Wednesday, August 18, 2010

park place mosque cont' snooze for a few days and a lot happens.

*On Thursday Press Secretary Gibbs says the Pres will not weigh in on the Mosque, it's a local issue

* On Friday, while celebrating the beginning of ramadan at the white house, Barry Hussein says they should build it and he supports it

* On Sat Pres Waffle backtracks, says I think they have the legal right to build it, but I never said they should build it "there"

* On Sunday Gibbs says the Presidents' stance is perfectly clear and unchanged.

* Jerry Nadler says there is no place for hatemongers at the WTC site....i guess he means those of us who are morally opposed to the moslems building a monument to terrorism on an expanded gravesite for so many, then we must be hatemongers....actually Jerry, if we were hatemongers we would let them build the mosque and then drive a truckload of explosives through the front door during services......just like those misunderstood peace loving jihadists did at the World Trade Center.

* Mayor Bloomberg......take a deep breath.....sank to the lowest rung imaginable when he stated that to oppose the Mosque was an insult to the memory of the firefighters that died that day, he trivialized a very real and painful event by saying that the firefighters that died that day did not care what religion the trapped people inside the Towers were........this is low, this is scumbag......he is an educated man, he knows what he is doing, he is spinning the issue to create more pain and suffering , nobody is saying outlaw islam, nobody is saying let them burn to death in a building fire, nobody is spewing hate except the 3 jackasses referenced above......for the Mayor to bring up the dead and inject their spirit into this debate is shameful, if he were an ignorant man I would forgive him, but again ; he knows exactly what he is doing your son died that day, and now the representatives of the people that murdered him want to build a monument and safe haven next to his graves, for centuries of fanatics to come and gloat over your sons death, and celebrate their fanaticism, and plan more attacks , and you the PARENT....You are disgracing your Sons memory.........Mayor Bloomberg i hope in your quietest moments alone, deep down inside, you know what you are and exactly where your going......time is short mike, clean your house.

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