Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Colts Fiasco

lets cut right to the chase.....the Colts owe their fans a refund and they owe ALL fans and the rest of the NFL an apology, as the great linguist Herm Edwards said, "You Play to Win the Game".......the message the Colts sent on Sunday is "Oh no you don't" , not if their are bigger fish to fry....the Colts made a mockery of the NFL , it's not who you play , but when you play them on your schedule , if the Jets get in because of a tie-breaker I hope it is at the expense of a team that had the bad luck of Playing the colts and loosing earlier in the year when the games still counted.....never mind the fact that the Colts threw away an opportunity to make history , as if Peyton Manning will benefit in the playoffs because he got an early shower on Sunday, 3 full weeks before their first playoff game....it would serve them right to get bounced in their playoff opener..

the ironic part , not that any jackass in today's society bothers to learn from history , but 2 years ago, under similar circumstances , with only history on the line, the Jints and Pats battled it out with their starters for 4 quarters on the LAST weekend of the season.....no rest for the weary....those two teams obviously met a month later for all the marbles.

bottom line....the colts owe their ticket holders at least a partial refund for last Sunday.....don't hold your breath.

1 comment:

HOFF said...

The top picture was with 8:06 left in the first half. Right.