Team .

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