Tuesday, August 21, 2012

follow up question

so barry rose to the podium and declared rape is rape.....agreed.....but then in a shameless attempt to distract tha fairer sex he bent way over backwards to ponder whether a group of polticians....mostly men....should be deciding health issues for women?    huh ?

sooooooooo......by his own logic....how is it that a single hawaian-indonesian male should be deciding health issues for a nation of  300 million ? ?

OR , if women should be allowed to decide on their own health care....how about dividing the country into 3 or 4 hundred subgroups of age, gender and ethnicity........should a group of polish adoloscents be deciding their own health care issues ?

OR......better yet.....should the central Government be deciding anything ???    the polticians live in a fantasy world, they are out of touch with average americans and they should have limited power on EVERY issue.

Thanks barry....sounds like your coming around.

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