Thursday, September 19, 2013


no, no, no.....not little people....Extremely Low Frequency, or ELF......that's how submarines communicate to each other and thats how we telepathically alert bartenders that we need addittional our boy Aaron Alexis etched that into the barrel of his assault rifle.....and the rush is on to declare him crazy and move on.........he shot a few rounds into the ceiling of his apartment in fort worth cause the lady upstairs was making too much noise......who hasn't done or wanted to do that ?   So he shot out the tires of some construction vehicles that were working on the house next door to his in seattle.....again i say, sounds he told police in Rhode Island that he was being stalked by a microwave and intense vibrations ?  just another saturday around here...........this guy was on to something....there is too much noise in society....everybody is loud.......we need to communicate via ELF......or start shootin..........Good luck in the afterlife Aaron....fare well and following Seas.....just another product of the United States Navy.

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