Monday, March 12, 2012

pay close attention

its been 24 hours since the soldier in afganistan went on that murderous spree and killed 16 men, women and children civilians....the president apologized, said that's not indicitive of our military character.......true..........but what of this soldier???

seems to me if this incident happened in burbank or waco or main street USA we would immediately call into question the sanity of the shooter......i haven't heard that yet.

maybe....because it would shine a light on our govt and the fact that our soldiers have been under the stressing point for 10 years now......maybe this is the tip of the iceberg........maybe nobody wants to admit just how bad the moral , payscale and family seperation issues are.......for to do so, would leave somebody up the chain of command as equally responsible....

lets see where the medis runs with this one...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heartily agree, Tom. They reported last night this guy also served in Iraq. I'm just suprised this hasn't happened sooner!