Wednesday, March 02, 2011

DRINKING in the U.S. NAVY ? ?

wow shocker.....Sailors were drinking and fratenizing with the ladies while in Port on Liberty......maybe they woke up and realized they could be killed before sundown while protecting their countrymen and serving in hostile environments overseas, maybe thay took an extra shot a whiskey and chatted up the local ladies and cracked a bottle of beer over some schmucks head ....he probably deserved it....i'm just is the Fukin Navy...lighten up people....when did the world become such a politically correct shithole of a place to live....if i was in the Navy today I would probably get thrown out.....

The Navy announced Tuesday that it was relieving both the commanding officer and the command master chief of the Norfolk-based USS Stout – one of the Navy destroyers stationed in the Mediterranean and poised to respond if needed to developments in Libya.

Cmdr. Nathan Borchers and Master Chief Susan Bruce-Ross were relieved due to what the Navy termed a "loss of confidence" in their ability lead.

A Navy official told Fox News that Borchers failed to properly oversee members of his ship who were apparently involved in misconduct while in ports at various locations in Europe. The use of alcohol and fraternization were issues during these port visits, the official said. The relief of Borchers followed an investigation into multiple allegations of crew misconduct.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tom, you wouldn't have been thrown out - you would have been keel-hauled!!!

Happy Birthday, you OLD galoot!