Thursday, July 29, 2010

no laughin matter

if it were not so serious , it would be hysterical. The way politicians continue to turn any and every issue around and come off sounding correct, of course they can only do that with the help of the Media and an ignorant public.

Example # 999 Mayor Mike in his harsh criticism of Arizona

BLOOMBERG: The solution to our problems is more immigration, more immigrants. That's been true since the Pilgrims settled here. And will continue to be true even more so in the future as we continue to live in a more global technological world.

Nice sound bite , even makes sense, we are all immigrants, we all got our start thanks to the small problem.....Arizona is not opposed to Immigration, I am not opposed to Immigration, my Grandparents were Immigrants, and everyone on the Continent ( with the exception of Sitting Bull and his Friends) are descendants of immigrants.

The PROBLEM Mayor Mike is that dirty little word that is omitted from every story on Arizona " ILLEGAL " Immigration.......oh right, those people that have no use , understanding or regard for our Laws ( not the politicians this time, but the people that sneak across the border) The people that come here illegally, work off the books, and send greenbacks back to their native countries. Nobody is opposed to a Human Being applying for and receiving Citizenship to this great Nation.....the Concern is for those that Waltz in uninvited and unwelcome, illegally, enroll their kids in our schools , take advantage of our social programs, and cost us billions in Tax Dollars.........with zero repercussions.

oh but why should we be surprised.....Sean Bell lost his life while defying a direct order from a Police Officer......the Police officer was put up on trial .....and bell ? ? He had a street named after him and his estate was just awarded 7 million dollars...

it's been over for a while.

I need to find a new Gin Mill in Joisey city to help take my mind off the reality of this world...Wheres Reggie when we need her ?

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