Saturday, June 30, 2012

sunny side of the street is dark

and way over on the other side of planet......lest ye think i am allowing the antics in DC to get me down in the dumps...i am not........until they ban booze....then i will take one for the team and head south myself.

But i am sitting the desk on Weds.......swampy waters busy i was....but i found time to search the internet....what for pray tell ?   stock quotes?  Finra rules and Regs ? soemthing work related ??  nope....i searched for and found a download of the last Dead show I was privilieged enough to attend....Fathers Day 1995.....2 months after my own Dad passed, I found myself on the field of  Meadowlands....Bob Dylan was the opener for the Dead........great day, great show........the Dead Encored with Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.....6 weeks later the Great Jerome Kahn Garcia too would the last tune i saw him perform.....after 97 Dead shows, and probably a dozen or more Jerry Garcia Band show.....he ends his our relationship with a Beatles Classic......pretty cool.......LSD was a big part of those 97 shows......a fitting way to say Goodbye to New York........but as i sat kistening on weds...i was surprised with the mumbling or stumbling.....i had to bring the lyrics up on screen because i wasn't sure of the words.....and so i played it again and followed along...Jerry Nailed mistakes.......for goodness this stage of the game he was forgetting the words for Tennessee Jed and singing the verses to most songs out of sequence.....but he nails the most difficult song in history.....the brain is strange organ........THE GRASS GROWS INCREDIBLY HIGH....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Plasticene Porters ..Looking Glass Ties ..