Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Lucky Man

So my darling Angel of a wife went to barnes and Noble and picked me up.....not just another copy of ON THE ROAD , but a special edition of the actual SCROLL....for those of you unfamiliar, Jack Kerouac typed ON THE ROAD original version on one never ending sheet of scroll paper in a two week Benzedrine high in his apartment in Ozone Park.....7 years later the miscreants and mugwumps at Viking Press clipped, chipped and chopped away a significant portion for libel and obscenity reason and printed a more sanitized version of Jacks work, still a timeless classic that inspired millions and like Robert Frosts road less taken, changed the path or at least altered the attitude of soo many , many people.....I honestly count my blessings that i read the book whilst still an impressionable young man and not yet a cad carrying member of the brown and gray wall street was Jack that steered me into the Navy by instilling an unquenchable thirst to travel, i can't imagine who or what i would be today if not for THAT book, the grateful dead, Illegal substances and ALL the unforgettable, forgotten moments that followed.......Today, you can now read the original version........I am still reading the 100 pages of introduction from various literary figures and already my Days are growing brighter......

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