Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Teddy saves the world

Can't you feel that sun a-shinin'?
Ground hog runnin' by the country stream
This must be the day that all of my dreams come true
So happy just to be alive
Underneath the sky of blue
On this new morning, new morning
On this new morning with you.

in death, Teddy Kennedy did more for this nation that he ever could do alive, Bob Dylan is right, this is a New Morning in America, the people of the great Bay State have spoken, even slimey democrats like anthony weiner now admit out of self preservation fear, that it is time for a "timeout" on simply can't buyout everyone ( see Nebraska and the AFLCIO) just to get their votes....if everyone is exempt that beggs the question of just whom does this legislation apply to? had a nice run barry....365 days exactly, now hit the brix and go get your shinebox,

if your just waking up and have not heard the joyous news, in a state where registered democrats outnumber registered republicans by 3 to 1 , a REPUBLICAN has won the seat vacated by the hell confined Teddy Kennedy........EVEN after barry hussein personally stumped for the democrat candidate as recently as this past THIS is change even I can believe in......

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