Tuesday, September 03, 2013

whats a few missiles amongst friends

so i watched the sec of state on friday....ol purple heart kerrey.....the vietnam protester himself....and he practically linked syria to everything from the kidnapping the Lindberg baby to some minor forms of cancer.....these are bad, BAD people....and America is willing to go it alone, for to turn a blind eye would be the equivalant of participating in a genocide......then he backtracked, and said absolutely no troops on the ground, not an open end committment, just a few strategic missiles to save face.

Whitehouse spokesman Jay Carney went so far to name potential targets , talk about ship based missiles and a loose timeline for the attack.....maybe special donors could watch the events unfold from the war room with hillary and barry.

Then the Commander in Chief spoke.....America will do the right thing, no matter what...."Our Oldest Ally" France was on our side he said....a deliberate insult to England....bur America was willing to go it alone.

then he bactracked and fgured he would drag congress into the act, so if it failed or there was any backlash he could deflect blame onto congress.

i have never been so emberassed to be an American......we are the laughing stock of the free and unfree world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

join the crew...I've been embarrassed for a long time. Benghazi was the icing on the cake!