Friday, July 30, 2010

The world in which we live

Sometimes when the Cuckoos cryin, when the moon is halfway down.
Sometimes when the night it's dyin, I take me out and wander round

I know I use this quote a lot, but for good really sums it up. The time of which Mr Weir warbles is wakeup time for me during the week....3:45 A.M. that whistle alarm clock blows.......up in the mornin and out to school.

Today , as i stood on the back Porch while my ferocious hound sniffed around for varmits. It was approx 4:30 now, the sky was transforming from midnight black to a lighter shade of pale, the stars in all their raging glory were twinkling one last time, the air was crisp, zero humidity, the yard was silent , I need a fix of some's been too long I thought to myself since i have submerged my soul into a reading of "On the Road".

I miss Garcia now more than ever, as we approach 15 years since Uncle Jerry took his leave, I wonder was he ever here at all ?

but we keep on dancin.


Anonymous said...

Open up all the doors and let them ALL in and let Bloomberg pay the bill. I'm moving to some uncharted island and set up my own fiefdom!

nygiantfan77 said...

...I'll apply for fiefship!